Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2895: World of death!

Chapter 2895 World of Death!

After Shi Feng promised her sister, she left between the two smiling.

In the night, Shi Ling's eyes stared at the direction the figure went away until the figure completely disappeared from her sight.

A soft murmur: "My elder brother is blessed, and he will soon return safely."

This time, looking at his brother's departure, Linger felt unusually relieved.

As he grew up, and over the years, Shi Ling knew more and more.

"My brother has come over in that catastrophe. Like today, what else can stump him?"

Shi Ling said secretly.

The catastrophe she said was naturally the most powerful battle of the Protoss.

Then she slowly turned her head and looked in the other direction, the room where her mother Bai Yue'e slept.

Shi Ling said to himself: "Some days ago, under the suggestion of Sister Long Meng, I lied to my mother to eat Shengmiandan. She had to sleep for three months. A few days ago, Tianheng had gone and gave my mother Take the Shinshinmaru!

Nowadays, my mother's body is getting better and better. "

On the same day, Shi Ling and Long Meng were afraid that Bai Yue'e would see the image of Shi Feng being tortured, and she lied to her to take Shengmiandan.

Sheng Mian Dan, fell into deep sleep, but the body will be nourished by the elixir in the deep sleep.

Xingshen Pill, specially made for Shengmiandan, can make the sleepers wake up, but the mystery is that it will not relieve the efficacy of Shengmiandan, and even enhance the essence of Dan, so that the users will be better nourished!


Shi Feng transmitted the large array directly from the space inside the Holy Dragon Hall to Zhongzhou.

His advent was a sacred and bright world. With a change of body, he began to move quickly to the dark camp.

A few years ago, the dark camp and the light camp were the ultimate battle, and the dark camp unified Zhongzhou.

However, this bright place is still abandoned today.

Many of the dark camp people have grown up in the endless dark world from birth to now, and instinctively reject this sacred place of light.

The dark camp dominates Zhongzhou and becomes the overlord of Zhongzhou. If other forces want to enter this sacred place of light, they must naturally ask them.

And the dark three giants, naturally, will not allow anyone, any force, to live in the world that they hate, and would rather be deserted.


Shi Feng rushed through this sacred and empty space, feeling a sorrow in her heart, but now it is really unimpeded.

When this world was ruled by the light camp, how strict the guards were.

The whole land of light was covered with a light enchantment.

In the previous life, he took the space to send large arrays across the territory. As long as he passed into this sacred place of light, it would not take long for a large number of bright troops to swarm.

Even several times, the Big Three of the Lights dispatched themselves.

Thinking back then, those three guys who faced the light camp were really a hard fight.

But with those three guys, it's not so easy to keep yourself.


"Who breaks into my dark camp!"

In the endless darkness, Shi Feng suddenly heard a cold drinking echo.

He immediately replied: "Jiuyou, Nether!"

The sound of leisurely sound suddenly resounds and resounds for a long time.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words and seeing the person who broke the air, the dark general's tone changed suddenly, and he shouted in congratulations: "It was the Great Emperor Jiuyou! See Emperor Jiuyou!"

"See Emperor Jiuyou!"

"See Emperor Jiuyou!"


Then, in this dark world, the sound of respect resounded.

Shi Feng is still flying all the way, very fast.



As he gradually penetrated into the dark world, Shi Feng suddenly heard that a dignified drinking came from the front.

The death emperor Ling Yefeng, standing proudly alone, with an unusually cold face, wore a black shirt, a long black cloak behind her, and danced violently in the dark world.

"Let's go, Dongyu!" Shi Feng said lightly.


Immediately afterwards, the two flew together towards the Dark Teleportation Hall.


A mysterious and unknown world, full of darkness, decay, evil, death.

But at this moment, this mysterious unknown is extremely chaotic.

The black death crows danced fiercely and densely, condensing into a dark tide of death, descending from the sky and pounding violently downward.

There, countless dead creatures became extremely violent, rotten beasts, gargoyles, black spiders, three evil dogs, dark corpses, death crocodiles ...

There were death creatures, screaming with madness and roar, and the death divine power raged violently, and these death divine powers gathered to the center of a "human".

The "person" had a fair face and an extremely handsome face. He was dressed in white and looked at the insanely spurs with a handle. As for the force of death from all directions, it seemed that he had not even noticed it.

The next moment, I saw the bone spurs in his hand move fiercely, the whole person followed a rotation, and in an instant, a white hurricane hurricane rose.

All the surging death powers, under the sweep of Hurricane White, continued to collapse.

"Huh?" A huge, human-eating, deadly beast, his huge face suddenly changed fiercely, raised his huge black fist, and blasted down towards the white hurricane.

Like a **** mountain, smashing down.

But at this moment, the white bone spur rushed out of Hurricane Senbai in an instant and greeted the black giant fist.

Two disparate forces slammed together.



A violent crash and a sound of anger raged at the same time, but the dead creatures in this world heard it, and the anger seemed to bring endless pain.

The powerful death force had flowed through his body at this moment.

Then, in front of the eyes, the huge body of darkness suddenly exploded!





The dead beast died, and then a sound of startled, low, husky, harsh sounds rang again.

It can be heard from those voices that the huge monster that died just now is not simple.

Immediately after, the Senbai vortex collapsed, the white figure, the white monster face, appeared again!

A mysterious force was generated on him, and the violent death force rushed towards him, and then was devoured by him!

At this moment, the method he is using is exactly, Jiuyou Ming Gong!

This man who furiously fights in this death world is exactly, Yin Sha!

Immediately afterwards, Yinsha suddenly looked up, looked up at the sky, and looked at the dead crow that surged down like a tide.

At this moment, the strange and handsome face finally moved, but he was still not afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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