Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2658: Shi Ling VS Protoss VS Bafan!

Chapter 2658 Stone Spirit VS Protoss VS Ba Fan!

The eight ghost generals, although fighting individually, are all centered around their ghost princess.

Just now, they were in all directions, but the center of these eight parties was the ghost princess, Shi Ling.

Their emperor has not returned yet, and the emperor is not there. They must protect his sister and not let her miss anything.

"I know!" Ghost said, and flung the black cape behind him, his body rushing away in the direction of Shi Ling, very fast.

The four-star demigod purple scale strongman, with his hands in claws, suddenly there were purple claws flying across the sky.

"Ahhhhhh!" Suddenly, in this area of ​​the battlefield, screams screamed at the same time.

Those who screamed were naturally human warriors, all with purple claws, who violently grabbed their heads, grabbed their hearts, and penetrated their flesh.

After that, he died under the force of purple claws.

At this moment, fifty-three human warriors fell, among them, there was a once peerless powerhouse of Jiuxing Wudi Realm, named Dragon Blood Emperor!

The dragon blood emperor, it is said that the ancestor was an ancient **** dragon, and the blood of the dragon flowed in his body.

This great emperor, once in Tianheng's continent, also had a prestigious existence. It is said that he once threatened that his dragon blood emperor, even Jiuyou emperor, would not be considered.

As a result, such a demon existed, and he died tragically under the trick of the protoss of the Protoss. The purple claws grabbed his skull and directly exploded his skull with one claw.



"Huh?" After the Purple Scale Protoss had killed fifty-three Terran warriors, he felt a wave coming from behind him, his face full of purple scales frowned suddenly, then turned slowly.

Suddenly, he saw a petite figure, who was suddenly flying towards him.

"Human tribe!" He murmured, but then his complexion changed again and he said in shock:

"This little girl of this tribe, at this age, has actually entered the four-star demigod! In this continent with low vitality and lost martial arts, the birth of such strong men at these ages is absolutely against the sky!

Although the blood of the dirty human race is flowing inside, but with this talent, I also have the qualification to make me pamper and give birth to me! "

With these words, his eyes were still staring at the petite and spirited figure. The purple scale protostom showed satisfaction and nodded secretly.

He had already seen that this little girl of the human race had just entered the four-star demigod state, and the state was still unstable, and he dared to rush to himself, only to send his body for himself.

"This seat, but a strong man who has entered the four-star demigod for many years!" Gradually, a wicked sneer appeared on his face.

"Huh?" But at this moment, his complexion moved again, making a sound of suspicion, turning his face slowly to the right and glancing at the other side.

The petite figure arrived soon, Shi Ling clasped her right hand, and a petite and lovely pink fist raised a strong force.

"Huh? This power!" The Purple Scale Protoss suddenly opened his eyes when he felt the power.

At the same time, he made a fist with his left hand, welcoming Shi Ling, a palm with his right hand, and a split to the right. Suddenly, the left and right hands burst into violent purple light.

Like a purple shock wave.

The space shattered in an instant, two black rifts appeared, and the four-star demigod struck.

"This alien is mine, give it to me, get out!" When Shi Ling punched into the purple light, a young, cold rage came.

It was a young man in a black armor, full of domineering body.

Tianba family, also known as the first genius of the overbearing family, Bafan!

Not long ago, it was this genius, named Pan Tianheng, the most powerful person in mainland China, Jiuyou Emperor.

The result was in the Tibetan Yinshan Mountain, defeated by the death of the Emperor Jiuyou the Great!

At this moment, Lover ’s mighty face was full of Leng Jun, his hands were punched at the same time, and then, his fists filled with the power of Lover were bursting out at the same time.

The right fist blasted to Shi Ling, and the left fist blasted to the Purple Scale Protoss.

Under the bombardment of Bafan's double fists, the area where the three were located suddenly became extremely violent and chaotic.

Shi Ling did not expect that when he met the power of that alien race, another huge overbearing fist came to the left.

"As a human being, why did you attack me?" The little man beaked his mouth, his face full of unhappiness, and turned his head to the genius of Ba Shijia that day.

That being the case, she was not polite.

Then she yelled: "One finger!"

Pointing out above the left hand, he welcomed the overbearing boxing shadow.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Suddenly, the sound of blasting burst out in this battlefield.

As if the mad thunder exploded here, the raging force raged, the space was constantly broken, and it was constantly distorted and boiling.

The human race and the protoss fighting in all directions have already evaded, and are far away from here.

"This girl!" Not far away, the ghost of one of the Eight Great Generals is constantly being hit by chaotic and violent energy, and her hair is constantly raging and violent.

At this moment, the ghost had stopped and rushed to Shi Ling, holding his chest with both hands, standing proudly in the air.

The moment Shi Ling's right hand became a fist, he already knew the horror of the girl, and his body had stopped.

Just now, it was they who underestimated this demon evil, even though she just stepped into the four-star demigod, that is also different from the ordinary four-star demigod.

Under Shi Ling's fist, I saw his purple light burst fiercely.

The other purple light was also wiped out by the punch of Ba Fan.

I saw the face covered with purple scales, and suddenly appeared extremely shocking, terrifying, terrifying look.

At this moment, he seemed to see the most terrifying things in the world.

Subsequently, two punches exploded on him at the same time, "Ah!"


When a scream came out, it was a loud noise.

The purple scale body exploded directly under the force of two.

Both are four-star demigods, but his four-star demigod is no longer comparable to the power of those two evil spirits.

At the same time, the power of Shi Ling's finger has already been placed on that huge punch.

At this moment, one of the ghosts' ghosts had a sudden change of face.

Whether it's the power of that finger or the punch, it's too strong.

Later, I saw that under the finger of Shi Ling, the huge fist shadow disappeared completely.

"How is it possible! How is this possible! How could this be so!" On Ba Fan's overbearing face, his eyes opened extremely wide, showing a look of extreme shock.

He simply couldn't accept all that happened.

The other party, just a girl around ten years old, broke her power with one finger.

"Ah!" A moment of pain came out of Ba Fan's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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