Chapter 2928 Two Worlds

There is no more nonsense, the elder demon's short, old figure flashed suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng also moved at the same time, chasing the eternal elder demon and heading for the demon cave he just said.

"He, gone." However, seeing that person suddenly disappeared, the ancient corpse corpse dance suddenly moved white and pretty, showing a touch of extreme nervousness.

For more than a year, almost every day in his consciousness, his figure will appear. Recalling that he fought against Tianjiao of all races that day, killed the Nine Supremes, and killed the strong of the Protoss ...

Become the Lord of Imprisonment with a strong attitude!

Everything stimulated her corpse dance's heart, and her heart had been deeply melted by him for a long time.

"It's so hard to see him again, I'm going to ... find him." The corpse dancer made this decision in his heart, and his posture immediately followed, flying towards the direction that the three of Feng Shi left.

"Zombie dance!"


Shi Feng, Ling Yefeng, and the elder demon shuttled through the gloomy world. The three of them were fast, and behind them they glanced at the gloomy shadow that had not been traced.

And Shi Feng, in fact, is suppressing his speed, otherwise, he broke through at full speed, and long ago, the elder demon and Ling Yefeng were thrown to the sky.

They are not at a level at all.

"My lord, there is that demon cave ahead!" At this moment, the elder demon suddenly spoke to Shi Feng.

"Good!" Shi Feng answered. At this time, he had already seen a puddle of caves on the land ahead.

Like a ferocious beast of the earth, he opened his mouth wide to the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the three figures of Shi Feng dived quickly.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

All of a sudden, the three landed on the edge of the demon cave at the same time, looking down.

Wherever you look, there is endless darkness beyond the shape of this puppet.

Even after Shi Feng's soul power entered, it was a strange darkness.

This demon cave feels very bad for imprisoning all living beings. However, it feels so bad for Shi Feng!

"This demon cave, I'm afraid ... it's left by the terrible creatures endless years ago!" Shi Feng said, and said to Ling Yefeng and the elder demon.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the old man's old face was still solemn, and he nodded secretly.

He knew it was an extremely scary creature from the old days. However, he did not know how terrible this extremely scary creature was.

For him, the creatures above the true **** are terrifying.

However, Ling Yefeng, when she heard Shi Feng's words, her face in the black hoodie suddenly moved.

He understands that even the masters call these terrifying creatures, then it should be a terrible existence!

"Perhaps, it is the existence of a strong protoss!" Ling Yefeng said secretly in her heart.

Shi Feng opened her mouth again and said to Ling Yefeng: "Ye Feng, you are waiting here with the elder elder demon, and you will see for the teacher."

The eternal elder demon had no intention of going on, and said nothing after hearing this.

Ling Yefeng immediately said, "Master, please let your disciples go with you."

"Huh?" Shi Feng, who was about to rush down, immediately stopped his figure.

Immediately after, he nodded: "OK."

Shi Feng knows that, in entering the forbidden area of ​​death, this disciple, besides accompanying himself, still wanted to break through himself and enter a higher level.

Although mysterious here, it is also a good place for a strong self and a breakthrough self.

"Go!" With a drink of Shen Sheng, Shi Feng turned into an arc, and then rushed into the demon cave.

The next moment, Ling Yefeng was so rushed, the two were swallowed up by the endless darkness in the demon cave.

After the two left, the elder elder demon had not left yet, still standing on the edge of the demon cave, his old face still looked down, and did not know what he was thinking at this moment.

After a long time, he slowly turned his head, looking at the shadows that came to the sky not far behind him.

"The girl of the ancient corpse tribe?" Whispered the elder elder demon, and then the old old face frowned, "What is she doing here?"

The corpse dance fluttered and fell, and shouted respectfully to the elder demon: "Elder elder demon!"

"Huh!" The elder demon nodded to her, then asked, "Girl, what are you doing here?"

"I ... I'm ... I'm ... in order to find him." Suddenly asked by the elder elder demon, the corpse dance murmured loudly, and the expression on his face seemed a bit unnatural.

The eternal elder demon, after all, is an old monster who has lived for a long time. Soon, I saw the girl's mind.

If you think about it, that one, who has transformed into a corpse, represents the corpse of the corpse, and may have had any intersection with this girl of the corpse.

"Or maybe, the woman who loves the beginning of love, sees such an excellent man ... hey ..." Thinking of this, the eternal elder demon sighed deeply in his heart.

Followed again and said to the corpse dance:

"Girl, something, don't get too deep, he and us, after all, are people from two worlds."

"I ..." After hearing the words of the elder demon, the corpse dance suddenly stopped.

She knows, the elder demon ... should see it.

However, she also knew the two worlds that the elder demon said.

In addition to being an outsider, the strength, identity, and status between himself and him also belong to two worlds ...

In fact, I already knew it.

But those days, I couldn't help thinking about him every day.

Like a demon.

"Hey!" Then, the elder demon sighed again, then raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky, as if to say to the corpse dance, but also to himself: "Ask for love in the world What kind of thing, it just makes people hang their stomachs! "

Suddenly, this long-lived old monster looks like an old monster with a story.

The past has slowly come to his mind.

The corpse dance suddenly felt a feeling of "sadness" from the old monster.

Then she lowered her head again, looking at the cricket earth rift, and looking at the endless darkness.

"I ... really do it with him one day at a time. I dare not go down this monster cave!" The corpse dance murmured secretly.

She tried to rush down many times, but the feeling of uneasiness kept emerging, and in the end, she didn't have the courage.


As Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng rushed in the endless darkness, a lot of majestic monsters kept appearing.

Strangely enough, the monsters did not attack them, and they seemed to be ready.

However, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng had no intention and were ready to respond.

And as they rushed down, they felt that the demon power that emerged in all directions became more and more fierce. Soon, Ling Yefeng's body trembled involuntarily under a terror of demon power.

"Master, what the **** is this place? Where do those powerful demons come from?

Disciple, haven't you sensed the monster array and monsters, or is it because the disciples are too low to sense it? "

At this time, Ling Yefeng opened her voice and asked Shi Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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