Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2748: Evil Revenge!

Chapter 2748 Evil Revenge!

Xiaolian's ignored the exclaimed, screaming, and misbehaving crowd.

She lifted her head and looked at the three departing directions again, and whispered softly in her mouth, "Master, thank you!"

"Lianer must work hard to cultivate martial arts."

"Your kindness must be borne in mind in this life."


When Shi Feng flew towards the bluestone city, the power of the soul swept across in all directions.

On the way, he saw another thirty-eight protoss, but they were all beheaded by him.

Protoss are flying here, but human warriors are not seen. It seems that this area has indeed been occupied.

Soon after, a small town made entirely of blue boulder fell in his eyes.

But looking from a distance, the three of Feng Shi saw the resentment and resentment over Qingshi City.

Obviously the sun is dark.

Shi Feng sank, and said, "Ferocious alien!"

That resentment must have been caused by the brutal killing of the Protoss.

The troubled times are really miserable.

Real creatures are coated with charcoal!

Over the past year, I do n’t know how many creatures on Tianheng's continent have suffered calamities.

"Enter the city, slaughter the city!" A cold drink sounded from Shi Feng's mouth.

At the same time, a flash of blood and a bloodthirsty sword flashed in front of him.

Reaching out, Shi Feng held the Bloodthirsty Sword in his hand.

Months have passed since the last time Bloodthirsty Sword was upgraded to a Divine Sword.

However, in the past few months, the **** beast that had fallen asleep at that time had not even woke up.

However, the **** beast did not wake up, but the bloodthirsty sword still trembled in Shi Feng's hands.

It seems that when called by the owner, the **** beast in the sleep still instinctively issued the desire to drink blood.

"Soon, I can make you drink again!" Stroking the sword, Shi Feng sneered with a smile.

"Human race!"

"There is that humble Terran warrior!"


"Humble creatures have appeared! There are humanoid women!"

"Men's beheading, women's everyone enjoy!"


Before Shi Feng's three flew over Qingshi City, they heard the sound of shouting and came from the direction of the blue stone city.

At this moment, there are scale-filled aliens in and outside the city.

At this moment, hundreds of figures rushed from below.

"Kill!" Shi Feng whispered, and the bloodthirsty sword in his hand suddenly turned into a beam of blood.

God-level war sword, God-level coercion, instantly shrouded in all directions.

The protoss who flew up from below, the scale-covered faces suddenly changed dramatically, as if they saw the most terrifying things in this family.

This coercion should not belong to this world at all!

"Excalibur! That is a sword of true God!" At this moment, a protoss with blue scales on his face shouted at the **** sword with excitement.

Although this protoss was only in the realm of Emperor Wudi, however, he once followed a commander of a real divine protoss, and the war weapon of that one was at the **** level.

The momentum is also so trembling.

"Kill those three people, I have to wait for this god-level sword!" Then, the protoss roared again.

But the next moment, a light flashed across his neck, and his excited face was instantly frozen.

Then, blue blood spurted from his neck, toward the bloodthirsty sword that was still flying.

Bloodthirsty swords and **** beasts in deep sleep soon began to suck.

Blood, it's really wonderful.

Shi Feng could feel that after the bloodthirsty sword, the bloodthirsty sword trembled excitedly.

It seems that it has not been drinking blood for a long time.

However, it did take a long time.

The corpse covered with blue scales instantly turned into an extremely dry corpse and fell to the ground.






The sound of screams continued to echo in this void.

The bloodthirsty sword is undergoing a mad slaughter.

These protoss, often passing by the blood, have fallen from their bodies, and then the blood emptied and turned into a dead body.

Sometimes, blood flowed through, and the body covered with scales had been divided into two parts.

The bloodthirsty sword is no different from cutting cabbage.

All the protoss who just rushed out from below have been slaughtered.

However, in Qingshi City, there are still protoss flying out, flying upwards.

Increasingly, densely, like locusts crossing the border.

"Keep on killing!" Shi Feng sighed coldly, the sword twitched, and the bloodthirsty sword trembled.






There were echoes of screams again and again.

"Give me, die!" At this moment, suddenly an extremely cold voice sounded from behind Shi Feng.

I saw an unusually tall and burly figure appearing. A protoss with purple scales on his face was extremely fierce in his face, holding a large black axe and slashing down towards Shi Feng.

This is actually a Samsung Demigod Protoss warrior, this axe power is extremely terrifying.

As the black axe got closer to the head, a cruel smile appeared on the purple face.

But the next moment, the smile on his face froze suddenly, his body burst open instantly, and flesh fluttered in the air.

For a while, Samsung Demigod can destroy Shi Feng without taking a shot.

"Ah! The general was killed!"

"Ah! Even the generals got close to them, they were killed instantly!"

"The general was killed!"

The Zilin Protoss is a heroic warrior in their Protoss army, and his last name is God.

The death of the gods, coupled with the screams of the Protoss army shook the sky, the Protoss army's heart collapsed instantly.

Protoss, one heart resigned.

But Shi Feng, would they let them flee, the protoss will be destroyed.

The protoss who fled in all directions suddenly found that this heaven and earth had laid a terrifying enchantment and blocked their retreat.

"A group of ghosts dance around, alas!" A cold drink drew from Shi Feng's mouth.

Suddenly, the thick resentment rushing into the sky rioted.

"Whoo!" Bursts of wind, whistling in the void.


I saw the fierce resentment, instantly turned into a fierce ghost, Zhangya dance claws, fierce face is full of blood, full of fierceness and embarrassment.

Swooping away towards those protoss.

"Ghost! Ghost!"

"There are ghosts! These evil spirits!"

"These evil spirits penetrate my power. I can't fight them."

Those protoss were suddenly shocked again.

They have been fighting for a lifetime, they have long been used to life and death, and they are not afraid of these ghosts.

However, their attacks could not hit them at all.

I saw that more and more evil spirits had rushed fiercely to each of the protoss, and then rushed to them crazy, grabbed at them, and then bit down.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Another scream of terror.


In fact, these ghosts are not real ghosts.

Although many people have died here, their souls have long been turned into nothingness between heaven and earth.

These are just the grievances left in their lives, in Shi Feng's nine enchanted enchantments, turned into what they looked like in their lives.

I'll see if I can write another chapter.

Write as much as you can, everyone should go to bed first, don't stay up late.

(End of this chapter)

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