Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2999: Meteor Battlefield

Chapter 2999: Fallen Martial Battlefield

Broken snow, dark fate hurricane on the palm, laughed proudly.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he has already figured out where the sky mountain is now, and understands the means of the old man that day.

"Now you can find Sky City directly?" Shi Feng asked him.

"Naturally!" Bro Canxue replied proudly, his eyes still staring at the dark hurricane in his hand, saying:

"With this fate, there will be black branches, and we will be able to enter the sky and mountains without knowing it, and we will never try to escape us again."

It seems that he is very confident.

"Then talk nonsense, now go back to Xihuangcheng and take me to Sky Mountain." Shi Feng said to Bro Canxue with a fateful tone.

Hearing this, Bro Canxue's proud look turned gloomy again.

"Damn, Nether!" He said resentfully in his heart.

Subsequently, the three of Shi Feng moved again and again and returned to the direction of Xihuangcheng.

When they returned to Xihuangcheng, the night had gradually receded and the sky was already dawning.

However, in the deserted city, violent rumbling sounds continued.

In the most central part of Xihuangcheng, there are still countless figures gathered. In the midst of the sky, the raging flames are still surging, and the wind is still whistling.

The battle between the two peerless Emperor Wuhuang Powers fought day and night, and now they continue, even more fierce.

The entire city of Xihuang was shaken slightly by the strength of those two people.

"This angry body of the royal family is so fierce! It is too fierce!"

"Yeah! I heard that he was just a martial artist a few years ago! Now, he has become a military emperor.

"I heard that this Wang Yao won our Yunlai God of War, which is ... the inheritance of the Great Emperor Jiuyou!"

"The inheritance of Emperor Jiuyou? No wonder ... no wonder! No wonder he can walk from Wuling to Wuhuang in just a few years, which is not surprising!"

"The fat of this royal family is really a blessing!"

"Shh! You don't want to live anymore! Until now, you dare to call him a fat man? Beware of him and be endlessly slaughtered by him! Not only you, but your entire family, may be subject to his massacre!

This is a cruel one! "


"Inheritance of Emperor Jiuyou?"

The shape of Shi Feng's three people hurried through this wild city.

The sound of talking came to their ears.

At this moment, Bro Canxue said in shock.

"No," Shi Feng said to him.

The rumors in this world are really terrible, and people's imagination is also very rich.

I once helped this fat man in this wild city once, and now it is passed that he has gained his own inheritance.

In fact, he had no intersection with him at all.

"Body of anger!" At this moment, Shi Feng murmured softly.

Once in Tianheng, it seems that there is a peerless Emperor Wudi, who also has this constitution.

Once angry, an outrageous force can erupt.

"However, although this person is angry, he is too talented, and this is almost what he was." Shi Feng said secretly.

After speaking, he stopped paying attention to the fighting on that side.

Soon after, the three of them appeared silently on the teleportation altar in Xihuangcheng.

"Teleport Xiaocheng!" Said Shi Feng's guards guarding the altar.


The Meteorological Battlefield, a desolate land, here, no more grass.

It is rumored that this was once a prairie, but in a certain period, a world war broke out suddenly.

That battle was fought for a long, long time, and it was said to be fierce that countless warriors fell here.

Since then, it has been reduced to ruins and is also known as a wasteland.

At this moment, the three stone maples stepped on this barren ground.

"I didn't expect this sky mountain to hide in this meteorological battlefield." Shi Feng looked at the endless wasteland and said.

He has been here many years ago.

At that time, I heard people say that as soon as the area is up to night, evil spirits travel, and there is a ghost king who orders the ghosts here, so he visited this place.

However, there are no ghosts here, but there is always an ominous feeling.

But at this moment, after leaving for many years, when he stepped into this meteorological battlefield again, there was another ominous feeling, faint, if not.

However, Shi Feng no longer cares so much, and asks Can Xue Xue: "Where is Sky Mountain?"

"I'm inducting, soon!" Duan Canxue said, and at this moment, he still held the black branch of destiny in his hand, using the mysterious power of the black branch to sense.

Followed, I saw his posture slanted, staring towards the northeast, and he sang, "Go!"

At this moment, the power of breaking Can Xue's running space flashed instantly, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in the far direction.

His flash of space power is different from that of Shi Feng's body.

He opened the space directly with the force of space and instantly entered another space.

And Shi Feng, just too fast, so that he could not capture his figure.

When he showed up again, he appeared in the distance.


Xuan Canxue went away, and Shi Feng and Ling Yefeng also chased after him instantly.

Shi Feng's speed is extremely fast. At his current speed, even if he breaks the running space of Can Xue, he can keep up.

It was Ling Yefeng, at this moment had been left far behind.

Soon after, Broken Snow's figure appeared a gravelly place.

Here, all sides are broken stones, and at this moment, he is looking up at the sky.

Then, sensing the fate of the black branch in his hand, he murmured, "There should be nothing wrong."

"Sky Mountain, just above?" At this time, Shi Feng's voice sounded, and his figure arrived immediately, appearing beside Bro Canxue.

"Well, it's on it." Bro Canxue nodded, saying with certainty.

Although it is said that there are only dark clouds in the sky above them, they cannot see the others.

Then, Ling Yefeng also arrived. Shi Feng said, "If you find it, then go up! You will meet the two old guys, Tianyong and Pokong!"

This emperor still remembers that the last time he saw the old man who was empty was 30 years ago. At that time, the old man was very polite to see this emperor. "

"I run the power of space and bring you in." When breaking Canxue said this sentence, an uninterrupted space force rushed in all directions in an instant.

In an instant, the three disappeared instantly.


Sky Mountain, a mysterious mountain peak in the Tianheng continent.

Few people know where it is located, but according to legend, this mountain has been suspended in the void, so the world calls it the Sky Mountain.

Now everyone in the world also knows that Sky Mountain, the first person who lives in Tianheng Continental Space, is the old man who broke the air ...

(End of this chapter)

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