Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2851: Is it true?

Chapter 2851: Real Dragon Is Born?

"God down!"

Shen Yi then pointed his sword at the demon army and said these two words gently.

The next moment, I saw the sky, showing a figure like a condensate of clear water, invisible and transparent, but you can see a faint outline, like a **** standing high, looking down at the army of demons below.


"Ah! Is that it?"


Induced by the supreme pressure from above, the demons immediately looked up and looked up.

Even the demon emperor who chased after the sword of the demon monster raised his head, followed closely, and saw that huge body crashed down and fell into the army of the protoss. .

An incomparable divine power suddenly raged in the army of demons.





The screams of horrible pain were screaming, and the roar of the monster clan continued to scream, even the mighty monster emperor screamed.

The powerful army of demons, facing the gods of the tribe, is like a group of ants.




"Protoss, get out of Tianheng! Ah!"

"My stone warrior will be here, Protoss, get out!"


Next, the world was roaring.

There are constantly strong men of various races appearing, in order to protect Tianheng, and fight with the strong **** of the tribe.

But ... it's like an ant!

Huge angry beasts, stone people, and even a sea army.

Bursts of sorrow, become more violent and chaotic.

And that God recalled that after defeating those who dared to resist, they did not take their lives directly, so that the souls of Tianheng continent watch slowly, they are suffering endless suffering.

They are in endless pain and slowly die.

The giant family, besides Shi Feng, was the earliest attacker of God's Remembrance.

There were big cracks on their chests, and blood was still bleeding. At this moment, several giants suffering from the power of God's memory were beginning to die.

"Ah, no! Juliang!"

"Great dark!"


In addition to the sound of pain, there was a roar of sorrow.


Continue to look at the image in the sky, the souls of Tianheng continent became more desperate.

"The Nine You Emperor is defeated! The giants, demons, seas, and those beasts, such powerful beings, are easily defeated by that protoss!"

"It's over! Tianheng mainland is finally completely over!"

"Let's choose to commit suicide! It's better to die for ourselves than to fall into the hands of that protoss for pigs and dogs!"

"Yeah! It's better for them to be kept in captivity like a beast and live a dark life ... It's a dead one, hey!"


The night near Death Volcano has already fallen.

However, this world is still full of fire and red.

"It seems that I want to kill you, not ten and a half months!" Shen Yi looked at Shi Feng again, feeling his condition at the moment, said.

At this moment he discovered that this man was not only abnormal in this Warframe on his body, but also his physical body.

He blasted his power violently, and was partially blocked by his demon armor, but part of it was still on his flesh.

If it were an ordinary body, those forces would have destroyed it long ago.

As a result, the man persisted, although he was still crying in pain, but he could not kill him at all.

"Oh! Want me to die in ten days and a half months? Whimsical!" Shi Feng once again forcibly sneered at Shen Yi.






Immediately following, there was a roar of constant pain.


"Protoss? Huh! My dragons haven't been born yet, so let's wait for Xiaoxiao, so arrogant here!"

At this time, I heard a sound of incomparable anger coming from the sky.

"Oh!" For a moment, there was a sound of Long Yinzhi, and the whole world suddenly became more violent and violent.



"Dragon! Really a dragon! The birth of a dragon!"


In the Tianheng continent, someone shouted in shock.

They saw a huge cyan dragon appearing in the huge image of the void, like a cyan giant mountain, soaring wildly in the sky, and instantly became the only one in the world.

Qinglong was born?

Seeing that blue dragon, for a moment, the Tianheng beings became extremely excited.

Dragon, that is only a creature in ancient legends, invincible and powerful.

"The dragon **** was born, the protoss must be destroyed!" Someone shouted with excitement.

"Shenlong appears, heaven and earth change, and the protoss will die!"

"Kill the Protoss!"


As soon as the blue dragon appeared, the gods also changed their faces. Naturally, they also knew the legend of the dragon. It can be said that it was one of the most powerful creatures in ancient legends.

"Oh, dragon?" However, looking at the blue giant appearing in the sky, Shen Yi smiled disdainfully.

"If it's a true dragon, my **** memory might still be a little bit jealous! A dragon comes to pretend to be a true dragon, it's really looking for death."

"Huh! This **** will let you know what the power of the dragon is!" Hearing the words of God's memory, the blue dragon spoke angrily.

He always claimed to be a dragon, and hated other creatures to call him a cricket.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the huge cyan "dragon" rushing down.

"Finally arrived! Just now!" Three old figures appeared in the distant void.

At this moment, the three elders of the hidden world have rushed in, looking at the distant place, the **** ancestor Shen said with a loud voice.

"it is good!"



The other two old men nodded immediately, and the picture of the **** king was suspended in front of the three of them at this moment.

The scroll unfolded immediately and disappeared in front of the three of them.

The green "dragon" stormed down, and Long Wei was peerless. If he wanted to devour everything, he would soon be angry at that **** memory.

Shen Yi recalled that his left hand slowly moved upwards and greeted the huge dragon head.




Suddenly, the sound of painful dragon yin echoed, and Shen Yi remembered the tiny left hand that looked so small and grabbed the dragon nose.

With this hand grabbed easily, Qing Ye made such a painful sound.

"Huh? Another godly weapon?" And just then, Shen Yi's complexion moved again.

Previously, Shi Feng launched a bombardment with hundreds of artifacts. At this moment, he felt that another artifact was covering him.

An unfolding scroll suddenly appeared under Shen Yi's body. Then, mountains and rivers suddenly appeared in this void, and it looked very beautiful.

Shen Yi's figure was immediately swallowed in the mountains and rivers, not only him, but Shi Feng is no exception.

"Off!" However, a cold drink came from the beauty.

The next moment, the mountains and rivers in the void disappeared instantly, and Shen Yi and Shi Feng appeared again.

"Come here!" Then another voice sounded from the mouth of this Protoss ...

(End of this chapter)

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