Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2916: God of War, return!

Chapter 2916 God of War, return!




At the moment when the black eighteen-headed monster appeared in the higher sky, the magic sword in Yun Yimeng's hands kept shaking.

This is ... even Gu Ao's Excalibur has dreaded that monster.

Desperate, the hearts of the living beings confined in the heavens and the earth continued to rise.

All warfare receded like a tide at this instant.






There were echoes of screams of terrible screams.

The black monster suspended above the higher sky didn't take any action, and the imprisoned beings who lost the will to fight were savagely killed by the surging black hair monsters.

The body was flying, the scene was extremely **** and tragic.

A giant warrior with a huge body drowned in the black elder monster group.

Soon after, what fell to the giant peak beneath him was a huge skeleton dripping with blood, which was stained with countless remnants. It was really ... shocking.

"A Dad!"

"Ah! Dad!"



There were sounds of pain and grief.

At this moment, Yun Yimeng immediately drank in a deep voice: "Fight! Live!"

"Fight! Live!"


Cheers, and suddenly swept away.

However, at this moment, all beings saw the black ten-headed giant monster in the higher sky, and the huge body moved fiercely and crashed down to the scene.

"Oh no!"

"no, do not want!"



With the fall of that monster, the desperate imprisoned souls have become more helpless and desperate.

That is a force that cannot be resisted at all!

Only ... dead ...


Time is back now ...

Shi Feng and Shi Jinshuai bid farewell after drinking a bite in Yanwu City. It didn't take long before they boarded the space teleport altar in Yanwu City.

However, the arrival of the God of War in Yanwu City has long been spreading wildly in the Yunlai Empire.

"God of War came to Yanwu City and killed the corrupt officials in Yanwu City!"

"It is said that it was a slave of a corrupt official's house in Yanwu City, offending God of War first," someone said.

"It is said that the corrupt officials, in Yanwu City, have only one hand to cover the sky! However, our God of War, who hates corrupt officials, has been severely punished!

At that moment, all the people in the city of Yanwu were calling. "


Many of these remarks naturally passed into the ear of the Yanwu City Lord Qin Lun, only to see the corner of his mouth jerking suddenly, his face instantly gloomy.

He scolded the troubled little cub in his heart, and made himself fame.

Thinking of Qin Lun, born of Wu, this Yanwu city is a small town, but it can only be the master of this city that he has accumulated for decades.

Although he did not dare to claim that he was diligent in governing and loving the people, since he took power, Qin Lun has never corrupted the people with a copper coin!

How come corrupt officials!


"God of War, return to the Yunlai Empire!"

"The Protoss are being killed. There are rumors in the world that the God of War is returning to our Yunlai Empire and ready to retreat!"

"God of War! As a woman, who doesn't want to marry the Lord of War! Even if I am a concubine, I am willing!" A woman said secretly in her heart when she heard the news of the return of God of War to the Yunlai Empire.


"Feng Shao returns to the Yunlai empire? When he returns to Yunlai, he should also come to the imperial city! Pass on the will of the Emperor, with the solemn gift of my Yunlai empire, no! Be more solemn than the emperor and welcome the return of the God of War!"


Longchen in the early dynasty of the Golden Crest Hall heard the news that the **** of war appeared in Yanwu City, and then declared it.

A few more edicts followed.

"Carrying in Fengtian, the Emperor the next day: Yanwu City's Qin Lun, who has indulged his subordinates' inaction since he became the city's master. From now on, he will be dismissed from the post! Yanwu City will be immediately under the control of General Tianfeng Han Shuo!

Read on Qin Lun's past military achievements, Feng Qin Lun is the leader of Feigan City! Thank you! "

"Carried in heaven, the emperor said: Zhang Hu, the commander of the Royal Guards, has been disappointed since he led the Royal Guards. I was disappointed. Immediately, Zhang Hu was dismissed from all posts and he went home and meditated!

Thank you! "

"Carried in Fengtian, the emperor said ..."

Several imperial edicts not only dismissed Qin Lun and Zhang Hu, but also dismissed their relatives.

This is the case in the officialdom.


And Shi Feng, who was rushing between cities with Ling Yefeng, didn't know the fate of these people because of his appearance.

But even if he knew it, he didn't bother to bother with it.

The reason they are doing so is entirely their own.

Although it was their son who did the wrong thing.

But without their indulgence, I'm afraid they wouldn't dare.


For example, Zhang Hu, his son used his reputation to fool the tiger, and the backing behind the Qin family was his Zhang family, and even claimed that his relationship had benefited him greatly.

Therefore, it is probably Zhang Zhang who is the only one in the Zhang family who really uses his reputation.


At sunset, the sky is covered with colorful clouds. On the open-air altar of the imperial city of Yunlai, a magnificent pillar of golden light fell into it.

Generally, dense crowds appear on the altars in each city after each pillar of light falls.

The imperial city, but at that instant receiving the arrival of people from all directions, it can be said that the silhouette is more dense!

However, at this moment, there are only two figures on the altar of the Imperial City, and the two figures are covered in black robes.

Since the Yanwu City incident, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng's outfits have been released for a long time, and even this set will become the most popular outfit in many cities in Yunlai.

Soon, all eyes gathered on the altar!


Long Chen guessed that the God of War might come to the Imperial City, so he issued a will in each city leading to the Imperial City, and ordered people to continuously meet the God of War between the cities according to the transmission records of the God of War after the Yanwu City.

Even during these three hours, all teleport altars leading to the imperial city were closed.

Only in the Huo Qingcheng teleportation altar that God of War and his partner stepped on just now can it be used normally.


"Greeting to God of War, see God of War!"

"Greeting to God of War, see God of War!"

"Greetings to God of War, see God of War, Long Live Long Live Long Live!"

"Greetings to God of War, see God of War, Long Live Long Live Long Live!"


At the moment when Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng appeared, only this moment, they saw the people in all directions kneeling extremely neatly.


Shock the earth.

These people, all wearing golden sacred armor, shone with golden luster, revealing mighty, solemn, and solemn!

At one glance, the four sides are golden figures kneeling, endless, and at one glance there is no end at all, as if the endless golden ocean is magnificent, straight into the sky.

The voice was surging, ringing through the sky, echoing for a long time, devouring everything.

Heaven and earth, trembling slightly as if whirling and drinking in these waves.

Such a pomp, I am afraid that it is very difficult for anyone to reach the entire Yunlai Empire!

God of War, return!

(End of this chapter)

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