Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2904: Son of a true dragon?

Chapter 2904: Son of the True Dragon?

"The two are at what level?" Shi Jinshuai asked the strong man in front of him with a smile.

Today, Shi Jinshuai's weight in Wanbao Commercial Building is completely different from that in previous years. He came to Yanwu City this time and brought four extraordinary powerful men.

Just now, a strong man has been sent to Tianhong Restaurant to investigate.

However, at this time, I saw the martial arts of the Wanbao commercial building, and still looked back to Shi Jinshuai solemnly: "Young Master, the two martial arts realms, subordinates, can't see through!"

"What!" Shi Jinshuai was shocked when he heard what he said.

This small city of Yanwu turned out to exist even this one could not see clearly.

These four are all powerful men in the realm of Wu Di!

"Even you can't see through ... what the **** are these two people doing! What did they do when they came to Yanwu City? Could it be ..."

Immediately afterwards, I saw Shi Jinshuai's face, and at this moment suddenly moved fiercely.

As the young owner of the Wanbao Commercial Building, he brought four Wudi Realm strongmen to this small city of Yanwu. Of course, he had his priorities.

However, in Yanwu City, there are two unfathomable existences that make Shi Jinshuai have to defend.

"I'm afraid they're here for that too!"

Just for a moment, Shi Jinshuai's complexion has become abnormally dignified.


Tianhong Restaurant, under the gaze of the people, saw the eldest son of the Qin family approaching the two black robe men step by step.

At the same time, Qin Cheng's right hand turned into a claw, and a thick and horrifying force suddenly rose in his claw.

Qin presented his claws, like dragon claws.

Another very strange feeling, as if holding a struggling dragon in Qin Cheng's claws.

The momentum is extremely horrifying, and like Qin Cheng's whole person, he turns into a dragon!

It is true in the eyes of many people.

People seem to faintly see a dragon's shadow, which is extremely unreal, but it seems to be a real dragon's image.

"I saw the phantom of the dragon. I wonder if you saw it?"

At this moment, someone said, surprised.

"It is rumored that the grandson, Nayoko, is the reincarnation, is it true?" Another said.

"It is rumored that on the day when the eldest son was born, there was a real dragon circling over Qinfu, and the sound of dragons continued! Until the birth of a dragon in Qinfu, the true dragon disappeared!"

"Daddy! Daddy from the Qin family!"


"Big boy!"

"Big boy!"

At this moment, Yan Lao and Yin, who were kneeling on both knees, looked at Qin Cheng's figure, their faces were filled with shame and they shouted.

Qin Cheng, still walking forward, ignored the two.

"Well, that's all for now!"

At this time, the grandson of the Qin family had already come to the opposite of the round table in front of the black robes, and after speaking these words to them, he saw that his right paw condensing strong strength moved.


Suddenly, people heard clearly that a sound of dragon yin echoed in the box room on this day.

The whole room was trembling with the peerless Dragon Yin.

"Dragon Gong? True Dragon Gong?"

"Dragon Power!"

"We, the Royal Dragon Family of the Yunlai Empire, cultivate the dragon tactics!"

"Is the Grand Duke's True Dragon Merits connected with the royal family?"


A huge dragon claw appeared above Shifeng and Ling Yefeng, covering them, and then slammed them down.

This momentum seems to tear these two people into pieces.

"Did the power of the Seven Star Wu Wang dare to be wanton?" At this time, Ling Yefeng said suddenly.

In the face of such a fierce dragon claw, his tone was extremely calm.

With the sound of his discourse, the cabin suddenly returned to peace, and everyone heard it suddenly, the sound of the dragon's voice suddenly disappeared, and the dragon's claw slamming towards the two of them suddenly disappeared. .

"This!" Seeing this scene before, Qin Cheng's complexion suddenly changed dramatically.

The appearance of old and hidden on the knees also changed greatly.

No one knows better than them how terrible it is to practice dragon power.

But ...

"The attack of the eldest son ... even ..."

"The horrible boy, I just felt the power of horror!"

"Even the power of the Grand Dude is instantly destroyed!"

"This ... these two, who are they! The horrible dragon claw, the horrible dragon power, just disappeared with just one word of the black robe man!"


Outside the box room, people were shocked and talked.

"Well, let's kneel together." At this time, Ling Yefeng said this lightly again.


In Ling Yefeng's words, Qin Cheng felt only an invisible force manipulating himself, and then he continued to recede, and then sounded footsteps.

Soon, Qin Cheng retreated to the place where Yan Lao and Yin were kneeling, and then his knees also bent, and he knelt down towards the two people.


There was a sudden crash of the knee and the ground, and Qin Cheng, the eldest son of the Qin family, knelt beside Yin.

"you guys!"

Suddenly, Qin Cheng had recovered from the loss, and his face changed suddenly and fiercely, exposing an extremely angry look, and he spit out loudly at the two black robes.

In fact, for Ling Yefeng, it was just a few ants, and they could kill them at will.

But the master told him that he wanted to know who was behind them, and then decided on their lives.

"You guys, you know what the Qin family knows! I dare to be so pretentious in my Yanwu City, so pretentious to my son!"

Qin Cheng yelled at them again.

"Tell me something about your Qin family." At this time, Shi Feng's understated voice came from the black robe.

"Our final forces are the God of War in the Yunlai Empire and the one who killed the Protoss! You two have provoked my Qin family, you know, the end of the hidden world overbearing family and the uncle family?

Qin Cheng said coldly again.

"Fake fake tiger prestige!" Shi Feng, however, said such a sentence, and there was disgust in his voice.

Such people, even in the name of their own, acted in bad faith.

He really wanted to know who this Qin family was relying on!

"You! How dare you call me the Yunlai Empire God of War a tiger? You, dare to be so disrespectful to my Yunlai Empire God of War!"

And when he heard Shi Feng's words, Qin Cheng made a noise again, and then even sneered on his face.

Looking at this mouth and face, Shi Feng has become even more disgusted.

He already wanted to make a fuss about his own words.

"Slap me!" Shi Feng said again.

"Understand!" Ling Yefeng said.

Suddenly, with a bang, a figure flashed in front of Qin Cheng.

It was an eerie looking "human", with a pale complexion and a faint black plume of smoke, which was very ominous.

"The corpse? That's the corpse?" When someone saw the man who suddenly appeared, someone seemed to recognize the thing and suddenly called out.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that "person" raised his right hand high, and then ...

(End of this chapter)

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