Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2664: Hatred of young people

Chapter 2664: The Hate of Young People

All the way through the air, soon, Shi Feng's figure came to the teleportation temple.


"He's here!"



They are all warriors, and their eyesight is very comparable. Many people saw the scene of the void in the distance just now.

When the black figure fell and teleported the crowd before the temple, it suddenly spread like an explosion.

Sure enough, when people feel that their lives are threatened, the potential is endless.

The crowd that seemed extremely crowded at first turned out a big circle at this moment!

With a bang, Shi Feng fell violently into this circle, causing a great earthquake.

People in all directions still felt very disturbed, only to feel that the closer to this person, the more dangerous they were, as if the blood could be sucked by this devil at any time and turned into a dry body.

People are still desperately squeezing out, just wanting to get away from him as far as possible. The large circle formed by the flow of people is still expanding.

As Shi Feng walked forward slowly, the crowd in front moved along with it, and the gate of the teleportation temple was empty.

Gradually, a fog-like red figure suddenly appeared at the door, slowly becoming solid.

Instantly, turned into a beauty in red, and smiled at the figure of the black robe.

Jian Tong, who has wonderful magical powers, came here long ago, waiting for Shi Feng for a long time.

Shi Feng continued to walk towards it, and soon reached the gate of the temple, reached out and pushed the gate open.

Later, he entered with Jian Tong.

"Blood slave! There must be nothing wrong. The woman in the red coat just now is bound to be the blood slave of the Blood Demon ancestor!"

"Huh! It is said that the Blood Demon ancestor liked to **** young women's blood and then planted the demon seed. Those who were implanted will lose their self-awareness and will listen to the orders of the blood demon ancestors all their lives!

"Ah, such a beautiful woman, with a great age, was actually given by his blood-devil ancestor ... This woman is so beautiful that she must be destroyed countless times by that blood-devil ancestor!"

A fierce man said indignantly.

He felt that if he was the ancestor of the Blood Devil, there was such a beautiful girl with him, obeying his orders, he would linger with it every night, even if he was exhausted, he would be willing!

"I have lived for more than 20 years, and I am still a virgin now! This blood-devil ancestor! Ah, it is so abominable! An old thing has even possessed such a beautiful woman! Damn, it is really hateful!"

Another fierce young man said fiercely, his fists clenched, his eyes looking towards the gate of the temple were full of hatred.

At this moment, ten pointed nails were slammed into the palm of the hand, all as if not noticed!

"Blood! Demon! Old! Ancestor!" Among the crowd, another young man spit out the words, spitting out these four words.

At this moment, he vowed in his heart that he must cultivate well in the future, possess peerless strength, and defeat this wicked old demon, and the world is in full swing!

Do not let any beautiful woman in the world suffer from the defilement of this **** ancestor!

With the appearance of the beautiful woman in red just now, at this moment, many people in the crowd developed hatred.

These haters are male, and there are more young men.

The "blood ancestor" suddenly became the common enemy of men.

But under the deterrence of his powerful killing of the flames, no one dared to attack him.

If this "God of Blood Demon" really is only in the realm of true God, it is estimated that at this moment, everyone has been blasted into dregs!






As the figure in the black robe and the woman in red entered, the sound of murmurs and murmurs continued to ring in this teleportation temple.

It seems that what happened outside has already passed into this temple.

The crowd of people in the temple continued to separate towards both sides.

At this moment, Shi Feng did not continue to move forward, and his body moved, flying directly with Jian Tong, toward the teleportation altar.


"Go! Hurry!"

"Hurry up, if you want to live quickly, quickly retreat to the altar!"


The original teleportation altar was already full of people, waiting for the guards of the Fire Flame City to start the teleportation array to leave the Fire Flame City.

However, at this time, a sound of panic kept echoing from the altar.

The crowd scattered like birds and beasts, and they kept flashing down the altar at a fast speed.

Born of the Gorefiend! The blood-devil ancestor, but the extremely cruel master, is very likely to look good on his own, or look ugly and be unhappy by him, thus killing him.

The rumored Gorefiend ancestor is just like this.

Wherever I go, the blood of the dead!


"Slap! Slap!"

Two sounds, Shi Feng and Jian Tong have fallen into the teleportation altar.

The teleportation altar of a crowd just now has become empty and seeming aloofness and solitude.

Below the teleportation altar, however, the crowd seemed too crowded.

But at this time, there was silence in this temple, and many people didn't even dare to breathe.

"Gallery ... Your Excellency, where are you going?" The guard of the flames guarding the altar below, holding his fists, said respectfully to the one above the altar.

But you can hear that talking to that one, his voice was shaking.

Not only that, his legs were constantly trembling.

He was really scared.

"Go to Yanwu City!" In the black robe, a cold voice came out.

However, this voice was unexpected, not the kind of old, hoarse, and wicked. It sounds like an old monster who has lived for 10,000 years, but it looks very young.

"Blood Demon ancestors practicing Supreme Master Gong must be immortal!" Someone said.

"It's normal. The Blood Demon ancestors are so powerful that they have already returned to the old children!"

"Godfiend, deserves it, Gorefiend!"


In people's consciousness, the real strong man, no matter what happens to him, is taken for granted.

"Yes! Yes! Your subordinates obey! Please wait a moment!" The **** flame guard responded quickly.

He is high above him on weekdays, and now he is like a grandson in front of him.

It shows what is called bullying!

"Hurry up! Come faster, don't let the honorable one wait!" Then the guard said to the other guards.



The others nodded again and again, as they should.

Then, one by one, the coordinates of the original city of Garo were changed to Yanwu City.

There may be some accidents, fill in the best yuan stone on hand.

Originally, the teleportation team started, and people needed to pay a lot of yuan to them, but at this moment, how dare they ask for this.

As long as you can send the plague **** away without being hurt, thank God.

(End of this chapter)

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