Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2961: Make a big mistake


Hui Miaoxuan and Yu have already seen that this Jiuyou Emperor really has no discipline against this young master, and has moved his heart to kill.

He, after all, is the strongest person in the world, how can he tolerate others to come easily to challenge.

But ... Young Master Wu Ji cannot die!

Young Master Wu Ji, although genius is mediocre, in fact, they do not understand very much. The Supreme has so many sons, and there are several talents than those who are superior.

But the Supreme is the son who loves him the most, and even regards him as the young master, the Supreme Heir.


"The Great Emperor Jiuyou! You can't kill him! We are here for the Alliance and to discuss the great anti-protoss event!" The old man Hui Miaoxuan uttered aloud to Jiuyou Shensheng.

He has also heard that the Tianheng continent has already been invaded by the protoss, and even the entire continent has almost fallen.

Many parts of the Tianheng continent today have been destroyed by the Protoss and are now being rebuilt.

Presumably they are very clear, to counter the importance of the Protoss.

"For the alliance? To discuss the resistance to the protoss?" Shi Feng murmured these words, then turned his head and looked at Hui Miaoxuan.

Frowning, he said, "Where are you from?"

Speaking of Protoss!

At that time, Tianheng contended against the powerful creatures of the Protoss, and the most powerful creatures Shi Feng saw at the end were nothing more than the true gods.

However, they were eventually killed by that god.

Nowadays, two powerful gods in the realm of the Nine Heavens have suddenly emerged.

"We are from the vast world! Also called the vast land!" Hui Miaoxuan replied.

"The vast continent!" Shi Feng said.

But speaking these four words, there was no fluctuation on his face.

For him today, other continents are not unusual.

"It turned out they came from other continents!

Judging by their martial arts, the vast continent should be much higher than today's Tianheng.

And so, come to my holy dragon city for mischief? Provoke me? "Shi Feng said secretly.

"Yes, Emperor Jiuyou, we are from the vast continent! We are coming to Tianheng, the supreme command of our vast continent.

If you are convenient, I hope you can go to the vast continent and discuss with us in detail! Hui Miaoxuan added.

Then, he said again, pointing his finger at the young master Yuan Ji, saying, "Yes, Emperor Jiuyou! This is our Supreme Son, our young master Yuan Ji!

This time, the young master is the supreme representative. He first came to see you in Tianhengjie. To show our sincerity. "

Upon hearing Hui Miaoxuan's sentence, Wu Ji also repeatedly said, "Yeah! Yeah! Father, that was what he said at the time."

However, after hearing those words, Shi Feng said with a sneer, "Come to Shenglong City to challenge me? When I was away, my people would fight for me, but they were killed by you. This is what you call sincerity ? "

"This ... nine ..."

Hearing Shi Feng's cold words, Hui Miaoxuan wanted to say something more, but Shi Feng spoke coldly again, forcibly interrupting what he wanted to say.

"Well, you don't need to say any more nonsense, you have to die to kill my people!"

When Shi Feng's voice had just fallen, his right hand suddenly shook, "Oh!"


A violent sound and a scream sounded at the same time.

In front of the eyes, people saw the Nine You Emperor, directly pinching the face of the young man in the golden brocade.

Bright red blood splattered and the scene looked extremely **** and cruel.

The screams were quick and silent.

The face of the young man in the golden brocade, pinched, is dead.

"Jiuyou Emperor, kill him!"

"The Emperor Jiuyou said, you have to die to kill my people!"

"We are also the people of the Great!"

"Yeah! We, too, are the people of the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor Jiuyou! The power of the Emperor Jiuyou cannot be provoked!"

"The Emperor is mighty!"

"They said that they came from the vast continent and discussed with the emperor against the Protoss, but this does not obliterate the crime they committed in our Tianheng!

Hmm ... that's what the emperor meant! "

"I once said that the Emperor Jiuyou emphasizing affection and righteousness, and also extremely guarding against shortcomings!

Whoever moves the emperor, no matter who it is, must accept the anger of the emperor!

Today, someone has died for the majesty of the emperor, and has also violated the inverse scale of the emperor. "


"Nine You Emperor! You!"

"Nine You Emperor!"

Young Master Yuan Ji was killed in this way, and Hui Miaoxuan and Yu Ye had already turned wild.

Even if there is nothing wrong with the young master, he is, after all, the supremely beloved son!

Emperor Jiuyou, did he declare war on the Supreme?

Can he bear the extreme anger?

"Ah! No! Don't destroy his soul!" Then, the middle-aged warrior Yu quickly screamed in astonishment.

He had already sensed that Wu Ji's soul had been forcibly extracted by this person, and he must do something to Wu Ji's soul.

If Wu Ji's soul is still there, with his soul back to the vastness, perhaps the Supreme Supreme can still have a way to regenerate him.

But if the young master Wu Ji's soul is destroyed, the smoke is gone, then ... everything is over.

However, Yu also felt that Wu Ji's soul was broken and then disappeared into nothingness.

In fact, Shi Feng was swallowed up in a situation he couldn't sense.

"Ah! Emperor Jiuyou, you! Hey!" On the face of Yu Ye, she expressed a deep sorrow and sighed deeply.

This one is really over.

It is estimated that in the vast continent, the soul stone of Wu Ji Shaozhu has been completely broken.

It is estimated that the Supreme has already known, Wu Ji Shao Zhu, the body falls.

It is estimated that many people have already suffered the extreme anger.



"Jiuyou Emperor Jiuyou Emperor! Although you are strong, there are heavens outside, and there are people outside!"

At this time, Hui Miaoxuan also said.

They were supremely ordered to come to Tianheng with Master Wuji and seek the Lord of Tianheng.

Now that the young master is dead, they simply cannot go back to the vast continent.

But even if it is impossible to return to the vast continent, the supreme anger will inevitably burn to this heavenly realm.

The sky is big ... It can be said that there is no place for them to hide.

"The Emperor Jiuyou ... Although you are the Lord of Tianheng Realm, you are the most powerful person in Tianheng Realm! But you will never understand how terrible our Lord of the Vast Realm is. Wrong. "Yu also said.

"Hum!" However, after hearing the words of the two men seemingly accusing themselves, Shi Feng hummed coldly and said:

"The one who kills me must die! Whoever is, if you don't agree, just come to the Emperor! I'm your sister!"

He is dim, who has not been afraid in this life!

Even if the Protoss climbed to the top to create the extreme memory of God, he was not killed by him in the end!

(End of this chapter)

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