Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2991: Guixiu's Experience


"Yes, obey!"

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the wolf-headed warrior would soon be.

Subsequently, the guards of this mysterious dark place began to get busy.

Fill in the best element stones and adjust the coordinates!

In fact, Fang wanted to burn Shi Feng's jade bamboo slips, and there was actually an ancient teleportation altar in the Netherworld, which was also in a mysterious place. Few creatures in the Netherworld knew much.

Originally, Shi Feng was planning to return to the Nether Purgatory from that altar, but it was still far from there. As a result, he found this dark place in this dark city, but saved him a lot of time.

"Coordinate alignment is complete, Nether Purgatory!"

"Yuan Shi has finished filling in!"

"It's all done!"

"The teleportation array is about to start!"


Immediately afterwards, a low drinking sound was heard from the guards.

At this moment, the huge black altar began to tremble lightly, and a dark light suddenly shone, and in a moment, both Shi Feng and Ling Ye Feng were swallowed up.

Then, it turned into a dark and magnificent beam of light, straight into the sky, broke the sky, and soon disappeared into their sight.

The mysterious dark place was completely silent again because of the appearance of the two madmen.

And because the two madmen just arrived, it was still very quiet here, one by one, still holding their breath, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

"Finally, gone!"

An unknown race with green scales on his body said softly.

The silence in the dark was finally broken by these four words.

Guarding the beings here, they realized that the two madmen were really sent away!

"Who the **** are they?" Someone asked the question again.

This is a problem that surfaced in the hearts of many of them. Even the Hei Tian Mo Emperor kneeled, and even the Hei Tian Mo Emperor suffered from their thunder.

"I don't know! The world is vast, our Netherworld is just a small world on the Tianheng continent. In that vast world, there are endless unknowns!"

Said an orc boy.

He said these words, his face showed endless longing.

These remarks were previously told to his grandfather. His grandfather was once fortunate to have been to that vast world.

Gradually, his gaze looked at the ancient teleportation altar. He knew that as long as he passed this, he would leave here and go to the real world.

It's just ... he also knows that Lord Hei Tian Mo Di will not agree at all.


The fate of the dark world, the dark city, and the destiny of each creature are still turning, but these have nothing to do with Shi Feng.

Although, he and Ling Yefeng's arrival brought disaster to many people.


Ghost Purgatory!

Overcast winds and gloomy heavens and earths, like the old days, all ghosts fly wildly, bursts of ghosts crying constantly.

This world is not a place where ordinary creatures can stay.

"See the Great! Long live the great live!

"See the Great! Long live the great live!

"See the Great! Long live the great live!


At this moment, the sound of shouting was like a row of mountains and rivers, echoing in this world for a long time.

Their Peerless Emperor has returned!

Shi Feng was still wearing that black demon armor, standing proudly in the air, looking at the dense figure of kneeling and worshiping, finally, his gaze was fixed on a dark figure, one of the eight ghosts, the ghost repair!

Shi Feng and Hei Tian Mo Cheng, the person you are looking for is related to this ghost general.

"Well, let's go flat," Shi Feng said.

"Xie Taidi!"


"Let's all step back, Guixiu stays." Shi Feng said again.


Dense figures, like the tide, constantly backed away.

Soon, there are only Shi Feng, Ling Ye Feng and Gui Xiu left!

Guixiu had stood up at this moment, looking at Shi Feng and asked, "The emperor will stay here, I don't know what the emperor did?"

Leave yourself here alone, Gui Xiu knows that this matter should not be easy.

"I want to go to the sky mountain and find the old man in the sky, so I want you to accompany me to find that one." Shi Feng said directly.

"Go ... Sky Mountain!" However, hearing Shi Feng's words, Gui Xiu's shameless face changed suddenly.

It seemed like hesitation.

"What? You want to refuse?" Shi Feng asked him.

"The last ... the last dare ..." Guixiu said.

"It is not the emperor who embarrassed you, it is really a matter of great importance." Shi Feng said.

Followed by, Shi Feng will talk to the ghosts about these things that happened in the land of demon.

After listening, Guixiu nodded solemnly, and then said, "The general will take the emperor to you to find him there, and the general will do his best to let him take you to the sky mountain."

Shi Feng nodded and said, "Well, I'm tired."

"Don't dare! This is the life you gave from the emperor. The matter of the emperor is that the spirit is flying away, and it will be close to full strength." Gui Xiu answered.

Each of the eight ghosts has his past.

Each of the Eight Great Ghosts is loyal to their great emperor.

"The Emperor knows," Shi Feng said.

"I don't know when the emperor set off?" Gui Xiu asked.

"Go away immediately, this matter, no delay!" Shi Feng replied.

He was really afraid of dragging on for a minute, and Xiao Tian was also dangerous.

In any case, he did not want anything to happen to his apprentice.

Must ... be alive!

Even if it is dead, the soul must not be destroyed.

"Then this is to prepare and explain something." Gui Xiu said again.

Each of the Eight Great Ghosts, in charge of millions of ghost soldiers, suddenly got away and left, and must arrange things.

"Well! Hurry up," Shi Feng said.

"The general will retreat for the time being!" Gui Xiu drank his voice, and his figure began to retreat quickly.

"Master, Tuer still doesn't understand. Who are you looking for to go to the city of the sky? What does that person have to do with General Guixiu?"

After the ghost repair retreated, Ling Yefeng frowned and asked Shi Feng.

"That man is Guixiu's father." Shi Feng answered.

"General Guixiu's father?" Ling Yefeng said.

Looking at his appearance, he should not know who Guixiu's father is.

Few people know the past of the Eight Great Ghosts.

"Actually, you should have heard of that person, or you may have seen it," Shi Feng said again.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, Ling Yefeng was even more horrified, and asked again, "I may have seen it? Um? Who is it?"

For a moment, he really couldn't remember who it would be.

Shi Feng slowly spoke and said to him, "There is one person in the Antarctic!"

"The best of Antarctica!" When he heard the four words of Antarctica, Ling Yefeng's complexion suddenly changed, and he was startled:

"It's him! He's ... the father of Ghost's General?"

(End of this chapter)

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