Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2910: Emperor Jing, Zhang family!

Chapter 2910 Emperor Jing, Zhang Family!

The people outside the boxhouse were stunned at this moment, and some couldn't believe it would be true.

Even the four Emperor Wudi who followed Shi Jinshuai's arrival are hard to hide their envy.

At this time, someone seemed to realize something, and then immediately held a fist in the room, and said respectfully, "Two people, can you let the next one enter the next!"

This person remembered that, just now, that person was invited by one of the mysterious black robe men to drink a fine wine and even break Samsung.

When this person made such an action and said such a word, everyone else also realized what.

Maybe, a great opportunity comes to Wuwu City!

While everyone was nervous and waiting for the two responses, Ling Yefeng said very plainly: "Retreat!"

This is completely different from what they think!

The next moment, I saw a sign of death that had swept through this room.

People can clearly sense that as long as one step into this room, they will ... become ... forever!

Everyone, be surprised!

"Why?" And at this moment, the warrior holding the fist still did not die, pointing to the figure of Shi Jinshuai, saying:

"Why can he be invited to sit in!"

When he said these words, he could hear his tone and was extremely reconciled.

Well, after all, as long as you drink a glass, you can let a martial art above him, even break the Samsung's **** wine!

How long he is!

"As long as you drink this glass of wine, maybe my vengeance, you can ... report it!" He clenched his fists and said secretly in his heart.

"He is him, you are you, everyone is back!" Ling Yefeng still said this.

When this sentence came down, a surge of force surged, and the two open doors snapped shut.

The people in the room have been isolated from the outside world!

"Ah! No!" Outside the box, the man looked at the closed door, and was still very reconciled.

He felt that it was too unfair.

"He is him, you are you", these six words are still echoing in his mind at this moment.

It seemed like a ruthless spell that shook his heart.

"Why! Why!" He still shouted in his heart.

He felt that the two people in the room were too ruthless. They could both help the ascension. They obviously could help themselves, but they were so indifferent.


Anyone who knows his Jiuyou Emperor and gets the favor of his Jiuyou Emperor is indeed an opportunity.

For example, Shi Jinshuai at the moment, but after drinking a glass of god-level wine, even broke Samsung.

For example, the owner of the Ziyun county in the Yunlai empire received the martial arts idea he printed into Yujian, and he was given the Excalibur!

And that exquisite sword, in fact, there is space inside, in addition to the gift of Shi Feng, she also gave her a few magic gods, demigods and emperors.

There are also some martial arts techniques and combat techniques suitable for her.

For example, the little princess Long Meng, when Shi Feng was at the Holy Dragon City with everyone, the wine he drank together was actually the highest-ranking **** wine he had at that time.

It's just that the Divine Wine is a little different from what Shi Jinshuai is drinking now.

The spirit wine this time, the wine is extremely fierce, such as Shi Jinshuai and other realms, even directly broke Samsung.

And Shi Feng drinked with everyone in Shenglong City, the wine is very soft, Shi Feng can feel the gradual progress.

When I first drank it, I didn't feel much, but now that the past six months, that girl should have been reborn!


"You want to plead for him?" Shi Feng said again at this time, and asked Shi Jinshuai.

"Take people's things and intercede for others, but if you really hate him, don't worry about me." Shi Jinshuai said with a smile.

"Master Shi!" Upon hearing Shi Jinshuai's words, the Qin Grandpa couldn't calm down.

"You, shut up if you don't want to die," Shi Jinshuai said to the man behind him.

Among them, he also knew that it was the man in the city ’s main government who was arrogant and provoked.

At the words of Shi Jinshuai, Qin Cheng shut up immediately.

However, his complexion did not look good.

Not only him, but also Yan Lao and Yin, who were kneeling with him, looked very bad.

But after that, they heard: "But for a while, if you plead for them, you will spare their lives."

Shi Feng said.

Upon hearing his words, the three's faces changed again.

did not think of……

"Then, thank you very much." Shi Jinshuai smiled again.

He felt that now he, Martial arts, is above him, although he is above him.

I made all my heart that year, and sure enough, I didn't read the wrong person.

"One more drink." At this moment, Shi Feng said again.

The suspended half-empty jug made another move to pour wine for the three.

But at this moment, Shi Feng, who was hiding in a black robe, suddenly looked, and said, "Here is death!"

When his voice fell, "Pop!"

The door of the chamber was opened with a kick.

Figures outside the cabin appeared again.

"Master Zhang, they are them!" A burly man pointed at the room and drank.

This is the slave of Qin Jianian, who was previously rushed by Ling Yefeng.

Behind him at this moment was a young man in a red suit, expensive and compelling. At first glance, he was extremely extraordinary.

"Well." After hearing the drink from the slave of the Qin family, the eldest son Zhang nodded slightly and responded.

From the beginning to the end, he looked calm and calm, and exuded a touch of self-confidence, as if he had control of the whole situation.

Hearing the sound and movement behind him, Qin Cheng and his two subordinates moved again. Qin Cheng turned his head and shouted, "Master Zhang!"

This grandfather Zhang is the distinguished guest he is going to entertain this time. It is indeed time to arrive.

The magnificent Zhang Dang, at this moment, stepped directly into this room. At this moment, he just listened and sneered:

"Well, let's get up first. I almost know about this. Don't worry, let's work it out."

"This ... Grandpa Zhang ... Forget it," Qin Cheng said when he heard what Zhang Grandpa said.

He said he had spared his life just now, and he thought it was still fine.

Previously thought that the young owner of Wanbao Commercial Building would come forward, those two people would definitely give the young owner Shi ’s face.

But he did not expect that it was Shi Shaozhu of Wanbao Commercial Building that begged them to spare their lives.

Hearing them talking, Shi Shaozhu apparently knew them.

Even if you know them, they all ...

It has been shown that the identity of these two people is extremely simple!

Qin Cheng at this moment, just want to return to the main city!

"Forget it? Why not?" After hearing Qin Cheng's words, he saw the archduke frown suddenly.

His tone and face had already revealed displeasure.

Someone touched their Zhang family, so that's it?

He, but Emperor Jing, Zhang family!

(End of this chapter)

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