Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3070: Companion like a tiger


Earlier, when she first stepped into the devil's forest, Shi Feng almost believed the words.

He even thinks that this ominous feeling in his heart may have remained to this day.

It wasn't long before that sense of ominousness became stronger that he really realized that it was not that simple.

In the end, he saw it with his own eyes and verified it with his own eyes.

Hearing this discourse, the old man turned his head again and looked at the deep and strange jungle again.

At this moment, the devil's forest fell into the eyes of the old man, and he felt different from the devil's forest he had seen and passed by.

He also faintly felt the weird danger inside.

"Even this person said so. When coming back, take a long way to avoid this dangerous place."

The old man said secretly.

The meaning of that person is also very clear. This time, and the reason why he once passed through the devil forest safely, should be the fierce road, exhausted, so he did not launch an attack.

But ... who knows what the fierce thing is, wake up anytime, and blast the people passing by this devil forest into scum.

At this moment, the old man felt that he was necessary and told others about the devil forest's danger. If possible, everyone would list it as a forbidden area in the future!


At this time, the old man Yan saw the one beside him still looking up at the dim sky, and Zhang Lengjun's face was still cold and solemn.

Then he spoke slowly, respectfully asking, "Are you going?"

Hearing his words, Shi Feng retracted his gaze toward the sky, and calmly responded, "Go!"

He also knew that if he moved on, he would soon enter the city of King Yan Luo, and it wouldn't be long before, if you were lucky, you should be able to see her.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng and Yan Laotie's figures flashed at the same time.

Once again, the old man leads the way and takes Shi Feng.

All the way, oblique forty-five degrees!


About three minutes later, Shi Feng saw a strangely shaped Montenegro, like the head of an ancient creature.

The old man pointed at the black mountain and said to Shi Feng, "The Lord of the Nine Youmo, that is Yan Luoshan. As long as we enter Yan Luoshan, we can directly reach the Yan Luo King City."

"Go straight into the secret road of King Yan Luo." Shi Feng said.

"Understand!" Replied the old man.

At this time, the two of them looked as though they were still some distance away from the Yan Luoshan, but with their haste, they blinked and reached the front of King Yan Luo.

The power of Shi Feng's soul has enveloped this black mountain peak. Soon, he saw a deep cave in the mountainside of Montenegro, and there was a mysterious space force in the depth of the cave.

"Looks like that passage is here!"

Shi Feng secretly said.

At this time, the old man was about to speak to the words, just as he was pointing to the mountainside, he suddenly saw his body flash.

Then, the old man saw the man and appeared where he was about to point.

"He has found it," said the old man secretly.

Then he quickly rushed up and chased after him.

Soon after, the old man Yan also fell into the mouth of the Yanluo cave and fell behind that one.

At this time, the old man shouted respectfully at him again: "Jiuyou Lord!"

Hearing the shout, Shi Feng, who had been sensing the road ahead, slowly turned around, and then looked at this very old man.

When he saw him, the old man said, "The Lord of the Nine Evils, has taken you here.

Next, as long as you go all the way, you will soon enter the palace of King Yan Luo.

The next task ... is also considered complete. There are still some important things going on here, can you say goodbye? "

"Don't worry," Shi Feng said to him.

Then he said, "Let's take care of everything else!

The Lord of Lords is still unfamiliar with the city of King Yan Luo. You stay and continue to lead the Lord of Lords. "

"Ah!" After hearing what he said, the old man was shocked again.

I thought just now that bringing this demon head here is also a completed task. If you are lucky, this devil head may just let myself go and let myself leave.

After all, he was respectful to him in the future, and this demon seems to have no intention of killing himself.

But he didn't expect that ... the devil should continue to lead him by himself.

If you continue this way, you will be here, you will have to go somewhere else, and you will be here again.

This ... when will be the head!


The companion is like a companion!

The old man was really worried. If he continued with this devil again, if he accidentally caused the devil to be unhappy again, I am afraid that he would really be in danger.

"Jiuyou Lord, there is really something to be with you.

Or else, you will write down the map of Yan Luo King City for you. With that map in hand, you must be able to clearly control everything in the King Luo City. "

The old man spoke again respectfully. Say.

"What's the matter?" However, Shi Feng's eyes flickered slightly.

The old man saw that at this moment, the entire face was gloomy at this moment.

Followed by, Shi Feng said, "Your master of the tenth domain has been killed by the master himself. What else can you do?

Don't stop talking nonsense and continue to lead the demon master. When the demon master does not need you, it will naturally let you leave. "

At this moment, Shi Feng's words were like an order, she couldn't refuse to express them, and she even had the highest coldness.

The old man immediately felt that he was all cold, like a falling ice cave!

And the weird coldness seemed to freeze his old body into ice with a single movement.

Feeling this, the old man suddenly shivered and felt the companion as a companion more deeply!

Then he quickly nodded to the man and said, "Yes! Understand! Understand!

It ’s foolishness and thoughtlessness. As long as you need to be, you will always follow you and listen to your orders!

I also hope that you can anger the Lord! "

"Lead the way!" Shi Feng said.

Hearing those words, the old man nodded quickly and kept saying, "Yes, yes!"

Then he bypassed this one and walked ahead.

"Patter ... patter ... patter ..."

In the silent cave, there were echoes of footsteps, and for a while, it was like this gloomy and strange Montenegro, with heartbeats.

The two of Shi Feng stepped into this deep cave step by step.

Slowly, approached the runner king palace.

Slowly, he gradually approached the Iraqi.

"The City of Runners is finally here.

Is she okay? "

At this moment, Shi Feng's mind reappeared like a fairy-like white shadow ...

(End of this chapter)

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