Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2952: Disobedient end!

Chapter 2952 Endless Obedience!

"Goo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Although Nangong Xi covered her ears with her hands, she found that it was useless at all.

The strange sound kept echoing in her ears and couldn't hold it.

Even if the ears are condensed with strength.

"You all cover your ears!" Shi Feng's soul power felt that other people except Nangong Xi did not follow suit.

But after hearing his words, the three Nangong family members followed his hands and covered their ears.

At the same time, like Nangong Xi, Yuanli went to his ears.

However, they also found that doing so would completely stop the strange sound.

Nangong Li, slowly shook his head, at the same time, the hands covering his ears have been pulled away, and the condensed elementary power also flows back to Dan Tian.

But at this moment, "Oh!" Shi Feng suddenly looked up from the sky for a long time.

The sound of the loud noise, as if the thunder of a thunder, was a violent force of sound waves, and suddenly spread out in all directions.

"Ah!" Under the giant voice, withdrawing his hands and Nangong Li from Yuanli, his mind was trembling, his body was shaking, his face was experiencing extreme pain, and he made a terrible cry.

Among the seven holes, bright red blood was shaken out, his body was unstable, and he suddenly fell into the ruins below.


Fortunately, Shi Feng's wrath came suddenly and quickly!

It soon fell.

"From the elders!"

"From the elders!"


After the giant voice, the two women in the Nangong family suddenly shouted in shock.

Jiao Suddenly moved at the same time, and suddenly fell to the figure in the ruins.

"Uncle Li!" Nangong Xi also turned abruptly, falling towards Nangong Li.

"Uncle Li, you wake up!"

At this moment, Nangong Li looked very miserable. Seven holes bleed, lying motionless in the ruins, and passed out.

Nangong Xi took Nangong Li's hand veins and found that her hands were still beating, and then she slowly let go of her heart.

"I don't know if I live or die!" At this time, they only heard a cold voice.

Followed by, Shi Feng said, "If I hadn't stopped in time just now, I would have died because of him!"

By this time, the people of the Nangong family already understood that he intended to cover his ears.

Originally thought ...

But he didn't expect that he wanted to roar back with his roaring sound to the strange sound.

Realizing this, everyone suddenly found out that under his long gauntlet, the so-called "death of death" was really inaudible.

Without the strange sound of death, the uneasy and uncomfortable feeling disappeared.

At this moment, Nangong Xi turned his head and looked at the back of that one, like a child doing something wrong, and said to him, "Sorry ... I'm sorry ... we don't know ..."

"Not good, no need to say any more." Shi Feng interrupted with a voice.

Then he said, "What I want you to do next time, you just do it! If you think you are right, you are at your own risk!"

After saying this, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng moved, fluttering forward.

"Jiayu, you depart from your uncle! Let's keep up!" After seeing the two men moving, Nangong Xi said to a woman in Nangong's family.

"Yeah!" Nangong Jiayu nodded, immediately grabbed the unconscious Nangong Li, and carried it on his back.

For the soldiers who practiced in Wu Zun's realm, carrying one person alone did not feel the slightest burden.

Subsequently, the figures fluttered again, and chased after them.

They, but hope of leaving the forbidden area alive.

"Just now, but even the" Monster of Death "who heard that he was going to die was yelled back by him! What else can stump them in the death penalty!

Carrying Nangong Li on his back, his eyes stared at the front, Nangong Jiayu said secretly in his heart.

The two men are extraordinary in strength, and their origins are certainly not simple. Nangong Jiayu feels that he can also find opportunities to gain their favor like Nangong Xi.


"Sorry ... I'm sorry, just now, I'm really sorry!" Nangong Xi said again next to Shi Feng, and then apologized to him.

"I said, no need to say any more." Shi Feng said.

"Okay!" Said Nangong Xi.

Now that he said this again, Nangong Xi would stop saying anything.

But think about it just now, Nangong Xi is actually worried at this moment.

At that time, she also thought that he covered his ears, just don't listen to that strange voice.

At that time, he might release his hands after a while.

"Uncle Li, that is the strong man of Wu Shengjing, even under the voice! If I were ..."

Nangong Xi is really hard to imagine, if that's the case, his own ending ...


After that, everyone was quieter and quieter along the way.

And Shi Feng, the power of his soul has been sweeping in all directions, looking for the ancient altar.


"Roar! Roar!"

"Ohh Ohh ohh!"


From time to time, roars of fierce beasts echoed.

There will be bursts of crying like ghosts.

Anyway, this forbidden area known as death is full of ominousness.


Afterwards, they experienced a black river again!

There is also a land full of black rocks!

There is even a strange and mysterious place with strange eyes.


However, under the leadership of Shi Feng, without exception, everyone in this Nangong family lived in peace.

"Find it!" At this moment, Shi Feng's face hidden in the black robe suddenly moved, and the power of his soul had already found the ancient altar in ruins.

"Go this way!" Then, everyone listened only to this deep voice, then turned around.

Ling Yefeng took the lead to follow, then Nangong Xi, the people of Nangong family.

Soon after, an ancient altar suddenly fell into Shi Feng's eyes.

I saw his body move, and instantly flashed onto the ancient altar.

"That is, the teleportation altar?" Nangong Xi and the Nangong family looked at the altar not far away and said.

"Here, there is such a teleportation altar?" Nangong Jiayu, who was carrying Nangong Li, also said.

"Can this altar still be used?" Another Nangong woman doubted.

"This altar is extraordinary. It is completely different from the ordinary teleportation altar. This is the cross-domain teleportation altar, and it is also the ancient space-based teleporter altar!"

Nangong Xi spoke again.

At this time, Ling Yefeng's figure also came to the altar. The three women in Nangong's family immediately no longer hesitated, and flew towards the two black figures and the ancient altar.

Shi Feng moved her right hand at will, and the enchantment around the altar was quietly withdrawn instantly. The three women of the Nangong family also entered this area shortly after and fell on the altar.

Shi Feng said to Nangong Xi: "You didn't mean to want to go to Shenglong City, now we go to Shenglong City!"

(End of this chapter)

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