Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2892: The first emperor of all ages, pay homage!

Chapter 2892 The First Emperor of All Ages, Respectfully Worship!

Fang Xiang, one of the seven masters of the arts, quickly fell in front of Shi Feng, his knees moved, and immediately knelt down respectfully, his head was deep down, straight on the ground, and his mouth screamed in sorrow:

"The old man Fang wanted to teach Wufang and he provoked the emperor. The old man **** it. Hope the emperor will be kind!"

The voice of old grief resounded at this moment.

Those who did not know the identity of the woman at this time, already understood at this time!

It turned out that it was the Fangxiang Master who was a member of the Guild of Craftsmen!

In her capacity, she could walk sideways in Shenglong City.

It's just a pity that she got in trouble today.

Shi Feng didn't expect that just this moment of effort, three people knelt here, kneeling in front of himself.

He stared forward, then the woman, the young holy master, and finally the old master.

Ninth-level Emperor Spellmaster!

As Master Xiao Tianyi's Taoist practice stepped into the demigod, he passed down the Taoist practice. In the Guild of Guild Masters, there were several talented masters who had already been talented and entered the emperor level!

Fang Xiang, one of the seven veterans, is one of them.

At this time, Shi Feng said slowly, and asked the veteran practitioner kneeling in front of her: "That is to say, she is so arrogant and arrogant, and there is no one in her eyes, all because you have a patron behind you?"

"Ah!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, "Ah" suddenly sounded from Fang Xiang's mouth.

He had already heard it, and it wasn't great to say this!

"It was the old man who taught nowhere," Fang Xiang replied.

"No!" At this time, the woman had heard that something was bad, and she quickly said, saying to the man:

"Emperor, I am the one to do things and be my own. It is because I have no eyes to provoke you. Whatever you want, just come to me, I am willing to bear it alone, it is not my grandpa's business!"

"Fang Ya, shut up!" But after hearing her words, Fang wanted to quickly turn her head and yell at her: "You dead girl, don't you think things are not big enough?"

"But Grandpa, I ..." Fang Ya wanted to say something more, but looking at Grandpa's old face that seemed so old all of a sudden, he swallowed everything he wanted to say.

In her eyes, Grandpa used to be extremely impassioned and imposing. She couldn't see the old age at all.

But today's grandpa ...

Fang Xiang at this moment saw Fang Yaman distressed.

She knew that Grandpa did it all because of herself.

This time, I provoke this kind of existence by myself, maybe, Fang's, it is really a disaster!

Fang wanted to turn his head and pleaded with that one bitterly: "The emperor, the old man has no control over the party, but please the emperor to spare her. All the blame, the old man is willing to bear!"

"Grandpa ..." Fangya cried again after hearing Fang Xiang's words.

Immediately afterwards, only listening to another young holy-level scourge, Hara, also said: "The Great, Fang Ya is my fiancee, and I am willing to bear the blame for her."


Fang Ya had no idea that the original uncle actually said such a thing.

How could he be his fiancee!

He had originally expressed his admiration for himself, but he had already told him very clearly that his husband would be the existence of Aritsu.

Just like his grandfather, the practice of cultivating enters the ninth-order emperor level, ranking among the seven masters of the Confederation of General Practices, and smiling master of the world.

Although Yuan Yuan's talent for craftsmanship is good, but ... he is still a bit far from his ideal husband.

But did not expect ...

He said this, but the sin of bullying! If it were the one who knew the truth, the consequences would be ...

After Hara had said those words, his head was also deep and straight down to the ground.

The two sorcerers petitioned him with respect.

Seeing the two of them doing so, Fang Ya also bowed her head deeply like them.

She only begged, that one, let go of grandpa.

As for Hara ...

"If you can let go of Hara, it's the best, but Grandpa, you can't be troubled because of me!"


Looking at the three people in front of them, the three practitioners, Shi Feng said slowly, "Forget it!"

He also knew that it was not easy for Xiao Tian to recruit and train such a level of magician.

And that arrogant woman has doubled her lessons, so be it.

When I heard the two of Shi Feng's words and the three men with their heads on the ground, in this moment, it was as if they had heard the most beautiful voice in the world.

Forget it, he said, Forget it!

"Great, really, great! He's just like that, for grandpa's sake, forgive me! I don't have to die."

Although Fang Ya's head was still scratching the ground, she was already very excited.

It's like you've passed by at Ghost Gate!

I haven't seen Emperor Jiuyou, but the legend of Emperor Jiuyou has heard her from a young age.

As long as it offends him, there is absolutely no end!

It is even very likely that in the endless suffering, torture and die slowly!

"Thank goodness! Thank goodness! Huh!" Fang Xiang, one of the seven masters of art, at this time also slowly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He didn't expect that this would be the case.

"Thank Emperor Kai En!"

"Thank Emperor Kai En!"

"Thank Emperor Kai En!"

At this time, the three sorcerers shouted in unison, and then the three slowly raised their heads, looking at the one in front of them.

"I thought that they had offended Jiuyou Emperor, and there would be absolutely no end!" A whispered to the person next to him.

The people next to them also quietly said, "That's the offense of others! These three are all talented masters, and they are masters of holy dragon city!

The master of the magician is Xiao Tianyi, and Master Xiao Tianyi, but the disciple of Jiuyou Emperor, after all, not all of them! "

"Well, that's right!"


Although Shi Feng said it was all right, he did not ask the three to get up. The three were still kneeling on their knees, waiting for the speech.

After a while, Shi Feng said, "Let's get up!"

"Thank you, Emperor!"


Then they slowly stood up.

At this time, they and the people in this heaven and earth also knew that this matter had come to an end.

"Long live the Emperor Jiuyou!"

"Long live the Emperor Jiuyou!"

"Long live the Emperor Jiuyou!"


At this time, the sound of cheers, like a row of mountains and rivers, sounded from all sides.

The onlookers also knew that the Emperor Jiuyou had finished processing the matter and could interfere with her voice. At this moment, Foshan Hong suddenly broke out, very violent!

"See the Great!"

"See Emperor Jiuyou!"

"See the Great!"

"The emperor is selfless, he preaches martial arts, and at the expense of his own safety, guards us Tianheng, please worship me!"

"Meet the Emperor Jiuyou!"

"Meet the Emperor Jiuyou!"

"Deservedly, the first emperor of all ages! See Emperor Jiuyou!"


At this moment alone, the crowd in all directions saw a commotion.

Looking at the fairly calm figure just now, they moved one after another, bowed down, and shouted in their mouths.

In their hearts, Emperor Jiuyou deserves to worship all the souls in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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