
God remembers the body is moving!

Then he slowly turned his head and looked at the black figure, at this moment, rushing towards himself.

As he moved quickly, the black vortex in the sky followed him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of mad thunder keeps blasting, and the black mad thunder in the black vortex has also been increasing, more and more fierce, as if the dark thunder dragons are rushing with their teeth and dancing. .

However, Shen Yi grinned at Shi Feng, who was chasing Fei Chau, and grinned:

"Sting ants, at your speed, you can't chase me at all! Let's cross the robbery well. After the thunder robbery, let your **** to kill you!"

Shi Feng did not reply to his words, but his face was cold, urging the strength of the whole body, and hurriedly chasing toward the protoss of the Protoss.

The distance between the two people has been getting farther and farther. According to this trend, Shi Feng is really difficult to catch up with this protoss.

"Stupid!" God recalled disdain again, said.

In his opinion, the ants chasing him was nothing more than effort.

Now that he knows that he is an undead demon, it is Devil Black Thunder who wants to bomb him, how can he give him this opportunity.

"After being tortured by the beasts of the Protoss for many days, he started to fight back! Although we only saw the image at this moment, we still felt the peerless Levi in ​​the black vortex!"

In the Tianheng continent, all beings saw the chasing after the protoss, and then they started talking.

"This protoss said, the speed of this man cannot catch up with him!

And as we see now, they are indeed getting farther and farther, hey! "

"It's a terrible black thunder! It's a pity to persecute this protoss strongman to run away so embarrassedly ..."

"Undead Demon! Exterminator Hei Lei! Hey, that fierce exterminator Hei Lei, quickly destroy this devil of the Protoss! Protoss Xiaoxiao, I only know how to run away, how hateful!"

The images appearing in the form of gods can not only let Tianhengshengling see the pictures of this heaven and earth, but also hear the sounds from this heaven and earth.

Therefore, the living beings of the Tianheng continent all know from the mouth of God's memory, that one, who has a great body, is called an undead demon.

The increasingly violent bursts of magic thunder in that huge black vortex are called ... Devil's Dark Thunder!

On the top of the distant mountain peak, the eyes of the nine you people still stared at the charming figure tightly.

Jian Tong still had mysterious fingerprints in his hands at this moment, waiting for the speaker at any time.

She had already said to Shi Feng that even if she was so far away, she could use her mysterious power to move her figure.

Today's sword Tong, with the integration of the Heavenly Demon Sword, the power of magic is also getting stronger and stronger, if it was replaced by the Manghuang Inner Boundary, it was absolutely impossible to do so.

Jian Tong was ready at any time, and everyone on the mountain knew the plan of that one and waited for it.

"Can it really kill that Protoss?" Luo Qingchuan said secretly in his heart.

"Life and death of Tianheng continent, master, it's all on you!" Ling Yefeng said secretly.


"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Bursts of thunder are still blasting the sky, and under the darkness of the thunderous thunder, this world has been stained with darkness.

Shi Feng, still gritting his teeth, chased after the **** Yi.

At this time, in the dark vortex of the sky, the dark thunder that was densely and violently rushed, gathered at the center, and turned into the most violent and huge thunder.

Then, I saw the peerless thunder, blasting down towards the demon below.

As if to destroy heaven and earth, as if to destroy everything in this world.

Shi Feng's violent figure suddenly stopped at this moment.

"Oh!" In the distant void, Shenyi sensed the movement behind her, and her flying shape was also a meal, and she gave a light laugh, then turned slowly and looked at the piece. Void, saying:

"Ying ants, start to be baptized by Devil Black Thunder? After the looting of mines, you can kill them to get armor!"

Up to now, Shen Yi still remembers the piece of magic armor on Shi Feng.


On the top of the mountain, Jian Tong, who was preparing at any time with all his heart, suddenly heard the voice: "Just now!"

"Understand!" Jian Tong responded with a whisper, and saw her handprints raging, and the shadows kept flashing.

Later, she saw that charming face, even more strenuous, even her soul body dimmed in this instant, and then Jiao body trembled violently.




The people next to me immediately noticed Jian Tong's changes at this moment, and they were immediately shocked. However, no one acted rashly to disturb her.

It is clear that such a critical moment must not be disturbed, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.


In another world where the violent magic thunder shone, God remembered sneerly looking at the peerless magic thunder, and in an instant, it was about to fall on that person.

"Everything is over!" God recalled, slowly spitting out this sentence.

However, at this moment, he saw his complexion, and suddenly, at this moment, an earth-shaking fierce change took place.

The figure, who was clearly far away from him, appeared at this moment in front of him, and was extremely close to him, facing each other.

"Ah! No!" Suddenly, an extremely unwilling roar suddenly roared from the mouth of the Protoss powerhouse.

What he saw was not only that person suddenly appeared in front of him, but with that person, the huge black vortex in the sky and the dark mad thunder descending from the black vortex also followed. Coming.

"Let's happily ride together!" Shi Feng smiled again at this protoss strong man, grinning at him.

At this moment, I just felt full of pleasure.

at last!

After so many days of suffering, this moment, finally, has arrived.

"Oh!" However, at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly saw the divine memory in front of him, the color of extreme shock and extreme terror disappeared from his face, and when he saw him, he burst into laughter.

With this laugh, Shi Feng, who had thought that all the dust had settled, suddenly realized that something was wrong, and his eyes widened suddenly, his fists suddenly burst out towards the white figure ahead.

"Boom!" A burst of peerless sound burst, at this moment violently banged, and saw that white figure, suddenly disappeared into nothingness under this burst of peerless sound.

"Ah! No! How! How! Ah! No!" At this moment, it was Shi Feng's turn to utter a roar of indignation and despair, and that figure, it turned out ... it was just that God Remains in this piece Only the shadow of the void.

It's so real, so ... hate!


(End of this chapter)

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