Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2857: Fight back!

Chapter 2857 Counterattack!


Seeing Shen Yi grabbing, Shi Feng roared suddenly, and then relented.

Bloody hands looked like ghost's claws, swooping towards Shen Yi, both hands grabbed at him.

"Huh? How dare you resist?" Seeing Shi Feng hurt like this, he dared to do so, Shen Yi smiled coldly, followed by a slap in the backhand.

With a "snap", God recalled a slap, fanning the blood-stained face rigorously, a sound of crispness echoed immediately in this void.


"Ah! This animal, I fight with him!" On the top of the mountain far away, Mo Xiao looked at the picture in the sky, and suddenly became extremely crazy, roaring towards the sky.

Ling Yefeng, Luo Qingchuan, Xiao Tianyi, Qin Rufan, and eight great generals. At this moment, their faces were full of hatred, their fists clenched and their bodies were shaking.


After Shen Yi slaps his face on Shi Feng's face, he then grabs it with his backhand, grabbing his throat, grinning again, and sneering sneerly: "Shit!"

After the extermination of the Black Thunder, his thoughts have become extremely accessible, and the ant in his hand has become a real ant in his eyes.

"Yeah! Ants!" At this time, Shi Feng's flesh-smooth face, but again a cruel smile appeared, and spit out the sound at that **** memory.

"Huh?" Looking at the cruel smile, Shen Yi's brow frowned suddenly as she smiled.

He hates this laugh.

Suddenly, a very bad hunch came to his mind.

"How could it be? Devil and Hei Lei have all passed, how can I still feel this way? What's the matter?" Shen Yi was startled.

"Dead!" Following him, he sighed coldly, and his right hand, holding the man's throat, moved suddenly.

A series of white scales constantly appeared on his face. At this moment, he really entered the fighting state, and even used all his strength to pinch the person.

This person, die!


"At this moment, Ben Young is quite sure, you are not a ghost!" However, at this moment, Shi Feng, with a cruel smile on his face, spit out again slowly.

He only felt severe pain in his throat. A climber who reached the extreme heights pinched it with all his might, and it was really uncomfortable!

However, it is not so easy to pinch his undead body like this.

Shi Feng, still smiling.

At this moment, a blood light flashed in front of him, and then the blood light was quickly swallowed by a dark thunderbolt.

The flash of dark thunder and light is terrifying and heartbreaking!

This world was instantly darkened.

God recalled the face that was instantly covered with white scales, suddenly suddenly changed wildly, his eyes stared at the peerless magic thunder that flashed in front of him, and said secretly in his mouth: "Exterminate the black magic thunder! Power of Destruction Black Thunder! This ... this ... "

At such a short distance, I felt the peerless thunder force coming from me, and the body of Shen Yi shuddered violently.

The sense of danger in my heart grew stronger.

Looking at God's memory, Shi Feng's face was even more fierce, and he roared: "This is a great gift that the emperor prepared for you when he was crossing the robbery. Do you like it?"

The black thunderbolt in front of it was actually issued by the diamond-shaped object from the Yu family, and it was shining, it was real, destroying the black thunder!

When he was crossing the robbery, he was really full of despair at the time. In the end, the opponent was a ghost.

Gradually, however, Shi Feng was in the midst of a thunderstorm and thought of the thing in the Yu family. The thing could be the same as the red fireball. The stronger the thunder force, the more powerful it was.

But what he was facing was after all, the Exterminator Black Thunder. At that time, he was really worried that the object was destroyed under the Exterminator Black Thunder.

However, it was not expected that when this thing appeared, it was in the midst of the Devil and Black Thunder, madly devouring the power of the Thunder, and Shi Feng's previous worry was simply superfluous.

However, in a split second, the Demon Demon Thunder filled the object. At this moment, Shi Feng and Shenyi felt that the peerless Lei Wei emitted by this diamond-shaped object was more terrifying than the real Demon Demon Thunder. !!

The feeling to Shi Feng is indeed even more dangerous than Demon Devil.

At this moment, the memory of God just wanted to step back.

But Shi Feng would no longer give him this opportunity, just in case, in order to prevent the divine remembrance from avoiding this peerless blow, he directly urged the diamond-shaped thing, at this moment, the peerless thunder force, Exploded.


A blast of thunderous sound like a devastating explosion, banged loudly!

The explosion of the peerless dark mad thunder riot instantly engulfed Shi Feng and Shen Yi.

Under the watchful eyes, that heaven and earth has become a dark thunderstorm!

It was dark, and there was no other luster.






Everywhere in Tianheng, there was a sound of cold breath.

Many spiritual beings look at it this way, and they can feel how violent the heaven and earth are, and they are really very small.

There is also Lei Wei, who is inspired by the image, and instantly feels that he is about to die under the peerless Lei Wei.


"Master God Remembrance! Lord God Remembrance was swallowed by that raging thunder!"

In the army of the protoss, a burst of exclamation and shouts were heard.

"Master!" Even the old priest's face was full of worry at this moment.

It is really the horrible thunder of that heaven and earth.


"Okay! Great! That protoss has finally been swallowed into this mad thunder! And this mad thunder, I feel even more horrible than when the robbery was over before!"

In the eastern part of Tianheng mainland, a human warrior opened his face excitedly.

But as soon as he said this, someone nearby said:

"Although the Protoss was swallowed by thunder, that one, I am afraid, is also suffering the mad destruction of that mad thunder! Now, this is not the time for us to be happy."

With these words, his face was full of sorrow. He was worried about the hero who fought for Tianheng.

However, upon hearing what he said, the warrior just said:

"That one, obviously, will sacrifice himself for our Tianheng continent.

I think that if the protoss animal is really destroyed, he is dead and should be worth it! "

He said this as if everything he said was taken for granted.

When the other heard this, he shook his head secretly and stopped talking to him.


"The Emperor Jiuyou was injured like this under the thunderstorm, and then it will be thundered again, I'm afraid ... hey!"

"Nine You Emperor, all of us in Tianheng continent must be at this moment, remember him!"


"The stone **** Fengyun of the Yunlai Empire, he will be the hero of our Tianheng continent! He will be recorded in the history of our Tianheng continent, and he will receive the incense of our eternal life."



"Brother Shi Feng!"

In the Holy Dragon Hall of the Holy Dragon City, Shi Ling and Long Meng still stood in the courtyard, staring blankly at the void and shouting softly.

(End of this chapter)

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