Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2973: Become a legend!

Chapter 2973 Legend of Demon!

"Heaven went to the land of enchantment long ago. After saying that he came out of the land of enchantment, he came to Heitian Demon Palace to drink with me, but ... I have sent someone to pay attention to the entrance to the enchantment road. Haven't returned from the land of enchantment. "

Said the Dark Emperor Blackbird.

It has been almost two months since the Protoss war.

In other words, Xiao Tian has also gone to the land of demon for two months.

"How much do you know about the land of magic?" Shi Feng asked him again.

"The land of demon, it is actually the land where ancient demons are buried!" Heitian Modi said.

"The place where the ancient demons are buried? How do you say?" Shi Feng asked him.

"It is rumored that in ancient times, we at Tianheng had a peerless demon. Under the world's magic, the world shivered!

The big devil is cruel by nature, and his subordinates are acting arrogantly. The world is alive and wailing in wailing. At that time, Tianheng entered a period of incomparable riots!

I don't know how long it has elapsed. Suddenly, a group of powerful men were born out of nowhere, united their power, and fought against the peerless great demon!

In the end, they defeated the peerless demon and slaughtered it!

But ... the peerless demon body was extremely tough and could not be completely destroyed. There is also a peerless magic power. Anyone who is close to the demon body will be affected by the mind. Those peerless powerhouses will be deceived if they are not careful!

Therefore, the strongmen joined forces again, with great strength and supernatural power, to open up this dark realm, and buried the demon body in this world forever.

However, despite knowing that the Netherworld is the land where the demon is buried, and even though the body of the demon will affect the mind, there are still souls that constantly enter the netherworld to feel the body of the demon deep in the ground!

Those ancient strong men were cultivated to be strong and were only deceived, but the weak creatures approached the demon and were affected by the body of the devil. They have turned into demon, transformed into demon, and their tempers have changed greatly.

However, after the demonization, the strength has increased greatly, but the strength of the obtained magic has nothing to do with self cultivation. The creatures call it different in magic, and the obtained magic power is also different!

The creatures with the martial arts realm enter the magic land. After the transformation, it is only the martial arts!

However, a small warrior entered the magic land to transform the demon, and actually possessed the power of the Emperor Wu!

Because of this news spreading in the world, more and more souls came to the land where the devil was buried, and more and more demons appeared in our Tianheng!

As a result, the powerful men who slaughtered the demon appeared again, and they joined forces again to seal the burial land with their peerless power.

In the ancient times, the body of the demon was indeed completely sealed.

But as the endless years passed and the seal was broken by a mysterious force one day, the land of burying demons reappeared in the world.

Then, it has entered a different period, and the news that the magic land appears to be broken will eventually be passed on.

There is a soul for revenge, at all costs, willing to become a demon and get the power of the demon!

Some souls long for ambition for the sake of ambition.

There are creatures for the love in their hearts ... For various reasons, more and more creatures have gone to the land where the demons are buried, and so are the demons on Tianheng's continent.

As long as it is a demon, it will have a great change of nature, extremely cruel, and even the six relatives do not recognize it, it is simply a change of person.

However, after almost becoming a demon, he gained a powerful power of demon!

From that time on, the land where the demons were buried was called the land of demons, and on the Tianheng continent, the forces began to guard the demons, slaughter demons, and town demons, preventing the souls from entering the ghostly realm.

The demons and forces were called the magic path and the right path at the time!

With the opening of the Anti-Magic Period, gradually, the righteous forces, the rumors slowly dominated the Buddhist gate!

It is also said that because the exercises practiced by Buddhism can suppress the demon head, it has become the backbone of the slaughtering demon! "

"Buddha gate!" When the Heihe Demon said the word "mon gate", Shi Feng's face in the black robe moved again.

The mysterious Buddha door that is no longer born now is a force that cannot be underestimated!

Speaking of Buddhism, Shi Feng remembered the strangeness of the continent that is still in divine warfare, as well as the four guardians of the desolate sacred land. They all came from a very powerful Buddhist door in divine war continent.

And the power they cultivate can indeed suppress evil things!

I don't know what strength the Buddha has on the Tianheng continent?

The last time the Protoss invasion, Tianheng suffered a calamity, and today the Buddhist gate did not see a single person, as if nothing was personal.

I did not expect that in the ancient times, this Buddhist gate has also become the backbone of the anti-demon master!


Hei Tian Mo Emperor continued: "Finally, evil can't prevail, and the demon on Tian Heng's continent is completely suppressed by the right way!

The fissure in the devil's land, with the power of that era, can no longer completely seal it!

Even if the righteous people of that period joined forces, it won't be long before the seal will be broken again by a mysterious force!

So, there is no way. Each faction and every sentiment dispatched the strong among the factions, and began to guard the land in turn, and no creatures were allowed to approach!

This dark sky demon city has also been jointly established by various forces and various races since that period.

The land of demonism at that time was also regarded as another period of chaos. As the endless years passed, the land of demonism was gradually forgotten by the souls of the world!

Mainly, Tianheng's powerful forces at the time did not allow anyone to mention it again, and did not allow any handwriting about the land of demon to appear in the world.

Not only our race, but also the souls of all races!

Therefore, the land of demon became a taboo of that era. Anyone who mentioned it would commit the crime of death! "

"At that time, there was someone guarding the land of demon, and no one was allowed to enter. Now, can anyone enter this land of demon?"

Shi Feng said again.

With the years, almost all the ancient forces have become obsolete.

And he realized that this would be a big problem.

There was a protoss before, but now he knows that there is a place where he can become a demon. He doesn't want any change in Tianheng.

This magic land should be completely sealed!

"No!" Then Shi Feng realized something.

It was learned from the mouth of the Heitian Demon Emperor that the demon who entered the land of demon that year can return to Tianheng again.

And Fang Ya's grandfather learned that no one who came into the land of magic became alive again.

"Why! No one cares about this magical land now!"

If there is a strong person guarding the land of demon, no one is allowed to enter, my father ... my father and he ... will not be able to enter! He will not, leave me for ten years! "

Fang Ya's heart seemed to be touched when he heard the words of the Dark God, and he said these words with sorrow at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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