Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3079: Yan Luo King City

3079 Born-1960

In the underground passage, Shi Feng was devouring Yuyuan Air Fire frantically.

Originally, there was a faint green in this passage, and this space gradually became darker as Yuyuan's empty fire was swallowed up.

The old man kept watching like this until finally, all the faint green flames were swallowed cleanly by this one.

The figure of Shi Feng floating in the air slowly landed back to the ground.

"Congratulations!" At this time, the old man walked to Shi Feng and smiled at him.

He felt that for this one, it was a great achievement to devour those green flames.

Hearing the words of the old man, Shi Feng nodded secretly and said nothing.

The old man said, "These green flames you just swallowed, our ancestors in Hell, always thought that they were useless fires and could only be used for lighting.

Now it seems that it must be extraordinary fire to be seen by you. "

"Yeah!" Shi Feng answered, "This is the source of air fire. It contains extremely pure flame energy, but that energy is difficult to be sensed and transformed by others."

If this Yuyuan empty fire is not the same flame, it would be hard to detect the power of his strong and sharp soul.

Moreover, I don't know how to convert.

This time, thanks to the flame.

"So it is," said the old man with a stunned expression on his face.

And then, he heard that one again said, asking him, "Do you know that except here, your whole hell, and this Yuyuan empty fire?"

If there is this extraordinary flame in other places, and if there are so many, the energy in one's dantian should reach great consummation, and then one step closer to the realm of the **** king.

However, I heard the old man answer, "The only thing I know about here is this green flame. There are other places where I have never heard of it.

In the following, I really dare not have a half-word, and I hope you can read it. "

In the end, the old man also showed a sincere look.

He was afraid of this demon, suspected that he had concealed something, and fought against himself.


Shi Feng heard the flame said just now that this fire is extremely rare, and it is already bad luck to encounter such a fire here!

If you want to meet again, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

Then he said to the old man again, "Continue to lead the way."

Just now, the old man Yan had been uneasy after saying that sentence, for fear that this person would do something to himself.

At this moment, when he heard that he would continue to lead the way, he was slowly relieved, and responded quickly: "Yes! Please follow me!"

Later, the bodies of Shi Feng and Yan Yan stopped moving, and they continued to move forward.

Shi Feng, seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the Iraqi man.


Yan Luo King City, popular family bone hall.

At this moment, a person in the popular family faced a sudden change, and a very shocked exclaim, resounded here:

"What! Divine Power! Divine Power!"

"Divine Realm! There is really divine realm in this world!"

"Divine Realm! How could a Divine Realm suddenly pop up! And we are the people in the family who have offended Divine Realm!"

"God is angry, don't say that we are popular in the family, I am afraid that the entire city of King Yan Luo will be destroyed!"

"God, this is what we can't compete with!"


The word divine land, like an insurmountable mountain, weighed on their hearts.

They are popular in the family, because they do not have long eyes to offend the state of God, people in their entire family will be possible and will die!

"What should we do! What to do! Kill the kid, why don't you have long eyes! Hey!" Said an old man who looked extremely old and sighed with his head raised.

Seeing him like this, it seems like a catastrophe is really coming.

Everyone in this hall was extremely ugly.

Immediately afterwards, all eyes gathered to the man sitting on the throne of the main bone, and from the beginning to the end, he kept his face down and said nothing.

This person is the helm of today's popular family, the owner of this generation, kill!

"Homeowner, let's talk about it, what should we do now!"

Afterwards, I only heard the very old man speak again and said to the owner.

Only a few people in this bone bone hall are qualified to speak to this tone.

Hearing the old man's words, at this time, he heard the killing Shen Shen open his mouth and asked them, "What's the situation with killing the Holy Family now?"

"Owner, kill the sage family, kill the bones, just entered the palace of King Yan Luo, ready to meet King Yan Luo!

As a result, our supreme King Yan Luo is not in King Yan Luo! "A middle-aged man was out of rank and said with great respect for the family crackdown.

"The King of Luo Luo is not in the King of Luo Luo!" And when he heard the news, he was shocked even after the crack.

Because of this, they have no idea at all.

And I ’m afraid I did n’t know that before killing the Holy Family, otherwise, I would n’t go there to meet that one.

That one, even when they didn't know it, didn't notify them, so they left Yan Luo King City.

"Where would he go?" Thought thoughtfully.

But soon, these ideas were abandoned.

Today, they are not facing this.

Divine Realm! That's a strong god, I'm afraid I've already entered the city of King Yan Luo, I'm afraid ... I am coming to them to ask for help!

"I'll go to kill the Holy Family first, and then talk!" Immediately, Killing told them.

As soon as the words were cracked, an individual in the hall changed his face.

The killing of the homeowner is their strongest existence. It is their backbone. They worry that if the homeowner is not at home, if that **** is killed at that time ...

As if seeing what they thought, Killing hastily re-opened and said to them, "Everyone! Take mysterious space, bring all the people in our popular family, and go to kill the Holy Family!


"Homeowner is wise!"

"Come on, get ready, don't waste time!"

"Well! Hurry up!"


Immediately afterwards, each of the halls went to prepare to go.


The underground passage where Shi Feng and the old man were located, although the old man said that it was at the bottom of the palace of the King Yan Luo, but it was directly connected to the city of King Yan Luo.

Under the guidance of the old man, Shi Feng is now standing in this ancient city!

The power of Shi Feng's soul immediately swept away.

Compared with the runner-up king city in the tenth domain, this Yan Luo king city has more people.

However, compared with the outside city, naturally it is completely different.

There are no shops, inns, or the like outside here. Those who can live here are naturally powerful and distinguished assassins in the first domain!

"King Yan Luo has a daughter ..."

(End of this chapter)

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