Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2980: terror! Go to the top!

Chapter 2980 Horror! Go to the top!


A giant urn came from the dark endless sky.

Shi Feng and others felt that the ground under their feet shook with violent tremors under the sound of this huge gurgling.

"On it!" Shi Feng exclaimed suddenly, then looked up.

The power of Fang Ya's soul had trembled under the roar, and it looked as if it would be destroyed.

"Oh!" A crisp sound of stabbing echoed on the sickle in Ling Yefeng's hand.

"A lot of monsters are above us!" Ling Yefeng exclaimed in surprise.

By this time, they had already seen the dense dark monsters appearing in the sky.

The first is a black ape-like great ape, with fangs, extremely fierce, but his eyes are golden, glaring, as if the golden light is about to be released.

"Oh!" For a while, a loud snoring sounded again.

The gurgling sound that made the earth shake just now blew from the mouth of this **** ape.

"Dengfeng! Extreme!" Looking at the big ape, Shi Feng secretly spit out these four words.

The realm that this black great ape gave him was only in the emperor level.

However, the fierce momentum revealed has reached its peak!

It is the existence of the Protoss God Remembrance!

"Withdraw!" Shi Feng drank in a cold voice, quickly grabbed Fangya's soul and paralyzed her body, her body moved fiercely and flew away.

Ling Yefeng also retreated, and the speed was extremely fast.


The next moment, the place where Shi Feng and others stood just now suddenly exploded and opened, violent stones flying, and smoke raging.

Naturally, the black ape fell to the ground and made a loud noise.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Immediately afterwards, the sound of violent violent sounds continued, and black monsters kept falling to the ground.

Not only fell in front of Shi Feng and others, but left, right, and rear, it can be said that in all directions, there are dark monsters, they are already surrounded by monsters!

At a glance, there were thousands of vicious terror monsters, all of which were fiendish beasts.

Under a long river of time, the horror of these thousands of monsters is only a small part of this land of magic.

But for other monsters, Shi Feng didn't pay much attention to it. Although there were a few monsters, the emitted breath, strength might have reached the power of the God, the power of the true God, not to mention, a fierce breath coming from everywhere. .

I didn't expect that there was so many horrible creatures in a small land of demons. If these horrible creatures ran to Tianheng, it is really hard to imagine, maybe even more terrifying than the invasion of the protoss!


Shi Feng's eyes stared tightly at the black ape from beginning to end.

Climb to the top, too powerful!

Today, it is not his existence.

"Humble, Terran! Well, let me tear you into pieces and dedicate your soul to the Lord!" The black violent ape stared at the three of Shi Feng with big eyes, and vomited ambiguity. Words.

As soon as his voice fell, he saw his huge black ape flicker.

The moment the black ape moved, the other dark monsters moved in unison.

Thousands of monsters move together!

The scene suddenly looked extremely chaotic and shocking!

It was Shi Feng, the face hidden in the black robe, all changed suddenly at this time, and the situation was really bad.


"Haha, hahaha! Nether now, you should try the taste of despair! Hahaha!"

Outside the land of demon, the old demon standing on the colossus of the dragon and laughed happily again.

Then she turned her head and said to the woman in the smiley mask:

"Your vengeance will soon be revengeable. Once the ghost is dead, I am afraid that there will be no rivals in this world that can match you. At that time, you can kill all those who are related to the ghost!"

The woman did not respond to the words of the old demon.

However, the two hands, like white jade, were quietly held at this moment, holding tightly, and the body shivered slightly.

After a while, she spit out her voice fiercely: "Ghost, death! A miserable death!"

This time, her voice was filled with endless hatred.


In the eyes of the two of them, an extremely fierce monster was seen crashing fiercely at the three, especially the black ape, the fierce and fierce demon body, if it could destroy everything.

The **** hand lifted up and shot fiercely towards the three figures!

As the big hand got closer and closer to the three, the old face of the old devil smiled more and more, "Hum, humorous, just arrogant in front of me.

Oh, but for a dead body! "

At this moment, all the unhappiness in the old man's heart had disappeared.

In his eyes, that ghost, is about to die tragically!

However, immediately following, I saw that the smile on the old man's face was frozen instantly, his eyes were so wide that he was shocked: "This ..."

"What's going on! What's going on!" Even the woman with a smiley face mask couldn't calm down at this moment, and yelled angrily.

Just now, I saw that the **** hand was about to shoot the three people, that the attack of thousands of fierce monsters was about to arrive, and that ghost, it was about to turn into meat sauce.

However, there was a silver blade flashing and falling instantly.

When the silver light disappeared, everything except the three people disappeared.

Including that fierce and terrifying black ape, everything, all turned gray under the silver blade!

"Death Scythe!"

"Death Scythe!"

The smiley mask woman exposing these four words fiercely, her voice was extremely cold.

"Death sickle!" Even the old demon murmured these four words quietly, his eyes fixed on the other figure in a black robe, and the silver sickle in his hand.

The death sickle, he also heard that this is the artifact of death in ancient times.

"Damn ghost, why wouldn't he die!" The cold voice of the smiling woman resounded.

The old devil turned his head and said to her, "Relax, just fortunately let him escape from this disaster.

Since he has entered the realm of demon, he will never come out again. "


In the land of demon, Shi Feng, Ling Ye Feng, Fang Ya, looked at the death sickle.

Shi Feng did not expect that the death sickle was so fierce ...

A daomang appeared, and directly killed a monster that reached the peak and created the extreme state, including the **** king strongman and countless god-level strong people.

Death Scythe, sickle of ancient death!

"This sickle, in the end ... what grade has it reached!" Shi Feng murmured again and again.

"The ancient **** of death, reach ... what level have you reached!"

"Since entering the land of demon, the sickle of death is like waking up. What does the sickle of death have to do with this land of demon?"

"Master, haha!" At this moment, Ling Yefeng, who had always been calm, suddenly made a laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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