Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2938: Sky Demon Demon Formation

Chapter 2938 Heavenly Demon Demons

Jin Mang fell in Shi Feng's hands. In addition to the dark golden cloth bag on his hand, he also had a blue animal skin exuding an extremely ancient atmosphere!

Above, it is densely packed with ancient writings, and it is also equipped with some strange ancient patterns.

These words look like demon texts, but they are a little different from today's demon texts.

It should be derived from the ancient demon characters, and those patterns are like a formation.

Soon, Shi Feng remembered the previous ancient array that had the power to climb the peak, and immediately looked, and immediately yelled at the old yellow wolf that was burned by the flames:

"Translate the content on this picture to me!"

As he drank the words, a blue jade flew from Shi Feng immediately and shot towards the flaming sea of ​​fire beneath him.

The old weasel also screamed screams under the fiery flames. After hearing Shi Feng's words, he immediately made a sound:

"Let me ... I'll ... translate it to you ..."

"Originally? Oh, right!" When hearing the old weasel originally had four words, Shi Feng quickly realized what.

My heart moved again, "Boom!"

I saw the **** sea of ​​fire burning under him, and it became even more violent.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

And under this more fierce flame, the screams of shouts became even more tragic.

"It's so raging! How terrible is that weasel suffering?" Hell, burn him! "

"It must be very painful! It's such a raging flame but it's not dead! These are the fault of this weasel!"

"You must not offend this cruel man!"

"Today I finally saw it with my own eyes! However, it is this monster who has taken his own life and tortured my ancient corpse to the extreme!"

"Once, the Nine Supremes and the Nine Strongs have offended this vicious man, and they were all brutally killed by this vicious man. His fierce name was killed!"

"This demon is supreme, thinking that if he is promoted to the realm of God, he can do whatever he wants, and he can provoke him, but the result is ..."


After hearing the louder and louder screams, many creatures felt that their bodies were a little bad.

The living beings talked again and again.

Some of the most powerful or powerful members of the tribe suffered the old yellow wolf's torture, and uttered a grudge.

"Ah! No ... no more ... I'm willing to translate the content on this picture ... originally translated to you!" At this time, in the fiery sea, the voice of the demon ancestor begging.

"No need!" Shi Feng said so.

Followed by, he said, "Ben Shao believes that this flame will burn you to death first, then take control of your soul and let you slowly translate it."

Just now Shi Feng heard the words "originally originally", and immediately thought of this ancestor of the demon tribe, he could have been cheating, or heeded upside down, and missed a lot.

So ... it's better to burn this old guy first.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" The screams were stern and violent, and shocked a lot of sentient beings in the void not far away.

Many souls listened to the tragic cry, and their hearts were filled with pleasure.

"Ah!" After the most vocal scream, the scream finally subsided.

The old yellow wolf was finally burned to death under Shi Feng's wild flames.

However, it doesn't end there, it may just be the beginning.

In front of everyone's eyes, people saw the crimson flames, and rolled back wildly towards that one.

Jiuyou Gong Gong is running, and the power of death of a God King quadruple Heaven Realm is immediately swallowed by him.

The majestic red blood poured into his body along with the tumult of blood.

Seeing that all the flames of blood were about to pour back into Shi Feng's body, I saw that he grabbed his left hand forward, and for a moment, a golden object was caught by him.

The golden thing looked like a little unreal, and its shape was a weasel.

This is the demon soul of that demon ancestor!

"Eh! Heh!" Howling again and again, "I'm all dead, burned to death by your flames, and turned into a ghost, you ... don't let me go?"

The ancestor demon soul screamed at Shi Feng again.

The resentment turned into a fierce soul.

"Of course I won't let it go." Shi Feng said with a sneer.

Then, the blue jade Jane appeared again, and in front of the golden weasel, Shi Feng said:

"First translate the demon text on that picture, and now your soul is under my control. I can clearly feel your soul fluctuations at all times. If you want to fool me, I can definitely Feel it!

And I don't want to use the blood flame to directly burn you, the demon soul! "

"Absolutely not!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's last words, the ghost screamed in shock.

After suffering the blood flame burning, he naturally understands how painful torture would be if he directly burned his demon soul in this way.

He ... really didn't want to try.

"Um." Shi Feng nodded and said, "The other words, I don't want to say more."

There was no unnecessary nonsense, and I saw that blue jade briefly moved to the forehead of this golden demon soul.

All thoughts were immediately transmitted into the blue jade.

"If you have forgotten, you can look at this demon picture." Shi Feng reminded.

"Everything has long been remembered in my heart," the demon soul replied.

Shi Feng grinned and said, "That's good!"

Soon, the content on the demon figure was transformed into the idea of ​​the demon soul, and printed into the jade slip.

From this process, Shi Feng has been sensing the soul fluctuations of this demon soul with the power of his powerful soul.

He has completely controlled this demon soul. If he has a strange heart, Shi Feng will definitely be able to sense it from the strange soul wave.

But from beginning to end, nothing has changed.

"Okay." The ghost said in a deep voice, and said to Shi Feng.

"Um." Shi Feng responded softly, and the soul's mental strength swept towards the blue jade jade.

Then, the old weasel said, "You ... can you let me go? In the final analysis, we don't have much hatred?"

"Isn't there much resentment?" Shi Feng asked him with a sneer.

From the appearance of this old guy, he wanted his own life and killed himself with that peerless demon array.

It killed three days and two nights!

If it weren't for his own physical metamorphosis, he would have been up in the demon formation.

It ’s not much hatred?

Regardless of himself, even his disciple Yun Yimeng was tortured by him.

It ’s not much hatred?

"No ..." replied the weak spirit.

His voice sounded as if he himself had become less convinced.

"Oh!" Shi Feng only smiled, and said nothing more.

Almost all his attention now focused on the blue jade.

"Heavenly Demons!"

Listening to this name, it looks like awesome!

(End of this chapter)

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