Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2655: Test of heart!

Chapter 2655: Heart Test

"Although I lost the battle today, today's shame, I will inevitably remember it in my heart!"

In the distant void, Luo Ningchuan's body has also stopped.

He did not leave, nor did he continue to escape. There was Feixue's body method, and he naturally did not fear the ghost and pursued him again.

And his gaze was always gazing at the figure that looked very downcast.

But it is such a dismal figure that it does not fall.

As if never falling down.

At this moment, Shi Feng and Luo Ningchuan looked at each other so far.

Shi Feng looked at the man, his face full of disdain.

An underdog who can only run! He challenged himself to declare war, but he ran like this.

It really doesn't look like a man.

This time, he defeated this Luo Ningchuan with the Sixth Heaven Realm, and defeated him with his own strength!

The Sixth Heaven of the True God defeated the Second Heavenly God of Kings. This record is really shocking.

The victory of this battle, Shi Feng's martial heart has become more firm.

It can also be said that the defeat of Luo Ningchuan laid down his martial spirit!

He is confident that he can soon enter a new realm, the true God, the seventh heaven.

"Let's go!" At this moment, Shi Feng looked away and said quietly.

"Well, good!" A charming voice suddenly lingered beside him, the voice was full of well-behaved.

Then, in the eyes, people saw that red and charming figure appeared beside the super genius.

There is no unnecessary nonsense, Shi Feng and Jian Tong's figures turned one after the other, facing away from Luo Ningchuan. Then, two figures moved, and they quickly broke into the east.

Luo Ningchuan, staring at the two figures in this way, gradually disappeared into the sky.

And his thoughts still echoed in the person just now, showing a scornful look to himself.

After he showed himself that way, he didn't look at himself again!

"He, I don't think I'm qualified, let him look at it again! He!" Luo Ningchuan said to himself again in his heart.

"Ah!" Thinking of it, Luo Ningchuan went crazy again.


Although Shi Feng was gone, in Zhanwu City, all eyes looked at the void where he left.

In Zhanwu City, people still talk fiercely about this super peerless genius.

It is estimated that this time, Zhanwu City, and even the entire Guling Shenzhou, this one will become the focus of discussion.

Genius, sacred place, ghost!

This taboo has been deeply imprinted in people's hearts since this moment.

Although the genius had left, there was another genius in the void in the distance.

That genius, at this moment, seemed to have become extremely lonely and lonely.

This is the world respected by martial arts. If you are ever glorious again, as long as you lose, it will become a stepping stone for others!

At this moment, Luo Ningchuan's situation has been shown to the fullest.

The secret place of the city's mansion, Luo Lin, the owner of the Snowflake Palace, looked at the lonely figure, "Hey!" He sighed deeply.

"Luo Lin, in fact, the boy Ningchuan was defeated this time, it might not be a good thing!" Seeing Luo Lin doing this, he trembled and comforted him.

Later, the elderly Taiyi also said, "Yeah! This boy Ningchuan has gone very smoothly in this life! In fact, due to some setbacks, he may be able to strengthen his martial spirit in the future.

"Why don't I know these." Hearing them, Luo Lin said.

Then he said, "Come on carefully, my son's life has really gone too smoothly!

As soon as he was born, he could see that he was different from ordinary people.

And he is also the son of my Luo Lin. No matter what, exercises, martial arts, elixir, etc., are best for him!

Everything seems to be so taken for granted!

At this moment he was defeated by the ghostly hand, and I finally realized the seriousness of the matter! Luo Ningchuan, the setbacks he suffered are really too few and too few!

His talent in martial arts is really good, but his heart is still flawed.

I suffered such a huge setback this time, and I was really afraid that he couldn't get out of the shadow of this defeat! That way, he really did it! "

As the biological father of Luo Ningchuan, Luo Lin naturally wanted more than others.

They are naturally more worried than they are.

At this moment, he looked at Luo Ningchuan, who was alone in the void, and found that he was somewhat abnormal.

After hearing Luo Lin's words, several other existences also realized that Luo Ningchuan suffered this defeat. It is really possible that he would be stunned!

As for whether he can get out of the defeat, it really depends on himself.

If you successfully get out, you will fly into the sky and become a dragon!

If you can't get out, that's one, waste insect!

Day by day, between his own thoughts.

"I, take a step!" Luo Lin said softly.

Before the voice fell, he saw his body and disappeared into this secret place silently.

Just moments later, Luo Lin had come to Luo Ningchuan, who had become blank and almost blank.

Luo Ningchuan immediately saw this majestic and solemn figure.

Upon seeing this, his complexion suddenly changed, as if pulled back from the moment of loss, and exclaimed, "Father! I ..."

Seeing this at this moment, Luo Ningchuan didn't know what he should say.

Faintly, the eyes were a little moist.

He just felt that he was useless and felt that he had failed him.

"Tears? Luo Ningchuan, give it to me, take it out!" When Luo Ningchuan was so, Luo Lin drank in a deep voice and yelled at him.

"I ... Father ..." Luo Ningchuan, feeling only his full grievances, his eyes were more sour.

But the wetness in his eyes was forcibly returned by him!


"That! That one!"


"Here, this is it! Who is it! The snowflake palace ..."

Gradually, people in Zhanwu City found that in another void, a transcendent figure appeared.

Soon, there was another uproar in Zhanwu City!

Although many of them had never seen him, but when such a person appeared at this time, they naturally knew who he was!

Lord of the Snow Palace, Luo Lin!

I did not expect that such a terrifying and powerful existence even appeared in Zhanwu City!

These characters, but as powerful as the mysterious city owner of the battle Wucheng, on weekdays, they are rarely seen at all.

Many people have never seen such transcendent figures in their lives. At this moment, we can see how we can not be excited!


In the battle with Luo Ningchuan, Shi Feng's injuries were naturally extremely serious.

At this moment, while he was empty with Jian Tong, he recovered this crippled body.

At the same time, World Stone urged and the map unfolded in his mind.

Just now, the reason why they didn't enter Wucheng and take a space teleportation array to leave was because they were going to a place.

This is where we are going now!

(Yesterday I was too tired and I slept too late! I updated it here tonight! You do n’t have to wait! Take a good rest tomorrow and fight back in the future! Please look forward to the next outbreak!

Recommend a book, "Engulfing All Realms", Introduction: The Lord of All Realms reverses time and space and devours everything! )

(End of this chapter)

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