Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2969: Nether Realm

Chapter 2969: The Nether Realm

"Yaer, don't talk nonsense, how can you hear your father's voice!" Fang missed each other and said.

"Grandpa, I really heard it! There is nothing wrong, it is indeed the voice of my father." Fang Ya still said so.

When Fang Ya said this, she saw her complexion move again and quickly said, "Grandpa, listen! It's the voice of my father! My father is calling my name.

Grandpa, you listen. "

When Fangya said this, almost all the people in the Holy Dragon Hall changed their faces at this time.

At this moment, besides the girl's own voice, there are other voices.

No one called his name.

"This girl, isn't it evil?" Said an old master, secretly in his heart.


"Ya'er, you're so nonsense!" Fang Xiang said quickly.

How could she hear her father's voice.

"I didn't talk nonsense. Grandpa, I just heard it again! And I'm sure, that's the voice of my father, I can't hear it wrong." And Fangya said the same.

I saw her playful face serious, and could not see it was lying.

"Where did you hear your father's voice come from?" Shi Feng asked her.

Just now, the power of his mighty soul swept out, taking this holy dragon hall as the center, this large area has been covered by his mighty soul, and there is no leak.

"From ..." But when Fang Ya said these two words, she then shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"The Emperor, Ya'er is weird. His father has been missing for more than ten years, and it has never been so! And this time, when we just said we were going to the land of magic, she suddenly did.

This time, Ya'er still don't go to the land of demon, let the old man go with you. Fang wanted to say to Shi Feng.

"It doesn't matter if you go or not, you and the two can arrange it on your own. Anyway, tell me the route to the land of magic." Shi Feng said.

It was originally they were going with them.

"The land of magic ..." At this time, they suddenly heard, Fangya muttered these two words.

Immediately after, she added: "Grandpa, my father told me ... to go to the land of magic."

"No! You must not go to the land of magic!" Fang Xiang said flatly, and said directly.

This girl is like this, how can she go to the land of magic!

"It looks weird indeed," Shi Feng said secretly, looking at the woman.

At this moment, Fang Ya looked a little abnormal, as if she was being confused.

Hearing Fang Xiang's words, Fang Ya faced the pain and said, "No, Grandpa! How can I not go to the land of demon! Father, he is calling me to pass.

I haven't seen my father for so many years, and I want to get him back. "

"Lao Fang, you still tell me the route of becoming a demon, look at your grandson, don't do anything wrong." Shi Feng thought.

"Hmm!" Fang Xiang nodded solemnly.

Then, there was a white jade jade, before the forehead of Fangxiang appeared.

However, at this time, what did his granddaughter Fang Ya want to say, Fang wanted to quickly move his right hand, like lightning, hitting Fang Ya's head in the palm of his hand.

"Uh!" A loud shout followed, and then saw Fangya passed out.

When her body was tilted, Fang wanted to move her right hand again and took his granddaughter into her arms.

Later, I saw Yu Jian flying in front of her heart flying towards Shi Feng, and said respectfully to the peerless emperor: "The emperor, the route to the land of magic!"

"Huh!" Shi Feng answered gently, taking Bai Yujian in his hand.

Fang wanted to turn his head and looked at the granddaughter leaning on his shoulder. "Ah!" He sighed again.

The child lost her mother when she was very young.

Ten years ago, she lost her mother.

Today, this child is also her only relative in the world, but she can ... never happen again!

Fang wanted to say in his heart.

In any case, he will protect him even after doing everything.

"Ye Feng, let's go!" At this time, Shi Feng said indifferently.

"Yes!" Immediately, a low voice sounded in the Holy Dragon Hall.

With this voice, the practitioners who were in the hall of cultivating practitioners realized that there was still a man covered in black robes.

There is no sense of existence!

"It's this! No wonder!" At this time, someone realized from the word Yefeng who it was.

Ye Feng! Death King, Ling Yefeng!

He is like this, like a **** of death, even if you approach quietly, it will leave you unaware.

Then, quietly, take your life!

A person who has no sense of presence between them, but no one dares to ignore him!

Immediately afterwards, they saw the figure covering the black robe, gradually disappearing into their eyes like a mist.

Not only him, but also another peerless emperor, but also moved in shape, and then disappeared in this holy dragon hall.

These two, just leave!

There are a group of distinguished white robe magicians, still standing here.

"Ya'er!" At this moment, everyone suddenly heard that Fang Xiang, one of the seven old men, suddenly changed his face, and uttered a terrified shout at his granddaughter Fang Ya.

It's as if something terribly bad happened!


After Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng left the Holy Dragon Hall, they hurried to the cross-domain teleportation altar.

Among the jade bamboo slips given by Fang Xiang, there are coordinates for the land of enchantment. As long as the coordinates are adjusted, the ancient cross-domain teleportation hall in Shenglong City can be reached there!

According to Fang Xiangyu's introduction, they first teleported to a place called "Yin Xujie".


Above the ancient teleportation altar of the Holy Dragon City, a majestic beam of light suddenly rose into the sky, straight into the sky!

However, in Shenglong City, whether it is streets or alleys, or taverns and tea houses.

People are still talking about what is happening today, constantly talking about the peerless emperor, Jiuyou Emperor!


The dark realm is a world that has actually existed in the Tianheng continent for many years.

There is no day or night here, only dim, gloomy, dark clouds rolling in the sky.

However, at this moment, a huge pillar of white light that looked at the extremely holy suddenly appeared from the sky, and then blasted down toward this gloomy world.


"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The sound of violent roar suddenly sounded violently in this quiet world.

The earth trembled, and the movement was great.

But soon, the huge white beam of light disappeared, and the world of riots gradually returned to calm.

However, there are two more figures in this gloomy world!

Both of them were shrouded in black robes, and they were very close to this drowsy world!

[Some things are delayed today, so the update is a bit late.

Well, there is still a chapter that has not been written. It may be later, but in any case, it will be written today. Please rest assured. 】

(End of this chapter)

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