Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2932: Terrible monster array!

Chapter 2932 Terrifying Demon Formation!

Under the Thunder God of War, Shi Feng was so powerful.

Immediately afterwards, the red flames and black magic thunders bursting out, along with the hundred artifacts, blasted away towards the demon ancestor.

Suddenly, the ancestor of the demon tribe caught off guard and could only run his body to protect his whole body, slap his hands forward, and greet the power of the thunder and the magical artifacts.


The deafening blast sounded loudly in this dark world.


Secretly, an old roar echoed in this endless darkness.

Suddenly, the demon emperor saw that the ancestor's majestic figure shocked, and he flashed to the side.

The next moment, I saw the tall and mighty demon flying backwards, flying just past the demon emperor.

"Old ancestor!" The demon emperor turned his head and shouted in shock.

He had never thought that such a powerful ancestor would fly out after roaring under the power of others.

At the moment, the old face still showed shock and pain.

However, immediately afterwards, the demon emperor suddenly realized something, and then turned his head. At this moment, he already saw a big hand and grabbed it towards his face door.

At the same time, a peerless force has shrouded himself. Under that peerless force, the demon emperor found it difficult to move.

The next moment, Shi Feng's hand caught on the face of the demon emperor.

"Old ... my ancestors save me!" Finally fell into this ruthless hand, the demon emperor immediately exclaimed in a cry.

"Your old dog has no time to save you." Shi Feng said to him.

"I ... my lord ..." Hearing the cold voice with abusive voice, the demon emperor shouted respectfully.

I also realized something from this word, and then quickly said, "My lord, don't kill me!"

"Have you a New Year?" Shi Feng asked back.

"Let him go!" At this time, the dark ancestor of the demon tribe in the distance has stopped the flying form, shouting angrily at the side of Shi Feng, and the sound was rolling in the darkness.

"Okay!" Shi Feng responded, only to see his right hand move suddenly, "Oh!"

I saw the demon's supreme face, which was crushed directly by Shi Feng, and the red blood was splattering wildly, looking abnormally **** and bloody.

Later, Shi Feng then let go of her hand, the demon body was already motionless, there was no breath, and he fell wildly in the endless darkness.

But at the same time as the mad fall, the bright red blood splashed wildly from his broken face and rushed to the stone maple above.

The first generation of the demon clan is drying up quickly, and soon it becomes a dry body.

"Ah! No! You, **** it!" The ancestor of the demon tribe who flew towards this side suddenly burst into a roar like a lion.

"This is the beginning, and it makes me feel uneasy!" And at this moment, Shi Feng said secretly.

It was also at this moment that his complexion had become extremely dignified.

The mad ancestors of the monster tribe fluttered with two claws, and the horrible, incomparable horrors of demon that made this dark space violently appeared in all directions.

The peerless demon power manifested at this moment is no longer comparable to the power that the demon emperor could urge before.

The King of God has four strengths!

God King, Wuzhongtian!

"Climbing to the top!" Shi Feng secretly shouted these words.

The martial arts practice of this demon ancestor is actually in the King of Gods.

However, at this moment, he has madly urged this peerless demon array, and has already motivated the ascendant to create the extreme power of Shi Feng's heart.

The power of the demon formation at this moment is nothing compared to that of the protoss of the day.


Imprisoned heaven and earth, in the gloomy void.

The short elder elder elder elder demon, at this moment holding an ancient mirror in his hand, stared into the ancient mirror tightly.

The ancient mirror appeared dark, with two figures in it.

These two people are Shi Feng and the ancestor of the demon tribe.

"This ancestor is going to urge the demon formation to be the strongest force, this one is already dead!"

"The heavenly demon formation, the demon formation that only exists in the legend of my demon clan, was even motivated by this legend."

When the elder demon said these words, the old old man's face was full of firmness.


In that dark world, the horrific and horrible monsters appearing in all directions have already rushed on Shi Feng's flesh.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Suddenly, under the force of his destruction, Shi Feng felt the unbearable severe pain all over his body, and issued a roar of pain.

"Hum!" The ancestor of the demon tribe rushed over, stunned, and burst into anger, and his face was already full of hate, and hate came out: "Boy, kill my children and grandchildren, I want you to die in pain ! "

"Ah ah ah! Old dog!" His body was constantly under the shock of peerless demon power, and he screamed with pain, but Shi Feng still scolded and yelled at the old monster tribe.

Under the power of the peerless demon, Shi Feng's black robe had long been reduced to shattering, naked body, the flesh of his body continued to break apart, and the bright red blood kept flowing out of the crack, flowing constantly.

This undead monster was so instantaneous. The demon power that climbed to the top of the pole was really horrible.

All of a sudden, the whole body was covered with blood stone maple, looking like a ghost.

Seeing this tragic flesh and the tragic roar, the anger of the demon ancestor only slightly eased.

Then just listened to him again and said coldly, "Boy, hand over your secrets yourself, or do the ancestors come to pick them up in person?"

"I pay, your sister!" Shi Feng responded coldly.

"Presumptuous! Seek death!" A loud angry roar burst loudly.

The word "your girl" immediately touched the inverse scale of this monster ancestor.

Memories, instantly returned to the endless years.

At that time, when he was a little demon, there was indeed a cute little girl. The two demon lived on each other's lives, and life was extremely difficult.

I once told my sister that one day, I must become the existence of the demon looking up, so that my sister can also follow her to enjoy the blessing and be revered by the Wan Yao.

It's just ... my sister was twelve years old ...

"Ah!" Thinking of all the past, the ancestor of the demon tribe looked insanely crazy, with his right hand in his claws, approaching Shi Feng, grappling towards his face.

It was him just now, so that he blasted the faces of his children and grandchildren. Now, he has to let him taste the taste of his face being directly blasted.

As for his secrets!

The ancestor of the monster tribe thought that he would draw his soul after catching his face, and he was not afraid that he would not give everything to himself.

Suddenly, Shi Feng's horrible face had been captured by the demon ancestor.

Then, his right paw suddenly moved, a violent grab!

(End of this chapter)

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