Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3040: Disturbance in Runner King City!

Chapter 3040: Disturbance in the Runner King City!

Those people come fast and go fast.

Later, the runner's old face resumed that sweet smile, looking at Shi Feng, Zi Yi, and Zi Ya who had not entered the blood stone monument, smiling at them:

"Some ignorant children, if you bother you, I hope you can forgive me."

The most important point just now is that those people shot at him, but didn't attack these uncles.

The runner laughed, and Ziyi also smiled, saying, "You old thing, it's cunning."

"This ..." When he heard something different, the smile on the runner's face condensed, and then he said, "This ... Okay ..."

"Well, don't talk about this anymore. There is no need to waste time here because of treasure hunting. Continue to hurry!" Shi Feng said to the runner.

"Well, you're right!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the runner nodded quickly, as it should be.

"Then let's go," said the runner again.

"Brother Shifeng, I'm going back to take care of the **** snake." Ziya said to Shi Feng.

"Well, go back." Shi Feng said.

Following her thoughts, Ziya immediately shone in blood, and then she disappeared and returned to the blood stone monument.

"Lead the way!" Shi Feng said again, ordering the runner.

"Go," said the runner.

Then his body flickered and disappeared.

"Sister, huh." Ziyi murmured again after seeing Ziya's blood shine.

Immediately afterwards, he and Shi Feng also flashed in shape and kept up with the runner.

Three figures began to shuttle rapidly through the abyss of the serpent, penetrating the layers of green poisonous mist.


The altar of space teleportation, standing at the deepest part of the abyss of the venomous snake, looks ancient and broken.

Soon after, the figures of the three stone maples appeared on this ancient altar, and the runners began to operate in person.

Immediately, a green awn rushed up from the altar, straight into the sky!


Viper Abyss, Demon Canyon, Purgatory Cloister, Diyun Mountain, Dark Sun Cave ...

Under the leadership of the runner, the three of Shi Feng continued to teleport through this underground world.

According to the runner, the tenth domain is very large and vast, while the underground world has ten domains, each of which is so large.

Opening up such a big world in an underground world, I don't know what kind of existence existed in such an ancient period, and made such a big deal.

Since the Viper Abyss, Shi Feng's three have been traveling smoothly.

Shi Feng couldn't remember how many areas he had experienced and how many teleportation arrays he spent.


"Front is the center of my tenth domain, the city of runners!"

At this moment, Shi Feng, Zi Yi, and the runner stood proudly above the void, and the runner pointed at the land ahead.

There, there is an ancient city that looks extremely old, all made of cyan boulders.

Runner King City, an ancient giant city, is extremely magnificent. Named after his Runner King, it represents his supreme right in the tenth domain!

Unexpectedly, there is such a city in this underground world.

However, Shi Feng's soul power has already covered the past. Such a huge city is still outside, I am afraid that it will have tens of millions of people.

However, this city, like other passing cities, is extremely scarce and lonely.

Almost a dead city, desolate and lonely.

"Not bad, it fits your identity," Shi Feng said.

After hearing Shi Feng's words, the runner smiled and said, "You laughed."

He knew very well that even though he was really supreme in this tenth realm, he was nothing in front of the person in front of him.

"From here, you can enter the first domain?" Followed, Shi Feng asked him again.

"Well, yes." The runner nodded, and said, "We have ten domains in hell, and ten cities in ten domains. Only through these ten cities can we shuttle to other domains."

The runner replied.

The old man answered so detailedly to himself, and didn't know if it was true or false.

But whether Shi Feng is true or not, as long as he enters the first realm, he only sees that Yiren and the child who has been born ...

"Running all the way, finally ... it's coming!" Shi Feng sighed secretly and said.

"Let's go into the city." The runner said to Shi Feng again.

"Well, go." Shi Feng nodded.

But at this moment, his frown suddenly frowned, and the body that was about to flicker suddenly flickered.

Seeing his sudden pause, the runner was incomprehensible, turning his head to look at him and saying, "What's wrong with you?"

Shi Feng didn't answer his words, and stared again at the runner city.

At this moment looking at the city, a sense of anxiety rose in my heart.

His keen martial arts instinct told him that something bad was going to happen.

"Is this the old fellow, who laid an ambush in this runner king city?" Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Immediately afterwards, he said to himself: "How ambushes in the end can make me so disturbed? This old guy still has such means?"

"What's wrong with you?" After seeing Shi Feng's reply, the runner spoke respectfully and asked him again.

After hearing his words, Shi Feng slowly turned his head and looked at the old man. At this moment, the young face looked a little cold.

Immediately after, he saw his right hand and grabbed the runner's throat.

Sudden changes, the runner's old face suddenly changed fiercely, and said, "What are you ... what are you doing? I have brought you here, shouldn't you be crossing the river to tear down the bridge?"

"I didn't want your old thing to die, but you, you kill yourself!" Shi Feng said coldly.

"I respected you along the way and offered you as our ancestor! What did I do to make you angry?" Said the runner innocently.

When he heard his words, Shi Feng sneered even more, sneer and said, "You have done something stupid, you know what you know!"

"I ... I don't understand at all, what are you talking about?" The runner said again.

"Xiao Fengzi, this time, you may really misunderstand him." But at this moment, Zi Yi said.

Upon hearing Zi Zi's words, Shi Feng's eyebrows moved again, and he turned to look at him and said, "Did you feel it?"

"Nature has sensed it." Ziyi grinned.

Then he said, "I didn't expect that I was here and met an old friend."

After hearing Ziyi's words, Shi Feng seemed to guess something.

It seems that Ziyi feels deeper than himself.

He was just feeling a sense of restlessness in this runner king city, and he seemed to feel where the restlessness originated.

Old friend?

Could this **** come to threaten his strong man, but this strong man, Zi Yi, knew it.

From the warlords on the continent? Climb to the top?

(End of this chapter)

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