
This girl, but seven or eight years old, has entered the realm of Emperor Wuhuang, her talent is indeed very important and outstanding, and the future is limitless.

However, after all, the Emperor Wu was only the Emperor Wu, but Shi Feng did not expect that this little girl in the Emperor Realm could detect the arrival of her soul.

The pair of red pupils flashing with a strange light is indeed not simple. She even stabbed at her directly, pressing her to the point.

This blow is perfect!

Vulgar Emperor, I'm afraid it's hard to avoid at this moment!

But for Shi Feng ...

The next moment, I saw Shi Feng's index finger and **** cut into a scissors shape, and clamped directly towards the sharp blade, which was instantly pinched in it.

"Ah!" The blow was blocked, and the girl suddenly made a sound, trying to pull back the sharp blade in her hand, but found that the force that controlled the sharp blade could not be shaken by her own power.

Immediately, she simply let go and gave up the blade, knowing that the person in front of her was not in her own right.

Immediately, her figure receded in an instant, and at the same time, her body faded, she performed a wonderful body style, and wanted to hide her body.

"This is my world. Here, I am God. Where can you escape?" At this moment, Shi Feng said suddenly.

As his words sounded, the girl who had already lost half of her body was suddenly seen, and her body all appeared instantly.

The next moment, the girl's lowered head slowly lifted up again, her red pupils gazed at the man again, and said:

"What on earth do you want to do to me?"

Although the girl's voice sounded immature, it was extremely cold.

Shi Feng can also feel a sense of killing from her body.

At this moment, if she has the strength, she will definitely kill herself.

"This girl, under the cultivation of that hell, is really heavy!

This radon must be resolved. "Looking at her, Shi Feng said secretly.

Shi Feng said that the so-called red demon pupil, Shi Feng, although it is not clear how powerful, but has felt from her, it is not simple.

"Do you want to become stronger?" Shi Feng said to her.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, I saw the delicate little white face like a porcelain doll suddenly move, saying: "Can you ... strengthen me? Your training method is better than them?"

She said they were naturally hell.

"I can make you stronger than them!" Shi Feng said.

"Really?" The girl opened her eyes.

"Nature!" Shi Feng said.

When he said these words, there was a supreme coercion from Dayton, swept out of his soul.

Suddenly, the space in which Shi Feng and the girl were located seemed to set off an extremely violent storm.

Under the storm, the girl's face suddenly changed dramatically. Above her face, she showed a terrible panic.

This is fear from instinct!

And this supreme coercion, but it is the soul of the body of Shi Feng issued.

"You ... you ... hello ... powerful ..." The girl's prestige trembled, and when she uttered the words, her voice was also trembling.

The next moment, Shi Feng's thoughts were immediately moved, the intangible storm broke up and disappeared instantly.

"You are indeed stronger than ... the teacher of infinite sense ..."

The senselessness was Yu Diyan City at that time, reprimanding him for walking with the runner and daring to walk in the middle.

How can that person be compared with his Shi Feng, even if it is only Shi Feng's soul, it is completely incomparable.

"You ... can make me so strong?" The little girl said to Shi Feng again.

From her many conversations, Shi Feng felt that although she was young, she seemed very eager to become stronger.

"Yes!" Shi Feng said.

"Then you teach me quickly and train me, I will become so strong," the little girl said quickly.

Quick tone.

"Why do you want to be so strong?" Shi Feng asked her.

"I ..." The girl's voice flickered at the words of Shi Feng.

Originally, she slowly eased her little face, suddenly suddenly became extremely cold at this time, and uttered a severe voice:

"I want to kill that man with my own hands! Mine, father!"

She wants it, uncle!

Hearing her words and feeling the endless hatred in the words, Shi Feng even seemed to see herself a few years ago.

At that time, his own father Shi Jintian, that wolf-hearted thing!

His mother waited fiercely for fifteen years, but in return he was given a merciless divorce and the fatal hand.

"Why did you kill him?" Shi Feng asked her again.

"He is the worst and worst man in the world!

He, killed my mother, killed my grandpa, grandma, uncle, third uncle, fourth uncle, fifth uncle, all killed by him. "

The girl replied extremely coldly.

That man, killed his whole family!

However, it is also his own family!

What kind of man is he doing such a ruthless thing?

When the girl finished saying this, her chest continued to rise and fall, and her heart was still very excited.

This is a big change that has made a girl of this age change a lot and know a lot.

A seven- or eight-year-old girl, an ordinary seven- or eight-year-old girl, is probably still immersed in her parents' favor.

"I can give you the power of revenge with your own hands!" At this time, Shi Feng said to her suddenly.

"Really?" I heard Shi Feng's words, and saw the girl's eyes open again.

But the next moment, she heard the man say to herself again:

"However, it is not the time yet."

"It's not the time, why?" She hurriedly followed, and then said:

"It's not the time, then, when is the time?"

"You are too suffocated. If you have been so suffocated, I will not give you power!"

"Heavy breath?" Listening to these four words, the girl looked blank, as if she did not know the meaning of these four words.

Shi Feng said, "Maybe you can say that you are too serious to kill yourself!

Today, you are so young, you have completely occupied your mind with hatred. If you continue to grow with hatred, you will be very dangerous in the future!

Try not to let yourself be hated all the time. If next time I can see your changes, I will pass you on how to cultivate supreme power. "

"I ... how could I forget this hatred!" However, the girl retorted when she heard Shi Feng's words.

"I saw him with my own eyes and killed my mother, grandpa, uncle, third uncle them. I can never forget that time, all of them were blood!

As soon as I think about it, I want to avenge my mother, grandpa, grandma! "

(End of this chapter)

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