Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2660: Ghost Gate Battle!

Chapter 2660: Ghost Gate Array!

Shi Ling's small face was cold, glaring at the tyrants who came from the storm.

Later, he saw a lotus shaped like a handprint in his hands. Between the changes of the handprint, the deft hand shadow, like a bud lotus, bloomed slowly.

Just then, Shi Ling whispered, "Lotus moves!"

At the same time, he blasted out towards Ba Fan.

I saw a huge blooming green lotus suddenly appeared, and then rushed towards Ba Fanfei.

"This ... this power!" The ghost, who had been worried about Shi Ling, once again trembled under this evil power.

He faintly felt that his worry seemed redundant.

On the other side, Ba Fan, who was carrying a domineering spirit, was ruthless and cruel, looking at the moment when the green lotus appeared, his face changed again.

"This power! This power! How could it be! How could she have such power! How could it be!"

Having just had the absolute confidence to fight with Shi Ling, his eyes were once again extremely wide. In the face of such a powerful lotus flying, he just wanted to retreat at this moment.

However, everything is too late.

Qing Lian not only contains the peerless power, but even the speed of flying is extremely fast.

The moment Ba Ba stepped back, he flew to it, like a green mountain, and struck him fiercely.


But in an instant, people saw that mighty and overbearing body had been devoured by that green lotus.

Then the huge green lotus was still flying wildly in the distance.

"The genius with a domineering body is under this green lotus, and has no resistance at all."

"Absolutely not Brava, but this ghost princess, it is ... too strong!"


"Vaner!" But at this moment, just listening to a roar like a lion, roaring from the unusually violent and chaotic battlefield.

That battlefield is the place where Tian Ba ​​Shi Jia, the master of the family, fights with the powerful Jinlin Protoss.

The roar like a lion was the voice of Ba Xun.

In addition to being the boss of the domineering family, Ba Xun is the pro-grandpa of the domineering deity!

Later, I saw Ba Xun's equally overbearing burly body bursting out of the violent battlefield.

Worried about the dangers of Bafan, he directly abandoned the battle with the Protoss, and then his body flashed.

The next moment, he saw that Ba Xun had appeared in front of the huge Qinglian, and then banged into Qinglian.

"Boom!" Under the punch of Ba Xun, I saw Qing Lian violently violent, turning into a violent blue air flow raging in all directions.

Under the impact of the air flow, Ba Xun has long hair fluttering, and his mighty face is full of anger, looking at the young figure in the center of the blue air flow.

At this moment of Ba Fan, his clothes were all broken, and he was embarrassed. He saw that Ba Xun was angry and distressed.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the petite figure in the middle of the distance, and yelled, "Little bitch! Give this seat, die!"

Anger drank these words, Ba Xun aimed at the stone spirit in the middle of the distance, and the tyrant blasted out with a punch.

A huge black fist print appeared instantly between heaven and earth, blasting towards Shi Ling.

"not good!"

"not good!"

"Protect the princess!"

"Full protection of the princess!"


"Domineering family tyrant Xun, how dare you!"


Seeing Ba Xun's tyrant punch, the eight ghosts suddenly changed their faces and shouted in shock.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the eight shadows flashing together, and the eight ghost generals flashed in front of Shi Ling, running the strongest ghost power, as if to compete with that punch.

"Eight ghosts are in battle, and the gate of the ghost is wide open!" Eight ghosts will be located in eight directions. I saw eight deadly ghosts, and instantly transformed into eight extremely strange white characters.

The eight characters are connected by a white line, like the shape of an eight-pointed star, and a sound of "Bang", a sound like a metal roar, resounds through the center of the eight-pointed star, and suddenly a large white gate appears The door opened.

An extremely bright, dazzling white light was transmitted out of it, but then, the strange light disappeared again, as if it had never appeared.


"Alas! Alas!"



The bursts of crying sounds like ghosts kept coming out of the "Ghost Gate", and the extremely cold and bleak wind continued to blow out from the Ghost Gate.

As soon as the ghost door appeared, the world was discolored and gloomy!

Overcast winds, this heaven and earth, as if turned into a ghostly land!

"Ghost Gate!"

"Is this the legendary ghost gate battle of the eight major ghosts?"

"Okay ... shy feeling!"

"It is indeed worthy, under the seat of the Great Emperor Jiuyou, the Eight Great Ghosts!"

"My body is shaking constantly."


The ghost gate battle is rumored to be a mysterious existence in Nether Purgatory, presented to the eight ghost generals!

As for who the mysterious existence is, many people do not know, it is said that it is not the Jiuyou Emperor.

The Ghost Gate burst out, not only the distant human race or the protoss, but the body began to tremble involuntarily.

As if there was an evil spirit, he was staring at himself at this moment, making himself hairy and shuddering.

"Ghost Gate!" Shi Ling also knew the existence of Ghost Gate, but looking at the front, she shook her head slowly:

"The Ghost Gate array is the one given by him, which is bound to be extraordinary. However, after all, the eight generals only practiced it to the beginning, and they couldn't stop the blow at all!"

"You guys, retreat! Otherwise, you will all die!" Shi Ling's complexion suddenly became abnormally dignified, and he drank loudly at the eight ghosts in front of him.

With today's ghost gate battle, the power of the Eight-Star Demigod cannot be blocked at all.

At the same time, there was a cyan storm that rolled out of Shi Ling's body and rolled forward.

The eight ghosts were immediately caught in the cyan storm.

Suddenly a "sneak attack" suddenly made the eight ghosts unstable, and the ghost gate that just appeared disappeared at this moment.

The sound of the ghosts and the overcast wind also dissipated at this moment.

The gloomy heavens and earth all returned to their original state instantly.

The ghost gate formation was subsequently broken!

The figure of the Eight Great Ghosts has already become unstable under the blue storm, and flew wildly in all directions.

"No! No!"

"Ghost Princess!"


"No! Princess! Princess!"


Although the body shape of the ghosts is not controlled, they have realized what they are, and once again urged the strength of the whole body to stabilize their body strength, turned their heads one by one, and looked towards the side together.

Shi Ling, his hands are constantly changing fingerprints, his eyes are staring at the huge fist shadow that is about to hit.

With the change of her handprints, the old and blue Fuyu, constantly floating around her, exuding extremely bright blue light.

"The tactics of Lingwu, Lingwu, Xuantian!"

Along with this Jiao drink, Shi Ling's whole body of blue and blue runes suddenly turned around this Jiao body madly ...

(End of this chapter)

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