Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2667: Children's shop

FTLN 2667 I am a lord.

Heavens Beast!

In the name of Skybreaking, it seems that this beast is absolutely extraordinary!

And if it is not an extraordinary beast, it is not qualified to appear on this ancient ancient altar, even this altar is like its shape!

Suddenly, Shi Feng suddenly felt the ancient altar under her feet, raising a force of extreme horror!

Heavens Beast! This power is as if it can directly break the sky!

Groundbreaking power! So scary!

At this time, if the old man urged the altar to kill him, Shi Feng believes that even if he has an undead body, he can be killed on this altar even if he has a peerless monster.

Thinking of this, Shi Feng raised his head and looked at the white figure above the suspension.

As if sensing Feng Feng looking at himself, the old man in the white robe suddenly bowed his head, facing downwards, just opposite Shi Feng's eyes.

At this time, Shi Feng suddenly saw that the old man suddenly grinned and smiled at himself.

In this dark world, this smile is as if smiling, some, evil!

Shi Feng's eyes suddenly opened, but immediately followed, and saw a huge pillar of dark purple, suddenly rushing from above the altar.

Instantly swallowed Shi Feng, Jian Tong, and the old man in the white robe was also swallowed up.

The beam of light stormed up, and soon rushed into the boundless sky, then disappeared into this dark world.

Gradually, a white figure appeared on the huge altar.

The white-robed old man swallowed by the pillar of dark purple light appeared again, standing in the center of the huge altar, looking up at the sky.

After looking around for a while, I only heard him whisper: "The great catastrophe is coming. The master said that this boy is born with destiny. Whether God can fight the continent to avoid that catastrophe will be related to this kid.

I hope that I will fight God, don't fall into the dark time again! "


Shi Feng and Jian Tong only felt that they were in a dark purple light, and felt that the dark purple light was flowing like a river.

That altar not only feels different from other altars, but also the feeling of space transmission is different.

Immediately afterwards, they felt their bodies, and the dark purple light of the whole body disappeared instantly and disappeared.

Looking in all directions, he and the two were in the vast night sky.

"Booming booming!" There was a rumbling voice below him.

In just this moment, they were teleported from Jiuzi City to the endless sea.

But looking at the raging sea below, it was not blood, so they could conclude that they had not yet entered the Dragon Blood Sea.

"Although I have not entered the Dragon Blood Sea, I feel that we should not be far from the Dragon Blood Sea."

Shi Feng said to Jian Tong.

Once in the Tianheng continent, he took a large inter-regional teleportation array in space, and things would always deviate far away.

However, the teleportation altar with the pattern of the heavenly beast felt the pure and powerful space power. Shi Feng knew that Tianheng's teleportation altar could not be compared at all.

So he felt that even if he deviated, he would not deviate too far from the sea of ​​dragon blood.

"There is a ship below!" Jian Tong suddenly said, pointing at a spirit ship sailing down the sea.

"It's easy to have a boat. Let's go down and ask, where is it now, how far is it from the dragon's blood, go!"

With a low drink, two figures flew down.


His name is Situ Muzhi, a businessman on the mainland of God War, from a commercial power called Tongying Shangge!

At this voyage, Situ Muzhi was ordered by Shangge to transport a very important cargo from West Indian Wanzhou to Taiting Yinzhou.

Personally delivered to a big man in the Holy Land of Heaven.

It was precisely because the cargo was so important that no mistakes could be made, and Situ Muzhi, who was at the top, delivered it himself.

In addition, there are two divine kings, the Triple Heavenly Powers, to protect them.

It is enough to prove that this product is indeed not simple.

The sailing trip was particularly boring. Although it was late at night, Situ Muzhi also had no sleepiness. Standing on the deck, he looked down at the surging waves and the stars at night.

"It's still good tonight!" Looking up at the sky, Situ Muzhi made a sound of emotion.

"Eh? Anything?" Then, Situ Muzhi saw something unknown in the night sky, as if approaching quickly towards himself.

"People! It's two people!" Situ Mu suddenly realized, and shouted, "Everyone be on guard, attack!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Enemy attack!"


Suddenly, the billowing applause kept echoing in the night.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!! Only a moment, there was a flash of people on the deck.

But in an instant, more than 20 heavily armed soldiers appeared.

These twenty-three people are all in the realm of the true gods, and their weapons, armor, and other equipment are all in the **** class.

In the Tongying Commercial Building, the martial arts worn by their warriors are excellent.

One by one, ready to go, looked up and looked up, and all the air of killing went straight to the sky, making the space boiling and twisting.

"They are hostile to us." The falling sword Tong suddenly sensed the abnormal shape below, and said.

"Look at it!" Shi Feng said.

"What is it! But two warriors in one heavy heaven."

As the two of Shi Feng fell, someone on the deck said loudly.

"Yeah, two of them are heavy!" Followed, someone said.

Secretly, the voice revealed was a bit disdainful.

Shi Feng and Jian Tong fell in their eyes, but the realm was a heavy sky.

Not long ago in the night city, Jian Tong saw Shi Feng hiding in the realm. In order to look like others in his eyes, the door between the two was in front of each other, so she performed her magical power and became this realm.

"What kind of enemy attack, but the two true gods are a heavy warrior! Too fuss!" On the deck of the spirit ship, there was a secret message from the warrior.

Although they are martial arts soldiers in the Tongluo Shangge, as martial art cultivators, from the bottom of their hearts, they actually look down on those businessmen.

Especially those who have low martial arts level, such as Situ Muzhi, middle age, martial arts level is only one star Wudi.

On this continent full of vitality and martial arts, the emperor's realm is extremely weak.

In the eyes of many people, businessmen such as Situ Muzhi follow crooked paths.

If it weren't for the person's position in the Tongying Shangge ...

"Never take care of yourself, be extremely vigilant!" After hearing their comments, Situ Muzhi sighed.

After walking in the mall for so many years, he knows that everything cannot be seen on the surface.

Although it was the two true gods, but who knows what kind of existence is hidden in their space mystery.

In any case, do not underestimate the enemy!

"Yes!" Upon hearing Situ Muzhi's words, the martial arts sang in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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