Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3038: Dead sister!

Chapter 3038: Dead Sister!

Six colors of light shine on the world!

This venomous abyss has been reduced to a six-colored, central place, the most dazzling.

"What's going on there?"

"I just heard that there was a lot of movement over there!"

"Are we the center of the abyss of the viper snake, and a treasure was born to produce this kind of **** light?"

"Like it! Go! This treasure is absolutely extraordinary!"


In the abyss of the serpent, everyone here was attracted by the six-colored **** light.

Immediately afterwards, every figure urged the fastest speed, and flew towards the "land of treasure".


Among the six colors of light, Shi Feng heard Ziya's voice again in the blood stele:

"Brother Shi Feng, zombie, have something changed?"

"Yes, that's right," Shi Feng said to her, and said, "Similar to the last time, the six colors of light shone, maybe it was about to advance."

The last time the Six Snakes advanced on Tianheng's conquest of the Protoss, it was such a shining light.

Shi Feng believes that it may be that green sulphur poison has played a role.

"Fortunately, the poisonous sulphur did not poison the dead animal, otherwise it would be difficult to explain to the girl." Shi Feng said secretly in her heart.

"Brother Shi Feng, can I go out and see?" Then Ziya's voice came again.

"Of course you can." With these words, Shi Feng immediately thought.

Among the six colors of light, a blood light shone, and then a purple shadow appeared.

Ziya raised her head and looked up, as if she could see the six big snakes in the center through the bright six-color divine light.

After gazing for a while, Ziya said, "Brother Shi Feng, the zombie may really be undergoing some kind of change."

"What will change?" Shi Feng asked her.

"I'm not quite sure," Ziya said. "The zombie feels strange to me now, as if it's painful, as if struggling, and as if getting stronger."

The painful struggle should come from the green pheasant poisonous sulfur. If it is getting stronger, it should be because of the green cricket poisonous sulfur.

Shi Feng thought.

Then he secretly said, "It seems that this evil animal, if it really supports this time, should be able to become stronger!"


Time passed slowly, not only did the six-colored gods of this world not disappear, they became more and more dazzling.

Countless people near this area couldn't open their eyes.

"This ... what the **** is this?"

"I don't know, I can't see clearly. I seem to hear the roar of a ferocious beast. Is there a peerless **** beast born here?"

"Peerless beast?"

"Either the cub of the beast, or the treasure left by the beast, there is still the idea of ​​the beast, and the roar of the beast!"

"Anyway, I have to rush in first to see, I already feel that this will be a great opportunity for me. This feeling is extremely strong!"


At this time, the six-colored Shenguang had not receded, but the six-headed snake suddenly stopped at this moment.

"Dead?" Shi Feng said suddenly, hearing no sound.

Immediately again, "Fortunately, the breath is still undead."

"Snake, stabilized." At this time, Ziya suddenly spoke again and said to Shi Feng.

Her perception has always been keen on this big snake.

More sensitive than Shi Feng, who had a master-servant contracting and printing into the body of a serpent.

Ziya said so, that is to say, this evil animal has passed the dangerous period?

"Fell asleep?"

Immediately, I sensed again that the six-headed snake seemed to be very tired, lying motionless in the void, and even the six snake-eyes of the six heads closed slowly.

Along with the serpent's silence, in addition to the bright six-color light, this void has gradually calmed down.

"Since you fall asleep, go back and sleep again." Shi Feng said, and his thoughts moved again, and the six lichen snakes were instantly inhaled back to the blood stone monument.

With the disappearance of the six-headed snake, the bright six-colored light of this world disappeared instantly.

"Brother Shi Feng, I will go back and take care of the snake." Ziya said to Shi Feng.

"Well, good." Shi Feng said.

However, just as his words sounded, a ridiculous voice suddenly sounded beside him: "Your boy's beautiful blessing is really not shallow, another beautiful little girl."

"You!" Just now the light was too dazzling. At this moment Ziya noticed that there were other people besides his brother Shi Feng.

The man who spoke in particular, Ziya felt that this man had been staring at himself, looking up and down, making himself feel uncomfortable.

Shi Feng saw the strange shape of Ziya, looked at Ziyi and said, "Don't look at other girls like this, be careful to scare people."

"Oh, okay." After hearing Shi Feng's words, Zi smiled unexpectedly, followed by opening his mouth, and said to Ziya:

"I'm sorry little girl, it's me. I just think you look a bit like my sister, so I looked at it more."

"Oh, right?" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Ziya was surprised and curious, and then said, "Does she really look like me? I want to see your sister, but it doesn't look like."

"Well silly girl, this guy is lying to you." Shi Feng said to Ziya.

He didn't believe what she looked like.

"Oh!" And Ziyi smiled again and said to Ziya, "You will never see her again, she is dead."

"Dead!" Upon hearing these two words, Ziya was shocked.

When Shi Feng originally wanted to say something, she stopped speaking when she heard Ziyi's words.

This guy seems to be serious.

From his smile at the moment, Shi Feng seemed to see a bit of bitterness.

It seems that this guy really had a sister before, and suffered misfortune.

"I'm sorry ... I ... I'm making you sad." Ziya also felt the emotion that Ziyi showed at the moment, and apologized to him.

"It has nothing to do with you," said Zi Yi with a smile on his face. "What a lovely and kind girl!"

"Either so, you just treat me as your sister." Ziya said to him again.

"Okay." Ziyi agreed and said, "Call an elder brother."

"Brother." Ziya shouted these two words directly to him without hesitation, Zi Yi grinned, and just looked at her with a smile.

"It should be here!"

"Well, there is nothing wrong! I sense that the six-color **** light comes from it, and it should be here!"

"Shenguang suddenly disappeared, I wonder what happened?"

"A vision appears, anything can happen!"


Just then, Shi Feng and others heard that there were sounds coming from all directions.

Many people are approaching here hurriedly, and soon, one after another appears.

All eyes gathered in an instant on Shi Feng, Zi Yi, Zi Ya, and the runner.


"The four are here first?"


(End of this chapter)

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