Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2949: I really want to leave.

Chapter 2949 I really want to leave.

The crisscrossed Black Creek in Death's Forbidden Land, all at a glance was frantic, disturbing and disturbing.

An unspeakable fear constantly surfaced in the hearts of the five people of Nangong Xi, and as Heihe's boiling became more and more violent, their bodies also became more and more trembling with trembling.

They know that an unprecedented danger is really about to come!

"I ... I won't play with you anymore. I ... I've seen that these two lunatics want to commit suicide, and they want you to be buried with you. The fools of your Nangong family want to die with you, go and die!"

At this moment, the apprentice of Fengyunzong shouted in horror.

Knowing that it was infinitely dangerous to keep going, the two men clearly wanted him to die with them, so despite knowing that the two were terrible in strength, he did not hold back the anger and roar in his heart.

Especially these people in the Nangong family have not even backed off!


While making an angry roar, I saw this Fengyunzong disciple's body frenzy, urging the strength of his whole body, and then quickly retreated, leaving his body in an instant.

Looking at the mad Fengyunzong disciple, the two women of the Nangong family looked at each other.

They also want to retreat, but ...

"Xi'er, retreat!" Nangong Li sang aloud in front of Nangong Xi during the transmission.

"Um." At this moment, Nangong Xi turned her head and nodded slightly towards Nangong Li.

Can't go any further!

If we really move forward, everyone will die!

However, when Nangong Xi made this decision, "Ah!" Only a scream of screams was heard from a distance.

Everyone suddenly saw that the retreating Fengyunzong disciple had stopped, and his face was filled with extreme fear.

And his arm, for some reason, had disappeared, and red blood splattered frantically from both shoulders.

It looks miserable.

"Ah! No! No! Don't!" The sound of panic continued to come from his mouth, his head shaking constantly, as if begging.

However, they did not see at all what he had encountered.

Then, all of them suddenly saw his thighs split from his body.

It was as if being torn apart from the flesh by two strong forces.

"Ah!" An even more painful and screaming echoed, and the blood on his body sprayed even harder and looked worse.

The whole body was stained with red blood, and it didn't look like a person.

You can see the people of Nangong family on this side, trembling physically and mentally.

The sound of screams shook their hearts.

They who were planning to leave here just immediately dispelled that thought.

The black creek here, and the black creek in the distance, are still boiling.

In the end, the disability, the flesh, was torn apart by a force that they could not see.

At this time, they knew that the Nangong family, the Feng Yunzong, encountered a murder they could not see through.

Involuntarily, they took a deep breath and felt that the whole person was not well.

Just now ... they plan to start retreating like Feng Yunzong.

If you really step back ... if it's the same as Feng Yunzong's encounter ...

Thinking of this, the four members of the Nangong family felt that they were even worse.

At this moment, Nangong Xi slowly turned her head and looked at the man in the black robe beside her, saying, "What did he just meet?"

"Monster, a monster you can't see." Shi Feng said.

Hearing this, Nangong Xi wanted to say that she knew it was a murder they could not see.

But before she spoke, she listened to the speaker and continued to speak:

"There is a monster with six heads in the back road, which almost blocked the retreat.

If you want to be like that stupid guy, go back now. "

"There are six heads ... we, the invisible creature!"

Nangong Xi murmured secretly.

"Well, you have been followed by the six-headed monster." Shi Feng said again.

"We ... have been followed by those six horrible creatures?" Nangong Xi was shocked again when he heard his words.

He was stared at by six murderous creatures. However, the reason why the murderous creature didn't come at the moment ... is it because ...

Black rivers, boiling water continued.

After Shi Feng said that, she said nothing.

With Ling Yefeng, move on.

"Uncle Li, follow these two guys closely!" Nangong Xi went on to Nangong Li again.

"Um." Nangong answered Shen Shen.

Seeing the two figures fluttering, the four figures of the Nangong family flew quickly and followed closely.

"The person next to me just said to me that we have been stared at by six murderous creatures we can't see!

And I realized from the meaning of his words that the reason why the fierce creature didn't come is most likely to be deterred by these two people! "Nangong Xi said again.

In other words, these two are more fierce than that creature!

Now anyway, back down, that is, die.

Moving forward, there may be a hint of vitality.

"There are six invisible creatures staring at us from the back, so what about the front?" At this moment, Nangong Xi said again and asked.

Because her feeling of palpitations had been extremely strong, and the water was still boiling, she didn't believe that there was nothing in front of her.

"The thing ahead is naturally more fierce." Shi Feng told her directly.

However, Nangong Xi heard from his tone that he had been very calm and still hadn't put any evil things in his eyes.

"I see!" Nangong Xi secretly said.

"At the moment the Black Creek was boiling, my instincts were always right! The road ahead is indeed extremely dangerous! But that's just for us ..."

But this time, Nangong Xi didn't tell Nangong Li these.

Six figures continued to float.

Like six lone souls, floating in this gloomy world.

They were getting closer to the ruins without Black Creek, and the thick gray and white fog had permeated the ruins.

From the tragic death of the disciple of Feng Yunzong, to now, this journey has actually not taken long.

However, the Nangong family felt that time had passed a long time.

At the beginning, they were ready for this weird place, lest the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

However, at this moment, as they got closer and closer to the misty land, their hearts became tense gradually.

Even heartbeat and breathing become involuntary.

"Really! Can we finally leave this strange land?"

"Just left?"

"I wish I could leave!" Even Nangong Xi prayed secretly.

"Leave, here!" Nangong Li said secretly, his face gradually becoming firm.

Heixi strange land, they really do not want to stay for a moment.

And at this moment they also gradually found out that this time, it seemed really different from the previous times!

(End of this chapter)

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