Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2662: Fire Flame Law!

Chapter 2662 Flame Flame City Law!

Shi Feng and Jian Tong entered the Night City and went directly to the Space Teleportation Temple, all the way straight to Jiuci City.

Although the battle of Zhanwu City was over, several cities near Zhanwu City were still hot, crowded and crowded.

The Peerless War has ended, and many people are on their way home.

In order to be recognized again, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and delay time, Shi Feng once again hid the martial arts realm and wore a hooded black robe outside. The whole person was shrouded in black hat and cloth Enchantment, so that no one can see his face clearly.

Even Jian Tong was shrouded in black at the moment.

At that time, in the battle against Wucheng City, many people saw this dim beautiful woman.

Along the way, what they heard was almost all about the battle of Zhanwu City.

The word nether is surging in the crowd like a rolling sea.

However, at this moment, Shi Feng had no intention to listen to these. He was all attached to Shi Ling, all he wanted was to hurry to Jiuci Mountain and ask Tian Guazi about the situation of Shi Ling.

"Linger, you must be fine!" Shi Feng said secretly in her heart again.

Immediately followed, and then uttered sternly: "No matter who it is! If I bully my family spirit, I will crush him! Corpse! Man! Segment!"

At this moment, Jian Tong, who was beside Shi Feng, felt an endless killing attack.

It's been a while with him, she never felt such a strong intention to kill from him.

"Sister, indeed a very important relative!" Jian Tong murmured secretly.

She used to have brothers and sisters. She used to love them.

It was just that he was killed at that time, and he did not know what happened to his relatives.

Because they have a relationship with themselves, their fate will inevitably be manipulated by the swordsmen of that era, and there is nothing to end.

Feeling the emotion brought by Shi Feng, at this moment, she gave a deep sigh.

Although thousands of years have passed, her memories of her loved ones still seem vivid.

Between the crowd, the flow of people was completely motionless, and Shi Feng became more and more anxious, and his body broke down.

"Broken! Someone broke through in Flame Flame City! Ignore the rules!"

Someone breaks through the air, and naturally attracts strange eyes instantly.

"What a courage! He dare to break into the flames!"

"Yeah! Now is the extraordinary period. It is said that the city regulations of each city are controlled very tightly. If ordinary soldiers dare to ignore the city regulations, it will be miserable!"

"Not long ago, I saw a man who ignored the city rules in Qubei City. His body was frozen into ice, then turned into hail, and melted completely in this world."

"Yeah! We all dare not break through here in Flame Flame City, he, why!" Many hearts have become unbalanced and said with dissatisfaction.

"Yeah! We're crowded here, but he bursts directly above our heads. It's really ... uncomfortable."

"Those who break the air against the rules of the city, the martial arts realm is bound to be supreme! At the very least, they have to step into the **** king realm to have this qualification, right? Who is this realm?

Someone asked this question.

Shi Feng suppresses the realm in the realm of true gods, even if it is a **** war continent, but ordinary warriors who can enter the true gods are also a few talented and outstanding beings.

But soon, someone said the martial arts situation of the man in the black robe in midair: "This man, but in the true God!"

When the man said this, his face was still full of disdain.

He didn't dare to break through the flames of this city in the Triple Sky of the True God, and once in a while, he had the courage.

Then a cruel smile appeared on his face: "A true **** is a heavy god, and soon, he will die tragically in Yanyan City, soon!"

"True God is heaven? This man in black robes, but True God is heaven?"

"I thought he was in an extraordinary realm. It turned out to be only true God!"

"True God even broke through the flames in the flames, who gave him the courage?"

"Some people are just tired! In order to hurry, don't even die! Hey!"

"This kind of person is completely his own desire to find death, and we do not necessarily feel sorry for him!"


The voices were still full of dissatisfaction, resentment, and ridicule.

Many people think that he is standing here in a safe line. Why did he fly over his head and rush to the teleportation temple?

If this person is not sanctioned today, it would be too unfair.

It's unfair to people who line themselves up like this.

"Those who violated the city rules of Yanyan City, quickly arrested!" And at this moment, people suddenly heard a loud shout, sounded in Yanyan.

Later, I saw a row of flaming warlords covered in armor, from the direction of the teleportation temple towards the black figure rushing forward.

There are eleven people in this line of Divine Flame Warriors. The martial realm of each is in the realm of true gods.

It's the elite troops of Flame Flame City!

It is also this time, specially appointed to take charge of the Order of Fire Flame City!

The leader of the **** flame is in the true **** Yaeten!

The person who saw the black robe didn't stop the flying figure under the sound of his own drinking. When the big sword in his hand moved, he pointed directly at the black robe and yelled coldly: "Kneel down, otherwise, it will turn into flame immediately! "

The applause filled with irresistible orders.

"The flame battle of Flame Flame City is finally out!"

"It is said that this Yan Yan leader is extremely terrifying! This man is going to be unlucky!"

"Unlucky is what he asked for! He has no strength and dares to ignore the rules? If everyone is like him, then Yanyan City is not messy!"


"Go!" Facing the leader of Divine Flame, at this moment, Shi Feng spit out the word coldly to him.

"No ... no?"

"Did I hear it wrong?"

"He, said to the flame leader of Yanyan City?"

"I trust! This person's courage is really too big! Originally I thought that he dared to ignore the city rules of Yanyan City, it was a great courage, but he did not expect that this person's courage was not The limit! "

"Yeah! Hiss! This is true, Lord who is not afraid of death!"

"I think he's crazy! This is absolutely a lunatic!"

"Look for death!" The **** flame leader didn't expect that once a true **** was born, he dared to talk to himself!

And it was in the attention of so many people.

Although the martial arts realm led by the **** flame is in the real **** Yae heaven, Shi Feng doesn't know how to use it to hide his realm. In the eyes of Yae heaven, the true **** is still heavy.

For the leader of this flame, this person definitely violated his authority!

If this person is not judged, what is his majesty in the future, and how to take charge of the Yanyan City Law on behalf of the Lord!

(End of this chapter)

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