Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2971: Black Moon Princess

Chapter 2971 Princess Black Moon

Soon, the creatures in this area even discovered that those who broke in were not just trespassers, they ... actually persecuted the guards on the city wall and kneeled at him!

This ... it's almost a challenge to the Dark City!

"They, what level of warriors are they?"

"Dare to come to Hei Tian Mo Cheng to provoke, presumably martial arts cultivation, has entered the peerless martial arts realm?"

"Well, it should be an emperor-level strongman! I don't know, it is the Emperor Wuxing!"

"It's hard to say that dare to provoke the Dark Sky Devil City, even the most powerful Jiu Xing Wu Di peak power in the world is possible!"

"If it is the peak of Jiuxing Wudi ... then ... this thing is really not easy!"


All beings talked again.

It seems as though a storm is coming.

"What kind of person, dare to break into my dark sky magic city!"



"Those who trespassed the Dark City, die!"


Immediately after that, the sound of cries and shouts echoed in the magic city.

All living beings saw the figures wearing black battle armors bursting out of the Dark City.

There are thousands of figures!

"This team! It is the Dark Moon Devil of Princess Ghostmoon!"

"Black Moon Devil! He dispatched Black Moon Devil directly!"

"I heard that these days, Princess Ghostmoon and her Darkmoon soldiers are just here!"

"The black moon demon soldiers have been dispatched, Princess Guiyue, maybe they will show up!"

"Princess Ghostmoon and her Darkmoon Soldier! Hiss! This is too scary!

Now, those who have trespassed into our dark city, should regret it! "



At this time, Shi Feng, Ling Ye Feng, and Fang Ya, who were falling to the Dark City, were again in the air.

Head down, looking at the densely packed black armored soldiers.

"So terrible!" Fang Ya said in a stunned voice, that shameless complexion had changed greatly.

After all, her realm of soul is only at the seventh level.

Under the fierce charge of the thousand black armored soldiers, I felt that I was about to be torn apart by that momentum.

Sensing Fang Ya's condition, Shi Feng's thoughts moved, and a thick soul force swept out, covering Fang Ya's body, protecting her soul body.

Suddenly, Fang Ya felt that all the pressure had disappeared, and quickly turned her head, looking at the person next to him, and thanked him, "Thank you, great!"

"It's just a hand!" Shi Feng said.

Although there have been some grudges, those grudges have long been resolved under her confession.

And she, after all, is the granddaughter of Qi Lao Fang, and she is also an excellent talented craftsman.

This time she came out with her soul to protect her safety.

"Oh!" Facing the black armored soldiers flying upwards, a sound of slashing was uploaded from Ling Yefeng's body.

Death sickle had already appeared in his hand, and then his hand trembled slightly.

"Stop!" However, at this moment, Suddenly sounded in the dark sky magic city below.

When this Jiao drank all the time, I saw thousands of black armored soldiers on the charge, followed by a meal in the air at the same time!

Seemingly messy and disorganized, but the city's souls carefully watched and found that "the princess ghost moon's black moon magic soldiers have formed a crescent moon magic array!"

"Yes! It's the legendary meniscus!"


They have already discovered that thousands of magic soldiers have formed a meniscus shape, and between them, a huge black moon looms among thousands of shadows.

The full moon magic array, the main attack kills!

Rumors are the strongest killing in the world!

In the eyes of everyone, I saw a glorious and beautiful peerless black shadow rising slowly from the dark city.

The exquisite complexion is white and cold, holding a black war halberd, shining with sharp coldness.

"Princess Ghost Moon!"

"Really Princess Ghost Moon!"

"Is this the princess Ghostmoon? Today, I finally saw the peerless princess in the Dark City!"

"Our God of Darkness, Princess Ghostmoon!"


When that peerless figure appeared, in the dark city of the city, there was a sound of exclamation and shouting again.

The ghost moon princess of Megatron Hei Tian Mo Cheng, it is not easy to see.

Many creatures grew up in Heihe Mocheng, but today, this is the first time that I have seen this famous princess Ghostmoon.

"Ghost repair!" Shi Feng, the three in the higher void, stared at the rising figure.

As the master of the billion ghosts, Shi Feng already saw at a glance that the princess of the ghost moon was the body of a ghost.

Princess Ghostmoon's figure flew under the dark moon demons conveniently, raised her head, peered through thousands of figures, and stared at the three figures in the sky.

As I looked at the three, I saw her frown frown suddenly above her shameful face.

But at that instant, the frowning brows opened and stretched, and Shen said, "Those who break into the Dark Sky Devil, die!"

"Those who trespassed the Dark City, die!"


This unusually cold sound echoed in this world for a long time, listening to the ears of all living beings, like death coming.


And at this moment, thousands of black moon demon soldiers drank in unison.

"Crescent Moon Magic Formation! Kill!" Another voice of Jiao drinking sang from the mouth of Princess Guiyue.

I saw the demons who were in the air, and moved together, carrying peerless killing power, rushing up, as if this day, all the thousand magic soldiers would be pierced by Heli!

The Dark Moon Demon Soldier, the Crescent Moon Magic Array, and the Princess Ghostmoon are indeed not deceiving names!

"So terrifying!"

"In this world, there is such a terrifying killing power!"

"Can these three people stand up to such a terrible magic array?"

"Actually, this magic array has just begun! If Princess Guiyue enters the battlefield, that will be the most terrifying start!"

"That is to say, this magic array has not yet reached the most terrifying situation, is this the case? If Princess Guiyue enters the array ... this ... It is really unimaginable!

Is there such power in this world? "

"It is rumored that the Dark Moon Demon Array urged by the Dark Moon Devil is our Dark Demon Emperor, to avoid its edging! It is rumored that there is no other creature in the world except for the powerful Dark Demon Emperor. Survive under the Moon Magic!

These three people are no exception, they are already dead! "

Said that they would die, it was a middle-aged man who was also a human among the dark city.

He seemed to have seen the miserable end of the three in the void.

"Kill, or not?" Ling Yefeng said at this time, soliciting the opinions of the master.

The sickle of death in his hand, long wanted to be cut out!

"Kill!" Shi Feng said something to him.

These magic soldiers dared to rush up and yell at themselves, and have long committed the crime of great disrespect.

"Understand!" Ling Yefeng answered coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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