Chapter 3025 Child!

"Hell wonderland! Qin Xian! Yu Xin!"

Yan Luo runner murmured these words in his mouth. At this moment Shi Feng saw that the old guy's old face suddenly moved again!

"Is it her?"

He seems to know!

"It must be that cheap ... woman ... woman!" At this time, Shi Feng heard the killing and said something.

Originally, he was supposed to say "it must be that cheap woman", but soon realized that he had said something wrong and changed it to "woman" stiffly!

It seems that combining these two people knows who they are asking.

And look at them, listen to their words, Yu Xin, it should have another name!

"You talk about this person." Shi Feng said to both of them in an undeniable tone.

"Runner runner, that bitch's wild seed, wouldn't it be ... his, right?" At this time, the killer suddenly made a sound to Yan Luo's runner.

"So ... it seems ... it's really possible that it's his. It seems that it was really that time when she ... was pregnant ..." Zhuanzhuan Road.


"One of the brothers worshipping next is the brother Brother Xia, who is also one of the top ten Yan Luos. He is the head of the top ten Yan Luos, known as King Yan Luo!

He has a daughter, who is very beautiful and dusty, like a fairy in the sky. He was also proficient in piano art from a young age, named Xing Yue. A few years ago, he heard that he had secretly gone to the evil abyss.

When she went back, she was pregnant with Rokko and heard that she had been born a few years ago. The runner said respectfully to Shi Feng.

When he heard the words of the runner, he saw Shi Feng's complexion suddenly changed suddenly and exclaimed: "What!"

Xing Yue! Yuxin!

Noble status, proficient in piano art, and gone to the evil abyss!

It's ... like Yuxin asked by herself.

It's just ... she was pregnant with Rokko when she went back ... and even ... gave birth!

That is to say ... that time, she was bewildered by the illusionary black flames in that ancient place and committed a wrong thing to her, only that time ... she was already pregnant with her own flesh?

"It's ... too ..." For a while, Shi Feng was still unacceptable, but felt that his head was blank, and I didn't know what to say.

"This ... that Xingyue ... should be ... just ..."

"It seems that Xingyue's flesh is his." The runner said to Chuan Chuan Yin again.

"Huh!" And after hearing the voice of the runner, he killed Leng Leng and gave a cold hum, and said coldly: "That bitch!"

"I always wanted to sleep with that bitch, but ... the **** has been reluctant, but later, it was cheaper for this outsider! What a **** thing! In terms of appearance, what is worse for him?

I killed him, how is he the first beautiful man in hell! "

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" Hearing Su Sha's words, the runner suddenly coughed because of his words.

Then the voice said, "You still have to point your face? Laozi is the hell's best man, just you, next life!"

"You, the first beautiful man in hell?" When he heard the words of the runner, he was shocked.

Looking at this skinny, sinister old face, if such a face can be called the first beautiful man in hell, then hell, everyone is dead!

This old face, at least in Hell, is the last one!

"When the old man was young, he was the first beautiful man in Hell to deserve it." The runner told Chuan again that Chuanyin said.

But killing the slaughter is totally unbelievable.

Immediately afterwards, the runner spoke to him again: "But then again, on appearance and talent, no matter which point, these nine ghost masters are far above you.

Xingyue can see him, indicating that his vision is really good!

And little sister-in-law, we ... probably don't have to die. "

"Don't die!" Suddenly from the words of the runner, Killing suddenly realized something, "You mean ..."

The runner nodded slowly: "Since Xingyue's child is him, he ... is also the son-in-law of our hell. From the seniority, I am his ten uncle!

Oh, by the way, I don't need to die, and your words are not necessarily. "

Kill: "I ..."


"Her child ... is it a man or a woman?" Shi Feng asked them with a shaking voice.

At this moment, his mood was very complicated.

He ... hadn't even thought about it ... himself ... have a child ... this ...

All this is really too sudden!

"It's ... not really clear." The runner shook his head and said.

He then said, "Our ten Yan Luo, each with one domain, in fact, rarely communicate with each other.

In recent years, I have been quite busy. I only heard about it and did n’t understand it afterwards.

Hmm ... Xiaohui, do you know Xingyue's doll is male or female? "

Talking, the runner turned his head and asked the killer.

"I only heard that she was pregnant that time. Soon after, I fell into the abyss of the Supreme Killing Path. I came out not long ago. As soon as you came out, you asked me to come to this Jiang family."

At the end of the day, it seemed as if there was some complaining.

Complained that this old guy sent him to Jiang's house.

If not him. I would not come here myself.

It wouldn't ... fall into such a desperate situation today.

The runner saw that the man frowned after hearing the words of himself and killing, and his face seemed cold.

Seeing him like this, the runner hurriedly spoke to him again:

"But it's okay. If you really want to know, I can take you to the girl next time.

I have n’t seen my niece for years. I used to watch her grow up slowly. At that time, she always stuck to me. When I gave her a pony ride, I blinked for so many years and said When I get up, I miss you. "

The runner spoke so close to herself and did not know whether the old guy was true or false.

Anyway, he wouldn't believe him.

He didn't think of this old thing, but he really gave people a pony ride, despite being the daughter of that one.

"Take me to see her?"

Hearing the words of the runner, Shi Feng was a little overwhelmed for a while, he felt that he was ... not ready yet.

Especially after learning that she has children ...

If it was before, he really wanted to see her, say sorry to her, and want to thank her.

At that time, the evil three old demons prevented herself from returning to Tianheng. It was at the last moment that she used the space rune to successfully escape from the evil three old demons' claws and successfully return.

But now ...

"I'm a jerk! What the **** am I thinking!" Then Shi Feng scolded herself.

The next moment, he saw that his face became extremely firm: "Since it was my fault, I must face all of this!

As a woman, she has an innocent child like this ... Over the years, she has suffered ... That's just called, real suffering!

Being blindfolded and irritating, if I dare not even face these, then I am really a man! "

[That's all more tonight, three more chapters tomorrow, good night! 】

(End of this chapter)

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