Chapter 2859 One Sword!

"Ah, get away!"

Shi Feng roared angrily at the Qianyi priest who was standing in front of her, looking extremely furious.

"Hmm!" Will the thousand priests concede, and after a cold hum, the crystal ball in his hand made another violent move. This time, he blasted to the stone maple door.

At this moment, in extremely despair, Shi Feng felt only powerless.

In fact, he was already very weak and powerless.

It can be said that in fact, he has no strength to hold a sword.

Just now, with his stubborn willpower, he forcibly took a sigh of relief and punched that **** memory.

Now, he feels that he has no strength to resist the old man in this state of God. At this moment, the whole person has collapsed, his head is drowsy, he wants to close his eyes, and he wants to sleep.

"Everything, is that over?"

As the crystal ball approached his face door, his eyes quickly zoomed in, blocking all his sights, and Shi Feng murmured the words secretly.

The heart was extremely unwilling, but at this moment, a darkness appeared in his mind, and then began to devour his consciousness.

He feels that everything, as if it really is, is over!

"Dead!" At the same time, the protoss priest Qian Yi spit out the word fiercely, containing the majestic water ball of immortal power, and it was about to bang on Shifeng's face door.

That old face looked more and more fierce at the moment.

Not only Qianyi, the two priests, Erhai Lake and Yanjue, had already stormed in, and the bodies of the two were filled with extremely powerful gods.

The three strong Protoss of the Protoss work together to destroy the Nine You Emperor of that tribe!

But at this moment, I heard a young cold drink sounded in this void: "Death!"

With this cold drink, the fierce color on Qianyi's face instantly transformed into extreme pain.

Then, he saw the entire skull, suddenly rising into the sky.




The eruption of Erhai and Yanju, the priests, and their old faces suddenly changed. They saw the body of a thousand headless bodies. At this moment, they were standing proudly in a blue dress, holding a handle Peerless Sword.

This sword is naturally a Taiyin Excalibur!

The person who comes is naturally the Son of Heaven, somber!

Jiuyou Army flew into this world at full speed. At full speed, the fastest one is naturally Jiantong and Younian.

Looking at the void image, when everyone was anxious, Jian Tong almost exhausted all the strength in his body. At this moment, he successfully transmitted his thoughts here!

Kill one thousand with one sword!

Erhai and Yan Chong's sturdy figures immediately shook up. When they just wanted to fly away, a sword flashed, and they instantly swallowed the two "people"!

The next moment, the two priests of the Protoss became nothingness.

They are like ants in front of you!

"Shizu!" Shi Feng was now fainted, and his body began to fall. He immediately stretched out his hand, grabbed the black warframe on him, and held it in his hand.

Later, Youmin cut back with another sword, and drank with a deep voice in her mouth: "Jiuyou, destroy the sword!"

Shi Feng fainted and died one thousand times, and Shen Yi's incomparably broken **** stump began to fall.

But just after falling, with a sword that has the power of extermination, he was severely chopped on his body.

Nine annihilation of the sky sword, it can be said, is the strongest sword move that you can cut out.

Under the Nine Evil Sky Sword, the God of the Gods, who is the strongest man who reached the peak and created the extreme realm, has reached the point of dying, and immediately under the Nine Evil Sky Sword, it is shattered, and is directly destroyed into nothingness!

This void was also instantly destroyed, and instantly transformed into an extremely huge dark hollow.

Everything has ended under the sword of musing!

Jiuyin meditation began to operate, and the power of death resulting from the death of a person who climbed to the top of the polar realm was swallowed up by the whim.

At the same time, there was a stream of bright red blood flowing through this dark space.

Strange to say, the blood of this divine memory turned out to be bright red.

Coming out of the peerless magic thunder was a piece of bright red blood dripping from his body.

"This blood is not pure blood of the Protoss, nor does it look like human blood. The strong Protoss should be born of the Protoss and other races!" Silently murmured and followed the secret law.

He knew that the blood of the soul had a great effect on his ancestor, so he sealed the blood of this peerless **** with his extreme power, and then temporarily stored it in his own space mystery.



Although the protoss **** Shen Yi was exiled, the war did not end there. The protoss army was still rushing towards this side and flocked to it.

As if a sea of ​​human beings surged, drown the thoughts.

The gods are one by one. At this moment, there are scales all over the body, their eyes are red, and the scales on the face are filled with hatred. They look extremely crazy.

Tens of millions of compatriots have died for that lower continent!

However ... But that grown-up ... Just like that, killed!

Whimpering, his face was still calm and indifferent, only a sword, slashed out towards this protoss army.

Suddenly, the void in front of him boiled violently, and a horrific sword force swept out, slashing the army of the protoss.






Suddenly, the painful screams echoed.

No one can resist the sword that you meditate on, no matter whether it is a divine power or a demigod power. In the army, a large number of gods are destroyed under that sword.

The sea of ​​people that had exploded in an instant vacated a large area.







Around Tianheng mainland, there were sounds of breathing down, and sounds of awakening like dreams.

"War, is it finally ... over?"

"This battle, just like that, came to an end?"

"Justice, ultimately, defeats evil?"

"We ... the souls on our Tianheng continent don't need to die, nor do they have to be the pigs and dogs of that protoss?"

"That one! That one also appeared!"

"He! This is the legendary blue-clad strongman! It is said that he is one of the disciples of Emperor Jiuyou, it is really terrifying!"

"The strong in blue, appeared again! The protoss of the sacred animal was exiled, Jiuyou Emperor, was rescued!"

"Great! All of this is really great! Jiuyou Yimai finally killed the Protoss!"

"Yeah! The evil beast of the Protoss, in the end, is still dead! Haha, hahahaha!"

"Long live Jiuyou! Long live Jiuyou Emperor!"

Someone even shouted involuntarily to the sky again.

But just then, I saw the image in the sky, gradually ... dimmed.

(End of this chapter)

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