Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2699: Various directions [Second plus more]

Chapter 2699 Various Positions [Second Plus More Posts]

The bright red blood slowly flowed down from the Senbai bone claws, and then, toward the void stone maple.

The thirteen warriors in the enchantment looked at the huge bone claw, and at this moment felt that they were not very good.

If you were crushed by that white one ...

That, too, is really painful!

"God of the blood demon, I will respect you in the future!" The young warrior who had been scared by Ye Zifei and had always hated Ye Zifei opened her mouth and shouted to Shi Feng.

At this moment, it became so humble.

"This Wang Qiong is said to come from the ancient family's royal family in the barbaric period! I did not expect that the Wang family had such a greedy for life and fear of death." In the distance, a warrior looked at the scene and said scornfully.

"The dreams that were killed just now, and this Wang Qiong, they are all going to kill the demon head of the blood devil! Now, it is such a greedy life and death! Real God is too disappointing."

"Yeah, I still remember Wang Qiong, but he was saying that to dispel the devil from the world, he would not hesitate to take his own life.

At that time, the appearance of a hero was like this, all at once. "It's hard to understand.

"Cut, the demon? It's not bad to take my life? You, really believe it!" Someone said disdainfully.

Followed him and said, "They are just trying to get everything out of him by taking advantage of the Blood Lord.

It's so grandiose, but it's just to hide his greed. "


Consuming the blood of that dream-bound body, Shi Feng said nothing for a moment, and his face still looked like a smile, looking at the fourteen people.

This person didn't say a word, and didn't move any further. I remembered the scene of the tragic death just now, especially the sound of a "bubble" like a fish bubble being crushed!

These warriors felt the atmosphere more depressing and uncomfortable.

And the man's playful look, his eyes looked as if he were treating the dead.

"You kill if you want to kill!" At this moment, a resolute young man said with a voice, and uttered this sentence to that one.

"Okay, almost." At this moment, Ye Zifei suddenly heard the person next to her saying this.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Ye Zifei asked him puzzled.

"My injuries have completely recovered, so send them to heaven!" Shi Feng said.

When he had finished this sentence, he saw the force of Yin and another swept across the enchantment.

The thirteen people trapped in the enchantment raised their heads one by one.

Then, suddenly I saw, above my own, there was a forest-bone claw that just pinned the dream to a pinch!

The thirteen bone claws could not be stained with colored light by the purple light.

Shi Feng, rewarded each of them.

The thirteen bone claws appeared in unison, sweeping wildly.

The void was breathless.

"The demon is indeed worthy of a demon! The attacks are all so evil!" Someone said in surprise, looking at the horrible bone claw.

"Shh, be careful! Don't you want to be destroyed by the genocide." When the man said something, someone immediately reminded him.

"Why? Isn't the attack of the Blood Devil's Son saying that he is evil is not taken for granted? Is he going to stare at me completely because of this?" That humane.

"No! You are mistaken! This is not the combat skill of the Blood Demon Son, this is, Jiuyou, Bone Claw! From the heavenly sacred place!" The man said again.

"Heaven ... of the heavenly sacred place, Jiuyou, bone-bone claws!" When he heard the man next to him say, he was suddenly surprised.

In the history of the Divine War Continent, there are many people who have judged the warfare of the Heavenly Sacred Land as evil, which is no different from the practice of demon head practice.

But undoubtedly, the power of those who said such words soon fell somehow.

There is also a tribe. The son of the tribe chief said that the combat skills of the Heavenly Sacred Land were wicked and evil.

As a result, that tribe completely disappeared that night.

That area, it is said that there are tens of thousands of people, all disappeared to be clean and razed to the ground.


"God of Gorefiend, how could there be a stunt in the heavenly holy land?"

"You don't know now. Previously, the Blood Demon Son and the Heavenly Sage Child fought outside the sea of ​​dragon blood, and they used many battles of Heavenly Despair! It should be the Heavenly Desire that the Blood Demon Son caught Children, force them to surrender by means. "


"God of Blood Devil, don't!"

"Do not kill me!"

"God of Blood Devil, I would like to recognize you as Lord! As long as you don't kill me."

"No ... no ... don't ..."


Under the thirteen bone claws, roars kept roaring.

Faced with such a terrible way of death, many people really feel scared from the bottom of their hearts.

Then, they saw all the bones and claws grabbed all at once, and all 13 people were brutally caught in.

"啵! 啵! 啵! 啵! 啵 ..." Only the sound of shattered fish-like bubbles sounded, and people in the distance were frightened.

Fifteen warriors with good talents and combat capabilities, just like that, suffered this brutal poisonous hand.

The Nine Nether Gong works, the power of the holy fire urges ...

The power of death, soul, and blood have all been devoured by Shi Feng, and the fourteen bone-bone giant claws of the suspended sky have slowly disappeared into people's sight.

However, there were still people, and they were still staring at the other side.

Shi Feng no longer cares about the others, slowly turns around, once again facing the area where the purple glow is most dazzling.

After he just extinguished the purple flame dragon, there was no more movement in it.

However, without movement, it does not mean that there is no danger in it.

He still remembers that when they looked at the bright purple land at first, nothing happened.

But in fact, there should have been dangerous dangers in it, until Ziyan Shenlong rushed out from it and broke out. Then a dozen warriors escaped by chance, but were burned to ashes by Ziyan.

In the void where Shi Feng is located, the warriors have been gathered more and more, but he is the blood demon sage, and many people have not acted lightly.

Even if he didn't know this **** saint, he saw the scenes of fighting and cruel slaughter just now, and when he asked other people, he knew the cause and effect and how cruel the man was.

From the beginning to the present, Shi Feng's soul power has been sweeping all over, looking for the red shadow.

However, he still could not find it, and Jian Tong did not show up.

The bright purple glow covers an extremely wide area, and the emptiness of Shi Feng and theirs is just one of them.

At this moment, warriors are arriving in all directions.

In other directions, there are purple flame beasts that are more violent than the purple flame dragon.

In other positions, warriors rushed into the purple glow.

In other directions, there were constant screams.

In other directions, there was no longer a half-way warrior, only the purple sea of ​​fire was burning in the flames, and the space was constantly distorted.


Okay, updated.

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(End of this chapter)

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