Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2987: Hateful old demon dog!

Chapter 2987 hateful old demon dog!

As for whether her elder brother was drawn out of the soul after he died, he entered the nether purgatory and was bitten by evil spirits. The smiley mask woman just guessed.

Her master told her that her brother had died out of her life, her soul had not existed, and she had been completely turned to ashes.

However, everyone in Tianheng Mainland knows that everyone who offends Jiuyou Emperor has entered the Nether Purgatory and experienced endless suffering.

Even if the elder brother has already lost his soul, before death, he will inevitably be tortured by those cruel people!


"Let's go," said the old devil again.

At this moment, the woman looked as if she had calmed down, and when she heard the words of the old devil, she nodded gently, and said, "Yes."

Then, the two's bodies gradually disappeared, like two mists, slowly disappearing on top of the dark purple dragon-shaped colossus.

In the dark sky, the two figures in the image are still walking in the dark magic land.

Slowly, slowly, the image slowly disappeared, and the slightly trembling Demon Dragon Colossus completely returned to peace. This area seems to have never happened.


In the land of demon, Shi Feng looked at the huge Colossus of Dragon in front and let out a sigh of relief.

Finally ... it is alive to leave this magic land!

"It's really dangerous!" Shi Feng said.

It's really terrifying to think of the great devil in the demon land, the moment when the demon fell violently towards himself.

An incredibly powerful being.

I really don't know how many secrets there are in Tianheng Continent!

Red Moon Demon!

Bull demon entering the world under Death Volcano!

The ancient god, the **** of death, who once could contend with the big demon Mo Shuo, made that big devil hate his teeth.

These are beyond his previous knowledge and common sense.

In the past, other continents existed only in legend.

Jiu Xing Wudi's peaks only exist in legends, thinking that no creature can reach them.

That situation even lasted for countless years in Tianheng. Until now, the Protoss invaded, the warriors of the hidden world were born, and the warriors of other continents entered Tianheng. Everything seemed to be contracted and surfaced. .

"Tianheng continent, what will happen again?" With his feet still walking towards the outside, his eyes still stared at the Colossus of Dragons, and Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Today, Shi Feng, although in peace, knows that this peace will not last long.

Don't say anything else, even the protoss will certainly not be willing to do so.

And this time, Tianheng entered a peak, and next time, who knows what kind of existence will appear.

Having said that, everything, or strength to speak!

"Now that my combat power and my means, the King of Gods can fight in the quadruple sky, and in the face of ascending the summit to create a pole state, without the help of thunder and robbery, there is no resistance at all!"

The four kings of the gods and the peak of the summit are a huge threshold! Although there is only one realm left, it is like one day at a time.

There was a word circulating on the God War continent, and under the peak, all were ants, even if the King of God's Four Heavens is at its peak!

Before reaching the summit, you will never understand the power, horror, and mystery of the summit.

Shi Feng ’s martial arts practice now is that in the real **** Yae Heaven, although by these means, he can now fight with the King of God Siye Heaven, but he does n’t think he can reach the peak after he enters the God King in the future.

Perhaps the peak of the King of Gods Quadruple Heaven may not be the best.

Anyway, in the face of climbing to the peak, it is indeed a ant. Can we fight only to reach those realms? We will know after knowing the mystery of those realms.


"Finally, come out!" At this moment, Ling Yefeng said in a deep voice.

The two of them finally walked out of this magic land and returned to the dark purple dragon-shaped colossus.

Speaking of those short words, the death emperor of Tianheng's overlord slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart, which he had been carrying, finally finally let go.

At this moment, Ling Yefeng has also put on a black robe, not the one-piece black robe with a cap.

"Yeah, it's out." Shi Feng heard the words of Ling Yefeng as well.

Then just listened to him calmly and said, "Go, find that old demon dog!"


Later, the two flickered and disappeared instantly under the Colossus of Colossus.

Their bodies flashed rapidly in this dark area.

It didn't take long for them to meet at the very center of this dark area.

Shi Feng's face was already cold, even Ling Yefeng, and his face was not good-looking.

"Old dog, he ran away!" Shi Feng said coldly, "It seems that this old thing is indeed related to the woman wearing the mask, and Tian Yi is missing!"

"This old guy knows that your master is powerful. You may think that when you enter this magical place, you may not die in you, so you leave early." Ling Yefeng said.

"Um." Shi Feng responded coldly again.

It really isn't working, go to the old man that day and force him to use the way of destiny to figure out where the old demon dog and Xiao Tian are also.

"The old dog has already run, let's talk about it here first. Go and ask the Lord of the Dark God, have you seen the old dog of Yu Mo." Shi Feng said.

However, he felt that since the old demon had long been prepared, he should leave when those in Heicheng City failed to notice it.

It's a dog!

Being played by such an old dog almost died there.

"Go!" Another drunk, Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng flickered again and again, and hurried away to Hei Tian Mo Cheng.


The deep mountain road passed quickly, and there was a loud noise of "Boom", and the two of them directly opened the two closed black giant doors with great force!

"what happened?"

"Ah! What happened?"

"what happened?"

"Are there any fiends out of it?"


The sudden change, the guards guarding the giant black gate quickly changed their faces, feeling bad.

They knew what a dangerous world was behind this giant black gate.

Every figure began to retreat away from the giant black door.

Because they even know what a miserable end would be if a murderous thing ran out.

However, after a while, they avoided it far away and did not see anything in the open door of the cave.

"Nothing?" A daring figure flew up, slowly flying back over there, said.

"Is there nothing? Impossible, right? It was a powerful force just now, knocking the door open." Said an orc.

With that said, his figure flew up and approached.

Subsequently, all the figures flew back to them, but after a long time, they still did not see any change in the dark world of the hole.

(End of this chapter)

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