Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2825: Dinghai Mountains!

Chapter 2825 Dinghai Mountains!

Dongyu, several major events, in recent days, swept away like the wind!

"It is said that Emperor Jiuyou led a million ghost soldiers to fight in the southern, western, and northern regions! Announcing the world, the Protoss will be completely killed from our Tianheng continent!"

"Is Jiuyou Emperor leading a ghost soldier to fight in Three Realms? How can this be? Is Jiuyou Emperor unable to learn the avatar of the ancient lost tradition?" Someone wondered.

"I don't know in detail, anyway, Emperor Jiuyou, led a million ghost soldiers to fight in Three Realms!" This one still spoke firmly.


"Just a few days ago, there were millions of troops of the Protoss invading the southern part of our eastern region, and the leaders of the Protoss were even three true gods, even carrying a real artifact!

At that moment, almost all the people in the south were desperate. However, Emperor Jiuyou killed one million troops of the Protoss with one person! "

"Jiuyou Emperor, invincible!"

"Ah! It's another rumor about Emperor Jiuyou! It is said that not only that, the Yu family, the strongest family in the hidden world, made a special trip out of the hidden world to challenge the Jiuyou Emperor, but also brought a treasure of peerlessness!

As a result, the three of the Yu family were killed like dogs by Emperor Jiuyou! "

"I also heard that one of the people killed in the Yu family is said to be the young master of the Yu family!"

"Young Master? Emperor Jiuyou dare to kill even the young master of the Yu family? Isn't he afraid of the revenge of the first Yu family in the world?"

"Hum! First in the world? Yu's?

Now in front of Jiuyou Emperor, who dares to call the world the first! "

"The Emperor Jiuyou, is it really so scary? Not even the Yu family?" ...


"Shi Shifeng, the disciple of Emperor Jiuyou, surrendered to the uncle's family in Tianlan Emperor City, and took his uncle's ancestors as slaves! In Tiantian Emperor City, he overruled the overbearing family and the overbearing gods!

Now, in order to kill the Protoss, the Emperor Jiuyou is driving! "

"It is said that Nether Purgatory sent a total of three army, one army to the south, one army to the west, one army to the north!

Where the three-way army passes, the aliens are destroyed!

Destroyer, Emperor Jiuyou is serious! "

"The Great Emperor Jiuyou, led the army to the southern region! It is said that the one who led the army to the northern region was the one who killed the 500,000 army of the Protoss with one person a few days ago!

He is also a person of Nether Purgatory, and there is a small news that he may be the same as that of Shi Feng, an apprentice of Jiuyou Emperor! "

"The young man in blue is the grand disciple of Jiuyou?"

"The rumor is so! It is said that not long ago, this leader led the army all the way west, and met the two true gods of the Protoss, but in the end, he was instantly killed by this one!"

"And this thing? Nether purgatory, it's ... too scary!"

"Someone who can lead the Nether Army to the South has witnessed it, but is that apprentice of Emperor Jiuyou, Shi Feng?"

"Perhaps Jiuyou Emperor, who had been in the army before, just didn't show up."

"Uh ... it's possible!"


"The one who went to the Northern Territory of Nether Purgatory, heard that he was holding a ghost axe, and was invincible! Just a few days ago, the 100,000 army of the Protoss had been beheaded by him!"


Tianlan Imperial City, Imperial Palace!

The emperor Lanxi sits high on the golden temple hall. Today, compared with the previous Xiao Suo, this golden and splendid hall, at this moment, civil and military officials like two long dragons, extending all the way to the endless distance.

Today's civil and military officials have long been cleaned by Lan Ying by strong means.

Not long ago, in the Tianlan Empire, many officials "shame on the emperor's grace" and "go to themselves."

Most people hang themselves and drink poisonous alcohol!

However, "the emperor's graciousness", every official who committed suicide, His Majesty the Emperor ordered a thick funeral, and even pursued ...

At this time, Lan Gao, sitting high on a dragon chair, had a mighty face, listening to a military attache ’s report on the days of the Nine You Army, and Lan Gao's heart was really filled with emotion.

It seems that this world is now the world of this one!

Now, the civil and military officials below look towards the one above, and their eyes are a little different from before. After all, everyone knows that this son-in-law is the most important disciple of Emperor Jiuyou!

That's for him, beheaded and killed the ruthless family members!


The hidden world, the Dinghai Mountains, stretches in all directions and looks endless at a glance.

Legend has it that a long, long time ago, this place was once a sea of ​​ocean, flooded with floods, and in danger of life.

Of course, an ancient mighty man appeared, standing proudly, holding up a mountain range covering the sky, filling the vast ocean, and holding Hong Tao in place.

After that, there was this boundless mountain range, and the world calls this mountain the Dinghai Mountain!


A violent roar burst into a loud blast.

The roar did not know where it came from, as if from the depths of the ground, as if from the endless wilderness.

The whole Dinghai Mountain range shook violently under the roar.

For a moment, Daodao's figure kept flying out of the Dinghai Mountains, looking at it densely, covering the sky.

Most of these figures are monsters and human figures.

"Roar! Roar!" The monsters roared constantly, but the roar, with endless panic, soared to the endless distance.

"What's going on? What happened to the Dinghai Mountains?" Said a human warrior flying to the void, looking at the Dinghai Mountains that were still shaking.

This is a casual practitioner who has been concentrating in the Dinghai Mountains, but at this moment, his face also has endless panic.

The Dinghai Mountains are rich in vitality, and many souls cultivate here.

"I don't know! There was a roar just now, as if the peerless anger was furious, and it was like ... the voice of a person." Another San Xiu said.

"The voice of anger is like the sacred place from the center!" Someone exclaimed.

"The Dinghai Mountains, the most sacred place in the center? Is that what happened?"

"Anything will happen in that place?" Someone was surprised and thought it was impossible.

Immediately following these retreats, they saw that there were all kinds of figures in all directions. At this moment, they were flying away from the center of the Dinghai Mountains, just like a locust crossing.

"That's it? Vatican Temple? That's, Lord of the Vatican Temple!"

"And there, those people, the people of the Borderless Palace!"

"Then ... they, they are the strong of the Lu family!"

"This ... these are all affiliates of that sacred place! They are all rushing to that sacred place!

It seems that something really happened there! "

The most central Dinghai Mountains is called the sacred place by the hidden people!

And the sacred place is inhabited by the supreme power of the hidden world, the Yu family!

At this moment, those who have status in the forces of the Dinghai Mountains are all going to the sacred place to storm at the fastest speed and go to worship!

At this moment in the void, it was spectacular at first glance, a rare sight in a century!

(End of this chapter)

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