Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3021: Hugh nonsense!


Nine-star demigod power is the peak of existence in the barren continent.

Divine realm, since endless years, has only existed in legend.

However, in the past few years, two real gods have indeed emerged from the Mangluan continent.

Second, it is the Nine Phantom Lord who has risen rapidly in the wild continent and has a great reputation!

At this moment, the young man holding the old man in the dragon robe in the night sky looks like that one no matter where he looks!

It has been rumored that the relationship between Jiang Ning and Jiang Ning is extraordinary.

Today, the Jiang family and Jiang Ning can be said to have fallen into an unprecedented crisis. He has appeared!

He must be here for Jiang Ning!

"Forty-six peerless powerhouses are like chickens and dogs in front of Lord Jiuyou. Lord Jiuyou is really as scary as rumors!"

"Then ... I'm afraid it's the power of the true god! Under the god, all are ants!"

"Yeah, divine power! Then, it is the real divine!"

"I thought we were going to die at Jiang's house this time, but we really didn't expect it ... we really didn't expect it!"

"Haha, yeah! We don't have to die anymore, and that **** Yan Luo, that perverted son killed, their calamity has come, hahaha!"

Someone was talking and suddenly he laughed in the sky.


The vision of Jiang Jiaqiang and the powerful ones is naturally the extraordinary figure condensing together in the night sky.

"The owner once asked Ninger and asked him if there was any relationship with these nine ghost masters. As a result ... Ninger only said that he was an ordinary friend!

Now it seems to me that it is more than that! "

At this time, Jiang Yi, the elder of the seven family, murmured in his heart.

At the same time, the old guys in Jiang's family started to look at each other. At this moment, they seemed to be talking in secret.

"I think ... the nine ghost masters are pretty good."

"Yes, it's good, it's just that he treats Ninger ..."

"Don't you see it so clearly? The Nine Wraith Lords will appear here, necessarily for this arrogant battle, for Ninger!"


"So, these nine ghost masters will become our son-in-law of the Jiang family? If this is the case, then ... it is really good!"

"Anyway, the crisis in our Jiang family is finally resolved by this one!

I did not expect that the ruins of Taizu, which is a bureau set in this hell, is really ... so dangerous! so close! Jiang Yi whispered those words to them secretly and sighed secretly.

I remember the dense crowds of **** who had stood up proudly before, and still felt a bit worried!

If these nine ghost masters are not here this time ...

The consequences are really unimaginable!


The four elephant chariot and the four elephant fierce beasts are suspended above the warriors. Jiang Ning is still proud of the four elephant chariot, looking up at the night sky, and looking at that figure.

He murmured secretly: "The last battle of Tianjiao, he came to the Jiang family.

This time, he surpassed everyone in this way. "


"Nine ... Nine quiet ... Devil ..." At this moment, Jiang shivered, shouting at the person in front of him.

On his face, there was already panic.

The last time I was in the ruins of Xuanguang, I wanted to kill him, and there was no resentment between him and him.

However, despite this, Jiang Fa still begged for mercy: "You ... don't kill me! From now on, I will be your most loyal slave. If you don't worry, you can enter the mark into me."

In order to survive, Jiang Fa willingly became a slave.

Everything is better than being alive.

"Be my slave, do you deserve it?" Shi Feng said coldly.

He didn't want to talk nonsense with this old thing anymore, grabbed his face and shook his hand suddenly, "Oh!"

A violent sound sounded, and Jiang Feng's head was directly pinched by Shi Feng. At the same time, "Boom!" A scarlet flame burst into flames.

"Ah! Ahh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh at speaking, I just heard the screams of pain and yell from the flame.

"His!" And when I heard the scream, that was the killing of one of the ten saints, I suddenly took a deep breath.

He already knew that after the old guy was killed by this man, he was using this flame to burn his soul!

He has heard of the cruel name of this ruthless man over the years, and now I have seen it with my own eyes. I did not expect that this ruthless man is so cruel!

"Runner teacher, what ... how is it good!" Killing Chuan asked the runner.

In his mind, the top ten Yan Luo and ten teachers were the most powerful and omnipotent beings.

Perhaps there is no way for this teacher to escape.

"Ah!" However, the runner sighed deeply when he heard the killing, and said, "This time, don't think about living any longer!"

We previously blocked this world, but now this world has been blocked by this ruthless man!

Just now, I secretly used the more empty rune, but it has not been urged, and the rune is directly destroyed! This ruthless man has taken control of everything in this world.

We just wait to die, don't think about struggling anymore! It's all dead now, and then it should be yours and me. "

"This ..." Killing was a little speechless.

This old thing, as if everything had been seen open, has begun to face life and death.

"Old things have lived for so many years, I ... fuck, I have lived for less than thirty years! I rely on it!" It was really unwilling to kill Xun, and he died like this.

Practice your life and pursue the highest martial arts of killing!

Life is hard, isn't it waiting to be killed by this person?


"Ah! No! No! Nine ghost masters, don't torture me any more! Ah! So painful! Ah! Ah!

In the flames of blood, there were still screams of screams and begging for mercy.

You can hear from this voice that the soul is suffering from endless pain.

For Shi Feng, this old thing wanted to die by itself, so it should be!

Let him suffer from this torture forever, and never live forever!

"Rebellious Jiang Fa, it should be so!" Among the Jiang family, some Jiang family members said resentfully.

"Well ... betrayed our Jiang family, there must be no end! This dog slave Jiang Fa is an example!"


But then again, since the Lord of Nine Youmon likes us Ninger, sooner or later it can be regarded as our Jiang family. At this moment, it can be regarded as our Jiang family, punishing our Jiang family betrayal! "

"The first day in the world is proud, and the Lord of the Nine Demon is well deserved! And since he is also interested in Ninger, it is really a match made by heaven!"

"Well! Indeed! Our Jiang family is about to have a good son-in-law! Hahaha!"


"You guys, nonsense!"

(End of this chapter)

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