Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2993: Fate and space

Chapter 2993 Fate and Space

Breaking the U dialogue between Canxue and Guixiu doesn't sound like a father or son at all, but an enemy.

"Exceeded?" After hearing Shi Feng's words, the cold voice of broken Can Xue resounded again: "Nether, in my power, I have long calculated that your purpose of finding me.

Did you know that you are pushing me into the fire pit like this!

If I really take you to Sky Mountain, I'm afraid that after I break the snow, I will not have a good life! The one in the Sky Mountain, I broke the residual snow and did not dare to provoke it.

And this filial son even wanted to trap me in the Jedi! "

Speaking of the last sentence, the cold voice of Bro Canxue seemed to be full of anger.

"You! Broken snow!" And after hearing his words, Guixiu said coldly again.

Shi Feng saw that if he was about to storm out, he quickly reached out and held down Gixiu's shoulder to stop him.

Later, just listening to Shi Feng again and coldly said, "Break Can Xue, you dare not provoke that old guy, then you dare to provoke me?"

"You guys, I don't dare to provoke you." Bro Canxue answered truthfully, and he said:

"Nether, please come back!" As he said these words, the tone of this broken Canxue became extremely polite.

"Oh!" And this time, Shi Feng couldn't make a smile, followed by listening to him only: "Break Canxue, let me come down."

The words did not fall, "Uh!"

Ling Yefeng and Gui Xiu suddenly heard a sound of pain from above their higher sky.

Immediately, a white figure appeared and then crashed down.

This is a middle-aged man in white. He is unusually handsome and elegant.

Shi Feng's hands seemed to move slowly. This void suddenly burst into ripples.

Then he stopped with both hands, and the white figure that crashed fell just in front of the three of them.

"Yu ... Yun ..." The severely changed face of Xu Canxue suddenly changed his eyes, and his eyes were glaring incomparably large, as if looking at the man in front of him.

"Why ... how?" He still couldn't believe it.

"Ban Canxue, it's really been a long time!" Shi Feng said to him with a smile.

He then said, "Breaking Canxue, both space and destiny are repaired. The way of space is only under the empty old man, and the way of destiny is only slightly better for the elderly Tianyong.

It's really a great guy. However, you probably haven't figured out your fate right now? "

"Break! Can! Snow!" And looking at the three words in front of him, Guixiu spit out his name fiercely.

"Oh, break Can Xue." Ling Yefeng also smiled at him.

"Nether, how did you do it?" Bro Canxue still stared at Shi Feng and asked him.

"Have you forgotten, I am a martial art, physical body, and soul!" Shi Feng said.

"That is to say, the power of your soul can sense my existence from the beginning?" After hearing Shi Feng's words, this broken Canxue was startled again.

He really didn't expect that in this world, the power of some souls ...

"Not really!" Shi Feng said.

He really admires the way that Bro Canxue hides in the way of space.

From the beginning, the power of his powerful soul did not really sense where he was hiding.

Following this, Shi Feng said to Duan Canxue again, "Your space hiding means is really strong. If you were not so emotional at that moment, the soul power of this emperor may not really capture you. "

The conversation between him and Gui Xiu just now ...

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the appearance of Bro Canxue changed again, he turned his head, looked at the ghost repair beside Shi Feng, and said with a grudge: "In other words, it's all because of this inverse! I Will be found by you!

what! What a bad boy! "

This broken Canxue looked more and more angry.

"What a word!" Shi Feng said coldly again.

And the next moment, he saw his right hand move, "Slap!"

Just in the blink of an eye, a crisp sound echoed into the void.

Shi Feng, actually gave this broken Can Xue a slap in the face!

"Ah! Ghost! You!" An extremely clear five-finger palm print revealed Broken Snow's face, Broken Snow immediately roared at Shi Feng angrily.

He broke Can Xue, and has not been slapped in this life.

"Huh!" Shi Feng sneered at him coldly: "As a captive, he doesn't even have a sense of captive!"

Cancanxue, your life and death at this moment are in my hands, what you ask you to do, you have to do what you have no choice! Stop talking nonsense, otherwise, you should know what I mean. "

"Nether ... you ..." This broken Canxue had originally wanted to say something more.

As a result, when he heard this method of speaking, he immediately swallowed what he said.

As the destiny only exists under the elderly Tian Yong, he naturally understands what this means is.

If he could, he didn't want to try at all.

Following this, he slowly turned his head again, looking at the ghost of one of the eight great ghost generals.

Resentment in the eyes!

Had it not been for this inferior son, he would not have fallen to such a point!

It really is ...

Even when they die and become ghosts, they persecute themselves so much.


Duan Canxue was suspending the void at this moment. Although the one in front didn't seem to be restraining him, he had quietly operated the power of his space to take away.

No surprises, though.

Since he fell into the hands of the person in front of him, he would never let himself succeed. Here, he had long been enchanted and sealed the space.

"Immediately take me to Po Kongshan!" Shi Feng ordered to break Canxue.

"Did you take you to the Pokong Mountain and you would let me go?" Bro Canxue said.

Even though his destiny is strong, at this moment, it is impossible to calculate his own destiny.

"Speak later." Shi Feng responded to him like this.

While speaking these words, Shi Feng's palm already had a senbai mark on it, and then, a palm was shot in the forehead of broken Can Xue.

The mysterious Senbai mark immediately appeared in the forehead of Broken Snow.

Sudden change of life, the gentle and elegant face of Bro Canxue suddenly changed again, and roared again at Shi Feng: "Oh! Ghost! You! You! You!"

He naturally understood what this imprint meant.

This is the seal of the master and servant. He has been imprinted in this mark, and in the future he will become his utter slave.

Being in control of life and death, he wants to die by himself, but for a moment.

"Your methods are more complicated, so it's safer." Shi Feng said indifferently to him.

He was really worried that this guy escaped by the power of his space while he was not paying attention.

The way of space is too mysterious and has to be guarded.

"Nether, you're doing a little too much of this!"

(End of this chapter)

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