Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2847: God recalled a blow.

Chapter 2847 God recalls a blow.

"Boom!" For a while, the sound of a thunderous thunder suddenly sounded violently from Shi Feng, and the black magic thunder burst out from him instantly.

But in an instant, he had transformed into a dark and thunderous man, his body was mad, and he rushed forward.

"This thunder power is more than the Seventh Heaven of the True God. No, it is close to the power of the God King.

interesting! "

Looking at Shi Feng, who is incarnate, the protoss strong **** Shen Yi, the corner of his mouth evoked again.

Instantly, the gods saw that the peerless figure standing in front of them disappeared.

"Come here!" Shi Feng, who was still a black thunderstorm, said suddenly, "Boom!" A more violent thunderstorm sounded from him.

Unparalleled skills of the Thunder and God of War broke out again!

Immediately after that, the momentum of his entire body changed dramatically, and then, hundreds of artifacts suddenly appeared all over him.

Hundred sword gods killing tactics, also urged him to come out, under his control, hundreds of artifacts, all violently forward.

"Eh! It's getting more and more interesting." Shi Feng looked at the empty void in front of him, and suddenly said such a voice.

Soon, a white figure was seen there, quietly appearing there.

Naturally, that protoss.

Although Shen Yi is still interested, naturally, he still doesn't pay attention to the hundreds of artifacts coming from the blast.

He didn't see the slightest movement, he just hovered quietly like this, but the next moment, "Hey!" Bursts of violent sounds kept ringing.

The hundred artifacts that blasted forward were completely unable to get close to the body of God's memory, all stopped by the void in front of him.

"You are still too weak, although a little stronger than I expected, but in my eyes, you, after all, are a ants."

God recalled looking forward, his eyes pierced through hundreds of artifacts, and he looked at the figure wrapped by the rolling magic thunder, and said.

"Really?" And Shi Feng spit out the voice again.

The body of the magic thunder also rushed into the hundred vessels at this moment and rushed to the memory of the god.

Only at this moment, the whole body was thundered, and all flocked forward to his fist. The black figure devoured by the mad thunder appeared again.

Above Shi Feng's right fist, Lei Guang flashed fiercely, and then blasted forward with an extremely violent punch.

"Boom!" A peerless roar blew at this moment, shaking like a sky falling apart.

The gods not far away were just shocked.

Those who stand in front of them are the strongest beings who enter Tianheng Continent, that is, they all feel that they are in that burst of blast, and the whole person will be violent.

"It's so horrible!" Said the old priest Lao Haihai, taking a deep breath at this moment, said.

"Well, yeah!" After hearing her words, she nodded a little, followed, and said fortunately:

"Fortunately, the ritual was so successful that our Lord came to Tianheng! Otherwise, I'm afraid we will all be destroyed here!"


Hearing Qian Yi's words, the protoss next to them all agreed and nodded.

The Jiuyou Emperor of the human race really cannot be underestimated.


"I said that you are an ant after all!"

Despite how powerful and violent Shi Feng's power was, he was blocked by the invisible power in front of God's memory.

Faced with the divine memory of climbing to the extreme, Shi Feng couldn't get near him.

"It's my turn." Then God recalled the words faintly.

Shi Feng's face suddenly changed dramatically in this instant.

Suddenly felt by the power of his keen soul, an invisible force of incomparable terror has rushed from the front.

"On!" Shi Feng shouted.

Above the forehead, the black magic eyes opened wide.

The left hand's magic hand manifested, and the right index finger and thumb also turned into a dark, rolling mist, and suddenly surged out of him, all over the dark magic armor on him.

"Oh!" Seeing the demon mist, sensing the change of the demon armor in front of the person, another sound of surprise sounded from God's mouth.

Under invisible power, hundreds of artifacts rushed and flew, and the next moment, the invisible force burst on Shi Feng's body.

"Hey!" Although Shi Feng wore a dark armor, he urged the strongest defense.

But under the power of God's memory, there was still a painful sound, and the next moment, I saw the figure like a demon, and then flew out violently.

"Haha, Lord God hasn't moved at all, so is the Nine You Emperor of the human race!"

Looking at the inverted figure, someone in the Protoss suddenly burst into laughter.

"This Jiuyou Emperor has killed tens of millions of our kinsmen! Now, it is time for blood debts and blood to be repaid!" A protoss spit out fiercely.

"Well! He said, as long as he is not willing to become a protoss pig and dog, he will die in endless suffering!

The Nine You Emperor must not die! "


"Let ’s let all the souls of Tianheng see how their Nine You Emperor fell into despair."

At this time, the old man, one of the three priests of the Protoss, was hurt and said to Qian Yi.

"Well, that's not bad!" He nodded a little when he heard the hurtful words.

When the Hang Seng spirits saw their first strong defeated in that hand in the same day, they panicked and inevitably went deeper into their hearts.

Resist the Protoss and die in endless suffering!

"Three of us, once again urge God-like formation!" Chiichi said.

Subsequently, the three priests, Qianyi, Yanju and Erhai, once again urged the god-like array secretly laid on this day by Heng Continental.


Shi Feng, who was flying wildly, showed endless pain on her face.

However, at this moment, I saw that his figure was still violent, and he stopped flying.

Climbing to the top is really terrifying!

This is the thought that Shi Feng came to mind again.

"Well, it's not bad. An ant, under the impact of my power, can still have combat power."

Just then, Shi Feng suddenly heard the indifferent voice, at the same time, the white figure gradually appeared in front of him.

"Well, it looks like my blow didn't cause you any harm at all, is it all because of this Warframe on you? Yes, this thing, I want it." Then, Shen Yi said to Shi Feng again That's the sentence.

It seems that he has discovered that the stone armor on Shi Feng is not simple.

Especially the magic armor at the moment under the impact of the rolling magic mist is indeed too extraordinary.

Immediately after that, she saw that Shen Yi's right hand was a claw, and then toward Shi Feng in front, she grabbed it casually.

This action is no different from catching a pig.

Perhaps in the eyes of this protoss, they themselves are no different.

(End of this chapter)

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