Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2874: Flame Mountain

Chapter 2874 Flame Mountain

Under his gaze, Yunmian did not see any power to attack his ancestor, but the ancestor disappeared directly in his eyes.

Immediately after that, you wandered violently and fell straight down.


Suddenly, Wonderful Feeling only felt a mystery and hit his head with a severe and severe blow, unable to resist at all, and then, dizzy.


This is a huge mountain of flames burning wildly, and Shi Feng is standing at the bottom of this huge mountain of flames at this moment, as if looking like an ant, looking up, as if facing a very powerful flame giant.

At this moment, the flame mountain was giving him such a feeling.

Then a figure appeared quietly beside him.

Wandering, also coming!

"What is this?" Looking at the flaming mountain in front of him, he muttered and asked Shi Feng.

"Ghosts know!" Shi Feng said.

He then said, "Death volcano, one of the four forbidden areas in the southern region, seems to be really not easy! Tianheng continent really hides too many secrets."

Once forbidden!

Today's Death Volcano!

"Go, let's go up and see!" Shi Feng said to You Nian again, following the figure straight up, You Nian also rushed up.



But immediately following, the two looked fierce again.

I saw a raging sea of ​​fire above their void, rushing down towards them.

"What a horrible flame!"

At this moment he also realized that the flame of this world is really not easy!

It is also certain that the power of the flames that rushed to the damaged seal did come from here.

"You go down!" Shi Feng sighed in deep thought.

To be honest, this sea of ​​fire is not as good as Devil Black Thunder. With his metamorphic body, plus the peerless magic armor on him, he must be able to carry it.

But I'm afraid it's more dangerous, so don't take risks.

The shape of the rush was stopped immediately, then fell, and Shi Feng continued to rush violently, his forehead widened and rolled.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed into the sea of ​​horror, and suddenly felt that the raging flames continued to burn his body fiercely, which was extremely difficult.

"Tianheng continent! There is such a power." Shi Feng was startled again, followed by a yell: "Ah!"

At this moment, I saw that his face had become extremely shy.

Then the sea of ​​violent fire continued to blast down.

And Shi Feng, under the force of unbeatable violence, his body was constantly pressed down.

push down! push down! Press down again quickly!

The thoughts underneath changed immediately, and the shape of the falling body accelerated sharply.

The sea of ​​fire that suddenly appeared was the power that Shi Feng and You Nian could not compete with.

Shi Feng was under constant pressure to fall, thinking that at this time, his feet had stepped on the ground, raised his head, and looked at the raging sea of ​​fire, about to rush on himself.

His hands were imprinted, and a strong momentum burst out from the mourning body.

The wishful thinking has spurred him all over his body and intends to fight against it.

Suddenly, the sea of ​​fire, which was pressed against Shi Feng, had arrived.

However, the temptation to fight against it suddenly found that the violent sea of ​​fire suddenly disappeared.

As if, never appeared!

As if, unreal.

"Disappeared." Younian heard the words beside her.

The person beside him had already told him that the sea of ​​fire was not illusory at all.

Under the burning of the peerless flames, Shi Feng had been burned to a scorch, and once again looked crippled.

"Master, how are you?" Looking at Shi Feng like this, You Nian asked quickly.

"It's okay, it didn't hurt the root, but it takes some time to recover." Shi Feng said.

He can also hear from his voice, it should be no problem.

"Huh!" Youn nodded and said, "It seems that the sea of ​​fire just now is a flame enchantment under the cloth of ancient souls, and it is forbidden for any creature to break through the sky."

"Should be." Shi Feng also said.

Then, his eyes gazed again at the flame mountain in front of him and said, "It seems that if we want to go up the mountain, we can only go up on foot from entering this flame mountain."

"Let's go." After saying this, Shi Feng walked forward, and his thoughts followed immediately.

And they soon discovered that the more they moved forward, the more they felt the heat.

"The sea of ​​fire that appeared before was so scary, and this mountain of flames gave me the feeling that it was even more dangerous." Shi Feng said to Youn again.

"My feelings too!" Youmou nodded solemnly.

Nevertheless, neither of them will flinch.

In particular, Shi Feng, more and more aware of the fact that his native world was not simple, made him want to discover the secrets of the endless days of the Tianheng continent.

He would like to know what kind of continent Tianheng Continent was before the endless years.

Like "Red Moon Demon", what created this flame world, the Flame Giant.

"The secret law was taught to me by the red moon demon!

The powerful flame that repaired the seal emerged from this world, and naturally resonated with the secret law, as if it existed because of the secret law!

Could it be that this world of flames and this mountain of flames cannot be created by the red moon demon? "

Shi Feng thought of this in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

Anyway, the red moon demon cannot be separated from this volcano.

At this moment, Shi Feng and You Nian, stepped very carefully into the huge volcano.

"Woohoo! Huhhoo!"

They suddenly found that the moment the two of them stepped into the volcano, the flames around them suddenly became more turbulent.

Seeing this anomaly, the two stood by and stood ready for the emerging danger.

However, after a while, if the flames became more fierce, but there were no other abnormalities, the two stopped walking and continued to move.

"What do you think of this place?" Shi Feng thought, and asked the flame that was already in the body.

"I also feel more and more, the mystery of Tianheng continent!" Shenghuo said.

Then he said, "I really don't know what kind of horror creatures ever existed in Tianheng Continent, and I don't know what happened in Tianheng Continent."

"Um." Shi Feng was deeply moved by the words of the flame.

But then he said to the flame: "I'm not asking you these. Can you sense anything from these flames, from this volcano?"

"Nothing has been sensed yet," the flame answered.

Then he said, "But continue to go up, here, there should be the flame of the treasure is born, do not miss it!"

"I want to see if I can find some ancient secrets about Tianheng from here." Shi Feng said so.

(End of this chapter)

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