Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3067: Bloodthirsty Madness!

Chapter 3067 Bloodthirsty Mad Demon!

When the demon girl fell, Shi Feng thought.

Later, the old man in the void saw that glamorous demon, dark purple blood spewing out of the five holes.

Then the body that could make the men in the world unable to hold back is eager to dry up. The beautiful and charming face, withered like a flower, dried up instantly.

No matter how beautiful and handsome the creature was during his lifetime, anyone who died in the hands of this man would become dry and ugly.

If the demon girl who came out of the town demon tower knew that she would become so ugly after her death, I am afraid she would have destroyed herself.

At this moment, Shi Feng grabbed the dried body's right hand and slammed it, and flung it out.

There was a "snap", and in the distance, a dull sound sounded, and in that area, a billowing dust was stirred.

And with that sound, the old man's heart followed a tremor.

At this moment an unprecedented uneasiness arose in his mind.

Then, he saw the mad monster below, finally raised his head again, and looked at himself.

"Nine ... Lord of the Nine Secrets!" The old man immediately said in a respectful voice, shouting respectfully to this.

At this time, Shi Feng said coldly, "You recently expressed deep resentment against the Lord of the Demon. At that time, did you want me to die?"

"I ... I didn't." The old man quickly answered.

"No?" Upon hearing his words, Shi Feng's tone was suddenly cold again, and he grinned suddenly, showing a sneer at him.

He didn't forget that just now the old man was so fierce that he complained that he had let out the monsters in the tower and brought havoc to the reckless continent.

"Nine ... Lord of the Nine Secrets ..." Seeing the man's chilly smile, the old man was shocked again.

Then he quickly said, "It's **** it, it's the short-sightedness, the self-righteousness, I misunderstood you, the Lord of the Nine Demons ... I hope you will forgive the Lord of the Nine Demons!"

As the old man said these words, I saw that old man followed him quickly. In the void, he knelt down directly towards the knee below him.

At the next moment, his body suddenly moved again. He fell from the void and banged loudly, and the violent sound was loud again.

The old man fell directly in front of Shi Feng and knelt directly in front of Shi Feng.

"I also hope the Lord of Nine Demons forgive you!" The old man yelled at him again.

Although Shi Feng hasn't treated him yet, this old face already looks very sad.

Shi Feng lowered her head and looked at him like that.

Although he showed such resentment towards himself, he had already committed the following capital crimes and deserves to be executed.

However, he did so because he thought he had released monsters, which led to the catastrophe of the reckless continent.

It's okay ... excusable.

Capital punishment is exempt!

"Forget it." At this moment, Shi Feng said again suddenly, making a noise.

At this moment, the old man was actually ready to die.

He knew exactly who he offended.

This is a madman who kills without blinking, and offends him for forgiveness, which is almost impossible.

But at this moment, the old man actually heard that man said to himself ... forget it.

"Forget it?"

"what does this mean?"

"I begged him for forgiveness. He said it was okay, so that he didn't have to ask again, and felt that he didn't have to live in this world?"

"Still, he said everything was okay? Including the crime he had committed against him."

The simple two words, at this moment, the old man couldn't figure it out.

"Nine ghost masters, please also make it clear!" The old man muttered again and said to him.

Hearing his words, Shi Feng frowned suddenly.

When he saw such an impatient expression, the old man's heart was suddenly restless again.

Later, he heard the man speak again and said, "Don't the Lord already make it clear?"

"In the next year, I am dull and I don't understand the meaning of your words, Lord Nine You Mo." said the old man.

"Well, get up old things, continue to lead the way, take me to the first domain." Shi Feng said.

"Really?" Hearing Shi Feng's words. The old man's old face was immediately a joy, and followed him again:

"Jiuyou Lord, you let Xiaxia continue to lead you, that is to say, you have already forgiven the guilt of Xiaxia, and you don't need to die now."

"There is so much nonsense," Shi Feng said again.

The old man saw the impatience on his face even worse.

The old man quickly said: "I know below, I know below, thank you for the forgiveness of Jiuyou Demon Lord, and I will definitely remember it in my heart.

Thank you Lord Jiuyou, Lord Jiuyou, Long live Jiuyou Master! "

The old man immediately gimmicked and thanked the man.

He has lived for so many years, and in all hell, he is very senior.

Once, even the runner king, one of the top ten Yan Luos in the tenth domain, saw him saying one uncle.

It can be said that in the past, he would never be able to do this to others, so whispered, so humbled, so grateful.

But today, in order to be able to survive, he has already taken care of all this and has spared everything.


But then again, this old man is also a very contradictory old man.

At that time, I saw that the seal power of the town demon tower was broken, the evil demon was about to be born, and when the **** disaster was about to come ...

The old man really said everything. At that time, as if he had already ignored his life and death, and dared towards this side, knowing that it was impossible, but still tried to reseal the evil demon. .

There was also the King City of Runners at the time, and the demon wanted to find someone to lead him.

The same path with the demon is bound to be extremely dangerous, but the old man, straight forward, for everyone, he is willing to take the lead.

Judging from these things, the old man doesn't look like a person who is afraid of death, but when he was so close to the real death just now, he was so afraid of death.

In order not to die, he even let go of all dignity.


Later, the old man's kneeling body slowly got up, but just at the moment he got up, his whole body began to tighten again.

He was still worried that at this moment when he got up, the fiend in front of him suddenly shot and blasted himself into slag.

"It shouldn't be a blast." The old man said secretly in his heart:

"This is a bloodthirsty madman who died in his hands, I'm afraid he will be completely sucked up by his blood, like the demon, into a dried-up body."

Thinking of this, the old man turned his head slightly involuntarily, glancing at the ugly body lying on the ground with the corner of his eyes.

No one can think of that dry corpse, that evil demon who was suppressed by the town demon tower for endless years.

A very terrible peerless monster.

(End of this chapter)

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