Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2946: They are not bad people!

Chapter 2946: They're Not Bad People!

But soon, they saw that although Ling Yefeng had been rushing to the area outside.

However, his place seemed to expand suddenly, no matter how Ling Yefeng rushed, he had to stay away from the ruins outside.

It's weird, but that's it, contrary to common sense.

At the same time, Shi Feng suddenly felt an invisible force descending from the sky and fell to Ling Yefeng.

He even felt that the black streams in the rivers in the area where he was actually boiling.

"The Fangxi River changed, and a disaster came! Be careful!" The Nangong family woman, Nangong Xi, seemed to have sensed the abnormality of Ling Yefeng's place, and then shouted at the side.

"Oh!" Immediately, a sound of a knife mingled, everyone saw only a dazzling silver blade, shining in the other side, piercing everyone's eyes.

Nangong Xi and the people beside her, including the Wu Sheng strongman Nangong Li, couldn't see the situation at that moment at all.

As time passed, the bright silver blade fell gradually.

Then they saw a dark shadow flashing in front of them, and one of the black robe men had returned here, standing proudly in front of them.

"Uncle Li, what kind of realm has this person reached?" Looking at the black robe that reappeared, the woman Nan Gongxi passed the voice of Nangong Li beside her.

Although they killed four Wu Sheng strongmen who accompanied them, it was the first time they saw one of them.

"It's impossible to see through." Nangong Li replied.

"But I can be sure that this man's martial arts practice is definitely above the righteous father!" When he said these words to Nangong Xi, Nangong Li looked very firm.

"On grandpa!" Nangong Xi was startled when he heard Nangong's voice from the passage.

Her grandpa, it was a very powerful and powerful existence, but Li Shu said that ...

"However, this man in black robes is at the command of another man in black robes, that is to say, the other person is likely to be more terrifying than him!"

Li Shu said again.

Nangong Xi looked at another man in a black robe.

"Master, I can't leave this weird place anymore." At this moment, Ling Yefeng, who returned, said to Shi Feng.

"Um." Shi Feng only responded softly.

Hearing the word "Master", Nangong Li, Nangong Xi, and others no longer need to doubt. Another man in a black robe is even more unfathomable.

However, Shi Feng going back to the road just let Ling Yefeng try. His purpose, naturally, is not there. He wants to leave the forbidden area of ​​death. The direction he goes is the opposite direction.

Then, the five listened to the unfathomable black robe man and said, "Leave."

After saying this, he planned to continue with Ling Yefeng.

"Wait a minute!" But Shi Feng's voice just sounded, and he suddenly heard the woman shouting at himself.

"Huh? Anything else?" Shi Feng asked him.

"Can you ... take us out of here." Nangong Xi said to him.

After hearing Nangong Xi's words, the faces of all people moved together, especially Nangong Li.

"Xi'er, you ..."

Nangong Li knew what Nangong Xi thought, but he felt that these two were not good men and women, and if they walked with them, they would undoubtedly set fire.

And in this weird place, one of the black robe men has tried it, and he can't leave.

Nangong Xi returned to Nangong Li: "Uncle Li, we have no choice now. These two people are much stronger than us. They have a greater hope of leaving here than we do!

If we continue to consume it here, we really don't know what will happen next. "

"But these two people are too dangerous! Walk with them and they will most likely use us as cannon fodder. We may be in a more dangerous situation." Nangong Li said.

"Two people, I don't think they should." Nangong Xi, however, said so.

This tone seems to be quite certain.

"You can follow me after two." Shi Feng said to the woman.

He really didn't intend to use them as cannon fodder, or for him, Wu Sheng and Wu Zun really didn't have the qualification to give him cannon fodder.

And this woman, Shi Feng's impression of her was pretty good, she was in danger and reminded herself not to enter danger.

When Shi Feng finished his remarks, she said nothing, raised her body slightly, and then passed over the five men's heads and flew forward.

"Uncle Li, let's go," Nangong Xi said, telling Nangong Li.

Nangong Li turned around, staring at the two figures, his face hesitating.

The other three, at this time, looked at the two figures that were gradually away.

"Uncle Li!" Nangong Xi shouted again after seeing that Nangong Li hadn't moved.

Then he said, "Uncle Li, if we hesitate any longer and wait for the two to really go away, we will really lose our hope of leaving here.

We are trapped here, and ultimately waiting for us will be a dead end. "

After hearing Nangong Xi's words, in the end, Nangong Li said in a deep voice: "Let's go!"

Subsequently, his figure followed, and flew up.

Seeing Nangong Li finally made a decision, Nangong Xi smiled suddenly and said, "Good Lishu."

Followed, her figure fluttered.

Seeing both Nangong Li and Nangong Xi, the other three also followed.

The five were about one meter above the ground, flying at low altitude, mainly to avoid the Heixi in this area.

It may be the relationship between this weird Black Creek land, and the fog in the imprisonment at this moment is not very large.

But the two black figures in front of them were about to disappear into the gray mist in the distance.

"Uncle Li, let's catch up with them quickly." Nangong Xi said to Nangong Li again.

However, when speaking these words, Nangongxi always felt the danger with her intuition.

Immediately after, the others listened to her and said, "Remember, don't fly, just follow me."

"Understand!" Two women answered immediately.

These two are the members of the Nangong family.

The other surviving young man didn't respond, his eyes kept gazing ahead, as if thinking about something.

He is not from the Nangong family, but from Fengyunmen.

That is, the five great martial arts greats at the time, one of whom was the younger brother and sister of Wu Shengye.

Nangong Xi, who is most keen on intuition, flies ahead, and Nangong Li follows closely behind, focusing almost all of her attention on Nangong Xi and her body.

Be vigilant at all times to prevent the dangers that come at any time.

"They!" As the speed of the flight accelerated, Nangong Xi gradually saw the two figures that had just disappeared into the mist.

And Nangong Xi can see that the two people are interested in waiting for five of them to follow.

Otherwise, at the speed they had previously shown, the five of them could not catch up with them.

"I think they are not bad people." Nangong Xi said secretly in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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