Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3046: Celestial Ice

3046 Born-19 Oct 1960

When Shi Fengfei chased after him, Ziyi was already suspended in front of him, and the purification floating slaughter had returned to his head.

"Run away?" Shi Feng said.

"It's really difficult for the strong man who climbed the peak to make the extremes," Ziyi said.

Hearing Ziyi's words, Shi Feng nodded and nodded.

It's too strong to reach the peak.

Zi's ​​ability has the upper hand in purifying the floating slaughter, and it is really good to beat him and run away.

Following this, Ziyi also said, "The old guy who purified the floating slaughter had a few pains just now. In a short period of time, that old guy should not be able to turn around."

The meaning of Ziyi is that although fearless running, it should also be hit hard by the bombardment of purification floating slaughter.

Followed by, Shi Feng asked Ziyi: "What on earth can make a powerful man here?"

"Sky marrow ice!" Ziyi replied.

Celestial icy ice, although Shi Feng has never heard of the name of this thing, but it is bound to be extremely difficult to make Fearless come here.

"That ice has been taken without fear?" Shi Feng asked again.

"The deep icy ice condenses deep in the ground. Don't move easily, otherwise it will cause great damage. That is fearless, you can't take it." Ziyi replied.

"Deep underground?" Shi Feng frowned slightly and murmured.

That fearlessly appeared in the treasure land of this runner king city, but this treasure land was not deep in the ground.

"Come with me."

Shi Feng originally planned to use his army of corpses to sneak into the depths of the ground to check, but Ziyi suddenly said these four words.

When these four words fell, I saw his body suddenly move, flew forward, and continued to go deep into this treasure land.

Seeing something changed, Shi Feng immediately followed and rushed forward.

Below, there are stone platforms, pieces of treasures that make the Manglang continent not know how many creatures are envious.

However, Shi Feng and Zi Yi still don't have much interest in these, they still go deeper and deeper.

This treasure trove of land is very large. Under endless years, the treasures accumulated in this **** are really endless.

Kill and kill for a big price!


"It's here." Then, Shi Feng heard Ziyi's voice.

He flew forward, and his body suddenly stopped at this moment.

At this moment, their place is not much different from the other places. It is still one stone platform, and one stone platform is placed on each stone platform.

And Shi Feng's keen and powerful soul power has been madly swept here.

"There!" At that moment, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved, and she looked down.

In a seemingly ordinary stone platform below, the power of his soul sensed a very weak space force, looming.

If it weren't for the power of the soul, it would be really hard to find.

"Well, there can go deep into the ground." At this time, Zi nodded and said.

With this remark, an invisible wind has swept from Ziyi.

On that stone platform, there were three seven-star demi-level warriors, a star blade, an ice sword, and a flame axe.

For the souls of the reckless continent, the seven-star demigod warrior is a magic weapon.

However, at this moment, Ziyi's intangible wind is like sweeping garbage, and the three-handed mystery is swept away immediately, "Oh!"

Not too far from the place, there was a rattling sound.

Subsequently, the sub-body shape took the lead and fell towards the stone platform.

The young figure touched the stone platform with his feet, and then in Shi Feng's sight, he saw that he dived slowly like diving, and soon disappeared.

As Ziyi went down, Shi Feng also moved, and soon fell on the stone platform, and then slowly fell like Ziyi just now.

Slowly, the whole person also dived into it.

At this moment, the world in front of Shi Fengdun feels that the world has undergone tremendous changes. It seems that the world and the earth have become extremely unstable at this moment.

But soon, the world became stable, and slowly, a frozen world appeared in Shi Feng's eyes.

This is a cave frozen by deep blue ice. These ices give Shi Feng a very unusual feeling. The slightest coldness enters the skin and swims in the flesh, only to feel extremely comfortable.

Eventually swam to Dantian. Under a trace of cold, Shi Feng felt that the abnormal Dantian in his body was increasing energy.

Although this increase is very slight, it is already very good.

"Sky marrow is cold!" Shi Feng's face suddenly moved, exclaiming the name just said by Ziyi.

Only then did he realize that the ice in this frozen land was really not easy.

No wonder, it can attract a strong man who reached the peak and created the extremes to come here.

"Sky prickly ice! This is a great place." Ziyi stood in front of Shi Feng at the moment and said to Shi Feng.

"It's very good." Shi Feng nodded at his words.

At this time, just listening to Ziyi and then smiling: "Presumably, he is still immersed in the ice of this day, huh, we go and see him."

"He?" Shi Feng said, "Fearless, fled back here?"

"Not fearless." Ziyi said so.

"Not him?" Shi Feng looked again and said, "Apart from that person, is there anyone else?"

"Well, that's right." Zi Yi nodded.

Then he said, "I thought that Hell's Heavenly Assassin was fearless and was attracted to the ice of the marrow that day, but the ice of the sky's marrow could also make a strong man who climbed to the top to create a pole.

The result did not expect, fearless, just for his protection of law, it is he who truly enjoys the frozen ice of this day, God fights the son of the mainland hell, none! "

God fights the Son of Hell in the mainland. His name is only one word, "None"!

"In the rumors, the martial realm of Wushu has reached the four levels of the King of Gods in the early years!

This celestial marrow is icy, huh, if all the cold power of this celestial marrow is swallowed up by this guy, I am afraid that this guy can go naturally to the peak and reach the extreme!

Hell, I want to re-create a strong man who reached the peak and created the extreme situation, huh, today, I am afraid he will not let him wish. "

At this moment, Ziyi burst into laughter, revealing evil.

Followed him and said, "Let's go, Xiao Fengzi, let's go and see the legendary **** wise man."

After saying this, Zi Yi walked forward and went deep into the ice cave.

And Shi Feng, still feeling the cold power of this frozen land.

Stepping into the peak, how difficult it is. On the continent of war, I don't know how many talented talents stop here.

But he did not expect that Ziyi said that the **** saint absorbs the icy power of this day's marrow, and can naturally enter into it ... ascend to the peak!

(End of this chapter)

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