Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2882: Dazed Death King!

Chapter 2882: Dazed Death King!

"Boom!" A burst of peerless thunder exploded on Shi Feng.

In order to chase Ling Yefeng, Shi Feng, even used his peerless **** skills, Thunder God of War!

Later, I saw his body suddenly speeding up.

In a hurry, Shi Feng suddenly saw Ling Yefeng looming in the clouds and fog in front, and the power of her soul locked it.

"Ye Feng, what's the matter? Stop!" Shi Feng's soul power immediately passed on.

He could sense that thought had already reached Ling Yefeng's mind.

However, Ling Yefeng was still cold and indifferent, her figure was still flying forward.




Shi Feng's soul power sensed that the sickle of death in his hand was trembling violently at this moment, making the sound of trembling.

It was like struggling, and it was suppressed by Ling Yefeng.

"What is going on here, boy? What evil is in the end!" Shi Feng said coldly.

At this moment, the extremely cold intention of killing had been revealed on his body, and he resentfully said in his heart:

Those mysterious creatures of the ancient land of the meteorite dragon, they are this, and seek death!

Shi Feng, I really want to completely destroy this ancient land of meteorite dragon!

"Boom!" Followed by another thunderstorm sound from him,

He once again cast the Thunder God and War God tactics to fly and chase!

At this moment, Ning Cheng, who flew to the rear, had long lost those two figures in his sight.

Ning Cheng, after all, is only a demigod.

"Damn, these two people, how can they fly so fast!"

"My master, what happened!"

"But you must be fine!"

Although Ning Cheng is a metamorphosis in people's eyes, it involves the most respected person in his life. At this moment, his face has become extremely serious.

"Ghost axe Ghost axe, use up all your power, let me speed up!"

Ning Cheng said the ghost crying axe among his opponents.

Hearing Ning Cheng's words, the ghost crying axe was also violently shocked at this time, "Woohoo!" Cries were even louder, and the speed with which Ningcheng broke through the air really accelerated instantly!

"Okay! I am optimistic about you!" Feeling at his own speed, Ning Cheng said to the ghost crying axe immediately.


"This kid's speed seems to be fast again!" At this moment, Shi Feng was suddenly surprised.

Ling Yefeng, a distant void in front of him, turned away from him again and again.

At this moment, he also realized that it was more and more difficult to manipulate his mysterious creature in secret.

Although entering this ancient land of meteorite dragon, his keen martial arts instinct has not reacted,

"damn it!"

Immediately afterwards, Ling Yefeng, who flew wildly, has disappeared into Shi Feng's sight and soul.


The mind is that Ling Yefeng is in danger. Shi Feng's figure naturally does not stop, but she has been urged to fly at full speed in this direction.

At this moment Shi Feng realized that it might be a mistake to enter this ancient land of meteorite.








A thunderous thunder along the way.

However, Shi Feng, who drove the Thunder God of War all the way, was eventually completely rid of Ling Yefeng.

Into the eyes, there was a thick white mist.

The land swept by the power of the soul is still a pot of ruins.

The entire ancient Meteorological site does not look very different.

But then, Shi Feng suddenly saw the land in front of him, and there was a huge crack, and the power of the soul swept in, and it couldn't sweep at all, like a bottomless abyss, revealing more mystery and unknown.

Ye Feng, will it be inside?

Shi Feng thought.

As the body approached the rift in the earth, the more famous it was.

But I'm not sure if Ling Yefeng entered here!

Thoughts flashed quickly in Shi Feng's mind, "Enter!"

Soon, Shi Feng made a decision.

Then he moved into the rift of the earth.

Soon, the figure rushed into it, and the world was dark.

"What!" But at this moment, Shi Feng exclaimed in shock.

Although his eyes have not seen any creatures in this darkness, even the power of the soul has not been scanned.

But his perception still felt that in all directions, countless things were flowing towards him frantically.

"Burning!" Shi Feng said coldly.

The scarlet flames burst out of his body and swept wildly in all directions.

This dark world was also suddenly scarred by the **** firelight, which was extremely strange.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"


Sure enough, under the burning of scarlet flames, the screams of extreme screams continued to echo from this darkness.

Shi Feng burned in flames, and his body quickly fell in this darkness.

Even he couldn't tell what the creature that was constantly burning at this moment belonged to.

Even wondering if the dark soldiers who had previously died inexplicably were just these mysterious things.

But it is extremely possible.

Invisible! The power of the soul is invisible, and it really kills the invisible, it is impossible to detect.

"But!" Then, what did Shi Feng think of!

"Ghost soldiers and dark warriors may be these weird things! But what about Ling Yefeng? What is he calling for?"

Shi Feng thought so.

Followed him closely if he noticed that those things seemed to have realized the horror of scarlet flames, and at this moment was beginning a rapid retreat.

It seems that these creatures are also intelligent creatures.

Only in an instant, those things retreated cleanly, but Shi Feng did not withdraw his flames, and was still burning in all directions, exuding a burst of fierce coldness!

"The Emperor here swears that if my ling Yefeng is involved here, one day, the Emperor will step out of the ancient land of the meteorite dragon!

Destroy all the creatures in the ancient land of the meteorite dragon!

Speaking of Bendi! Do it! "

Suddenly, I only heard an extremely cold, murderous voice, echoing in this empty world.

The sound is so powerful!


Later, Shi Feng found that all the way down, there really wasn't any creature who dared to challenge himself.

He didn't know how long he had crashed in this dark world.

"Where is this?" However, at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard a cry, and suddenly sounded from below.

"Ye Feng!" Shi Feng shouted immediately after hearing that voice.

The voice just now is naturally the voice of Ling Yefeng, and he won't hear it wrong.

Immediately afterwards, the power of his soul swept a figure in the darkness below.

"Master!" At this time, Ling Yefeng should have heard Shi Feng's call, raised her head, and shouted upward.

Then, just listening to him again, "Master, where is this? Why am I here?"

At this moment, Ling Yefeng looked dazed, as if she didn't know what happened just now.

However, Shi Feng looked down at Ling Yefeng with vigilance ...

(End of this chapter)

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