Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2684: Reentry Dragon's Blood

Chapter 2684 Re-entering Dragon Blood

In the dragon's blood sea, the purple glow at this moment is different from every time before.

Not only is the light brighter than before, the time has passed, but the purple glow has not yet faded away.

Not only that, the light continues to spread rapidly in all directions, and the area covered by purple glow has become wider and wider.

Immediately afterwards, the night sky they were in was covered by purple rays, and they were already in the colorful purple world.

"Xiaguang covers and does not retreat, this is ... this is ... this is the real birth of Chongbao!" Someone shouted with excitement looking at this purple and dazzling world.

These days have been waiting, this is the moment.

The battle of swords on that side is continuing, even more intense.

However, the attention of the people has completely escaped from the battle and looks out at the Dragon Blood Sea.

However, in this void, no one has rushed into the dragon's blood.

At this moment, someone suddenly saw that in the battlefield where the sword shadow was flying, a black figure suddenly rushed out, and then, under the eyes of everyone, he rushed to the Dragon Blood Sea first.

"God of blood demon, rushed into the sea of ​​dragon blood!" Someone shouted immediately.

"God of Blood Devil, is alive!"

"The blood demon has a lot of evils, and we are quickly rushing into the sea of ​​dragon blood. It is a treasure of great importance. We must not fall into the hand of the blood devil!"

"That's right! If Zhongbao falls into the hands of the Blood Lord, it will be the calamity of countless creatures!"


Looking at the rushing figure, people shouted again.

At this moment, the Daodao Jianying was still in the void, and a blue figure burst out of it.

Later, the Son of Heaven was also rushed to the sea of ​​Dragon Blood.

In an instant, he saw the shadows of the battlefield disappearing without a trace.

"Sacred Son of Heaven, also rushed into the sea of ​​dragon blood!"

"Let's go too! We can't hesitate anymore! The heavens and the earth are treasured, and those who can do it!"

"Well, let's go!" In his shouting, a middle-aged warrior nodded and made a choice.

Then, the seven figures moved in unison and rushed towards the sea.


"Let's go too!"

"Into the dragon's blood, win the treasure!"


Next, body after body, urged the power of the whole body into the sea of ​​dragon blood.

The purple glow is now unbroken, and the more she looks, the more she reborn.

They have been staying here all the time.

"Brother Li Zui, I have informed the island that they have all started to go to the Dragon Blood, let's go too!" Li Ya said to their Holy Flame Son.

At this moment, in each of the islands below, there are constantly rushing out, flying towards the dragon blood.

"Let's go!" Li Zui drank in a deep voice, and then the seven disciples of the Holy Flame Holy Land, rushing forward violently.

Yinyang religion, Rosamunds ... the major forces, all attracted by the purple glow, entered the sea of ​​dragon blood.

"Why do those people call him the Blood Demon Son? Call another person, the Heavenly Sage Son?" The little prince Duan Mu of the Southern Emperor Dynasty, still standing still in the void, looked towards that area Quietly murmured.

He also had the same idea as Ye Zifei and Li Ya just now, but he couldn't understand why he was obviously the Son of Heaven, why did he become the Blood Demon Son?

"Little prince, His Royal Highness has been passed on, he has entered the sea of ​​dragon blood, let's quickly enter it." At this time, a long-haired middle-aged warrior beside Duan Mu said to him.

Hearing the man's words, Duan Mu returned to his thoughts and nodded slowly.

Subsequently, the two figures also moved, flying towards the sea area ahead.

At the same time, there were many figures in all directions of the Dragon's Blood Sea, flying constantly into it.

Some people faintly feel that a battle for treasure is about to begin!


In the void where Shi Feng is, he bears the brunt.

Just then, a bright red shadow appeared beside him.

Just now unknowingly abruptly disappeared, and Jian Tong, who was gone, suddenly appeared.

"You're finally back?" Shi Feng said to Jian Tong while urging his full force.

Although he has been fighting with others just now, he has noticed the movement of Jian Tong.

"Hee hee, are you in a hurry when you can't find me?" Jian Tong smiled at him and said.

"No." Shi Feng said.

He knew then that the girl would be fine.

Now, he has also discovered that this girl has become more and more powerful, and the degree of fit with the Heavenly Sword is getting higher and higher.

"Cut!" Jian Tong dismissed "Cut" dismissively.

The power of Shi Feng's soul has swept madly in all directions, but this time after entering the sea of ​​dragon-blooded sky, he felt faintly that the current sea of ​​dragon-blooded sea feels different to him.

But where is the difference, he couldn't tell.

Brows wrinkled involuntarily.

"Huh?" And at this moment, his complexion moved again. He and Jian Tong looked up at the same time, and suddenly saw a huge huge white sword across the sky, covering him and Jian Tong completely.

"Okay ... a strong sword!" Looking at the sword in the sky, Jian Tong immediately exclaimed in shock.

"Jiuyou, slash!" Shi Feng said secretly, saying the name of this sword skill.

Followed, then saw that Dao Senbai giant sword violently cut down.

He is also the first time that someone has used his sword skills to cut himself.

He once proudly said to others that he would never see anyone attacking him with Jiuyou combat skills.

Because of his self-confidence, he is in a vein and cannot be a traitor.

He believes in his apprentices, and he believes in the vision of his apprentices.

Today, however, it is ...

Thinking of the past, Shi Feng grinned, shook his head and smiled secretly, "This little bunny! If Leng Aoyue knew that he was chasing after me, he would probably break his legs."

"Hundred swords! Thunder God of War!"

Immediately, Shi Feng drank again.



Hundred swords reappeared instantly, mad on top of his head, such a powerful sword, he could only use the strongest killing trick he now controls.

"One hundred sword gods kill the trick, one hundred swords return to one!"

With the thrill of the sword tactics, the hundred-handed flying sword instantly returned to a sword. Then, carrying the unmatched sword power, and the power of the holy fire and magic thunder, it turned into a meteor-like sword light and fell straight into the sky Senbai great sword away.

"Boom!" An extremely violent blast sounded first in the sea of ​​dragon blood.

"Under such a great deal of movement, the Dragon Wu fierce spirit, in any case, it must be shocked." Shi Feng, who was still flying, shook his head and said.

Ji Li participated in the "Reading Community Star Selection Contest". Let's come to the book review area or interact with Ji Li in the Great God!

Let's talk about the "Jiuyou Tiandi" that everyone likes, and explore the plot of Jiuyou!

(End of this chapter)

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