Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2861: Dangerous, ghostly!

Chapter 2861 Danger, Ghost Charm!

Jiuyou's pulse was fierce, and the end of the Protoss came.

This world has truly launched a final battle with the Protoss.

However, a distant distance from the battlefield over here, a white shadow stood up, wearing a white smiley face.

She, from the beginning to the present, has been watching the war situation on that side, caring about the life and death of that person.

As a result, that person is still alive!

Suffering from such violent thunderstorms, he is still alive at this moment!

"Good opportunity!" And just then, she spit out again.

Eyes, staring tightly at Shi Feng and ghosts.

She was always looking for opportunities, looking for a chance to kill that person.

The previous appearance of the man from the magic thunder for the second time was an excellent opportunity.

At that time, she had already launched the strongest blow to cooperate with the power of the Protoss to take his life.

However, the blue man appeared and broke all opportunities.

The attack she was about to make was quietly withdrawn.

She knew very well that the man was too scary. I was afraid that not only would he not be able to take the ghostly life, but the blue man would find his whereabouts and lose his next chance.

And her judgment was indeed correct!

This moment is really a great opportunity. It can be said that it has surpassed any time!

"Nether! Go to hell!"

Another dark purple dragon-shaped thing emerged quietly in her palm. The next moment, she saw the dragon-shaped thing trembled, and a mysterious force spilled out.

Immediately afterwards, the dragon-shaped thing disappeared in her palm, and "噗", the next moment, a blood-sounding voice came out from the white smiley mask.

At the same time, the white shadows followed the arch, as if being heavily bombarded, and looked very painful.

In order to let the ghostly body die, she had already paid everything.


In another piece of void, the ghost of one of the Eight Great Ghosts suddenly frowned, and her heart suddenly felt anxious, and she looked down at the person in her arms.

Immediately, her thoughts moved, and her stubble in her arms instantly turned into a silver awn.

During the battle with the Protoss, the ghosts got a demigod-like mystery, which contained the Qiankun.

At this moment, Shi Feng's corpse has been sucked into the ghostly mysterious space.

"Ah! Damn!" In the distance, the woman wearing a white smiley mask suddenly made a cold voice full of hate.

Even the dark purple dragon-shaped thing was not so bad that it could go straight into the mysterious space and hurt people.

"One of the Eight Great Generals under the Nine You Great Emperor! Yeah, Nether, I will let you taste the loss of important people!

She is because of you! And under the endless suffering, it's gone! "

With these remarks, the white Qianying fingerprint changed.

However, at this moment, I saw the charming white face of Guimei, suddenly suddenly changed dramatically at this moment, she already felt something again.

A thick ghostly ghost power suddenly rose from her, protecting the whole body.

With both hands, an extremely mysterious ghost seal is concluded, ready to fight at any time.

But the next moment, the dark purple dragon-shaped thing appeared silently before her throat. At this moment, she didn't notice the slightest.

The dark purple thing moved fiercely and pierced her throat.

"Ah!" A scream of utter sorrow and pain, roared loudly in this world.



"General Ghost!"

"General Ghost!"


Not far away, the Jiuyou crowd, who had completely suppressed the protoss, suddenly changed their faces immediately after hearing the scream, and then turned around.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that the ghosts were surrounded by a dark purple demon mist, and their faces looked extremely painful, as if suffering terrible torture.

And in their eyes, that one has disappeared!

"General Ghost! Master!" Ling Yefeng immediately shouted a shock, immediately abandoned all the enemies, and took the sickle of death, and ran towards the void.

In fact, the most important thing in his mind was to worry about the master's safety.

At the same time, Mo Xiaoyao, Luo Qingchuan, Xiao Tianyi, and Qin Rufan did the same.

The seven generals, who are also the eight major generals, also urged them to rush away.


However, the speed of meditation was the fastest, and as soon as the ghost screamed that scream, it flashed to her and the Taiyin Sword was cut out.

I saw the dark purple demon mist on the ghost, and suddenly disappeared under his sword.

Ghostly throat, a dark purple dragon-shaped thing appeared in the eyes of Youn, shocking.

Suddenly, an extremely overwhelming force constantly emerged in the left hand of the mourning, and continued to flow to ghosts.

At the same time, the dark purple dragon-shaped object was automatically removed from the ghost's throat, and the white light flashed.

You Nian moved into his mysterious space.

He knew very well that this female ghost would be very important to the ancestor Nether, and to keep the thing that hurt her, maybe they knew some clues.

But what he has to do now is how to make this female ghost immortal.

When the power of the extreme yin was continuously gathered in ghosts, each elixir also continuously flew from the spectacles, and then instantly turned into powder, spilling on the ghosts.

After doing so, Ling Yefeng, Mo Xiaoyao and other talents came one after another.

"Master he ... where is he?" Ling Yefeng asked in a deep voice.

Face was full of worry.

Seeing Ling Yefeng's situation like this, his thoughts began immediately: "Master Master, please rest assured that the ancestor is okay, and now he is in the mysterious space of General Ghost."

"Oh, is that right? That's good." Ling Yefeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words of lingering thoughts.

Several other people, also secretly relieved.

But when Ling Yefeng had just finished saying this, she immediately realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly spoke again, asking Younian:

"How bad is Ghost General?"

Hearing Ling Yefeng's words, Youmian shook her head and replied, "The situation is not very optimistic. What the master and nephew can do now is to temporarily keep the ghost general's soul immortal."

"Hey, who the **** is this poisonous hand!" Luo Qingchuan said resentfully.

Everyone else was killing.

The ghost general stayed here to look after the master, and they knew that that person should be from the master.

"Dark purple demon mist, I know some, it is a woman with a mask on her face." At this moment, the ghosts who came will hear their conversation and said violently.

Then, he added, his voice was filled with endless anger:

"On the way to battle the Protoss, a woman with a white mask appeared several times, each time attacking the emperor!

Unexpectedly, this time, the **** guy is here again!

It really should be smashed and cramped into my nether purgatory, and it will be bitten by all ghosts forever! "

(End of this chapter)

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