Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2694: Tiansha Lone Star!

Chapter 2694 Tiansha Lone Star!

The purple flame dragon tail swept, extremely terrifying, and a large space broke, turning into a black space rift.

Like a purple lightning, it is extremely fast, and it will arrive in an instant.

Shi Feng's hands controlling the power of thunder and fire moved together, and immediately greeted the violent purple flame tail.

"Oh!" A violent blast sounded through.

Even the warriors in the distance felt that they were shocked by the force of the collision.

"Okay ... it's so scary!" Many people couldn't help but whispered.

Then they saw that the young black figure was swept fiercely under the sweep of the Dragon Mist.


At the same time, the purple blaze instantly devoured the hundred swords against it.

Then it continued to burn violently, and soon swallowed that wild figure.

"God of Gorefiend! Even Gore of Gorefiend ..."

"God of Blood Demon, how arrogant and arrogant that was not long ago! It was so, it was solved by that fire dragon!"

"Fire dragon, can this be regarded as killing the world?"

"It's considered ... but ..."

"Nether!" That man was devoured by Zi Yan, Ye Zifei was unbelievable.

In the fierce land that fell into the mountain that year, in the face of so many trembling fierce creatures, he surrendered one by one, and those who did not surrender to death.

There is also the dark space of the Mo Family that fell into the city. At the moment when everyone was almost desperate, he spurred him into the sky and rescued everyone with his own strength.

"He should be fine! He didn't die so easily!" Ye Zifei's mind suddenly came up with this idea.

The cold cheeky face became extremely firm at this time.

"He ... wouldn't he? That's it, he's gone?" Ye Zifei was not far behind, and the middle-aged beautiful woman's beautiful face also revealed incredible.

"Did I really mean Kraft's life? As long as the person I love is, it will be ... this kind of ending!"

"Can it be me, really, fate to be a lone star, destined for life ... lonely and helpless!"


With that said, thinking about her past, she thought more and more sadly.

Once, she also had a husband, but, just as they worshiped in the church and got married, the house of enemies suddenly came.

Before waiting for them to linger, at that time, where could there be any thoughts and love again, her husband rushed out of the cave, just like that, never returned.

That night was a catastrophe for his husband's family.

More than 3,000 people in the entire family turned into icy corpses that night, lying in every corner of the family, and the tragic scene was really a **** on earth.

She, Ye Ni, fortunately, her grandmother once passed her a heirloom, and urged her to hide her body and breath, and she survived the disaster.

But now, she finally feels that she really falls in love with someone, but ...



People saw the purple flame dragon dive down again and crashed into the purple flames that devoured the "God of the Blood Demon", and the roar that shook the world again.

"Now, that Blood Demon Son, finally ... dead!"

Some people think that if the "God of the Blood Demon" that was just devoured by the purple flames has not died, this will be enough to make him completely dead.

The blow that the purple flame dragon rushed down with the body of fire seemed to be its most powerful force.

"Absolutely no longer possible!" Someone said with certainty.

For the ultimate blow, the King of Gods Triple Mighty had to hate.

"Oh!" But just then, people heard a dragon groan and roar again.

But Long Yin listened to my ears, what was wrong.

The purple flame dragon is as if roaring?

Such a powerful and horrible existence makes such a sound?

Some people are even wondering if it is because they have heard the wrong ear.

It was the same Shenlong, making the wrong sound.

However, following them, they suddenly saw that the huge flame dragon body exploded at this moment and turned into a purple flame in the sky, raging wildly in the void.

Ziyan Shenlong, just like that, was destroyed?

That scene was really shocking!

It's incredible!

"I knew he wouldn't die! He, surely alive!" Ye Zifei said so, but looking at the sky where Ziyan danced wildly, still full of shock.

"He! Alive!" The middle-aged beautiful woman Ye Ni was also full of surprise.

Later, everyone saw that black figure looming among the purple flames.

The black figure is not extinguished, and the purple flame **** dragon collapses, which is enough to show that the evil spirit of the anti-sky level has really survived.

"This blood devil, isn't he immortal?"

"God of Gorefiend, like that, they all survived!"

"This blood devil, why is his life so hard! It seems like he has no power to kill him in this world."

"This is, the Jedi fights back!"

"This man, you call him the Blood Demon Son, what is his origin? This is too abnormal."


People involuntarily exclaimed secretly.

The attack of Ziyan Shenlong was really terrifying, especially the attack that finally rushed down. Even though he had the dark magic armor on Shi Feng, he still felt that his body was about to be completely broken.

However, in the end, he resisted the strength of the Purple Flame Dragon and counterattacked it.

This Purple Flame Dragon, like the purple flame beast that he killed recently, is extremely fierce, but the defense force is very weak. Shi Feng was suddenly blasted and destroyed by the violent blow of the whole body. It is a flame pattern.

And it also has no soul, and the purple flames condensed to produce thoughts.

After killing the Ziyan Shenlong, Shi Feng stood still between the purple fire and the sky, and signed his fingerprints with both hands, and turned the nine unstoppable bodies to recover his injuries.

It's better to restore the body to its peak before considering further actions.

"Well, what is that Blood Goblin doing?"

As the purple flames continued to disappear into the void, the black figure also looked more and more clear.

After being burned violently, Shi Feng at this moment looks very downcast and embarrassed. His long hair has been burned clean in the flames. His face, head, neck, and hands ... all exposed in black magic armor The flesh outside was already scorched, and it was terrible.

"God of Blood Demon is recovering from injury!" Someone whispered something to his companions.

"Oh, that's it! His blood devil son, although he survived and even destroyed under such a powerful flame **** dragon, he has already suffered a heavy blow!"

"Well! It must be so! He has recovered his life from the danger!"


"God of the blood demon, it seems that this is his weakest time!" When someone said this, his eyes narrowed, and a fierce light flashed from his eyes.

Flash away!

The most dazzling area of ​​purple light is in front of you. You can imagine what kind of world it is!

(End of this chapter)

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