Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 3099: Hell's Passage


After hearing King Yan Luo's voice, the voice of that grieving cry was sorrowful, unwilling, and wronged.

Lord Yan Luo is here!

Finally, someone can pretend to be fair.

It ’s so miserable, so miserable!

Hearing Yan Luo's voice again, Shi Feng's brow suddenly frowned again.

I didn't expect to say goodbye to him not long ago, so soon, I will meet him again.

Your own child, grandfather!

Later, Shi Feng saw the mighty figure again.

At this moment, King Yan Luo has become the most powerful and incomparable King Yan Luo in ordinary days.

"Master Yan Luo!" The innocent soul still shouted in wailing at that one.

But at this moment, I saw the mighty King Yan Luo, and his mighty face changed suddenly at this moment.

Shi Feng had already seen him, and he had seen himself.

King Yan Luo looked at that one, all these things, and the old man who had become an unjust soul, and he knew what had happened here.

"Master Yan Luo, you have to decide for me! Master for me, Lord Yan Luo."

"You are, killed by this." King Yan Luo said in a sound.

"Yes, Lord Yan Luo." Upon hearing this, Jie Lao answered immediately, then pointed at Shi Feng, and said, "Master Yan Luo, he is this man who claims to be the Lord of the Nine Phantoms!"

Your subordinates are all in accordance with your command line. You have said to your subordinates that even if you do n’t say a secret code, you ca n’t use this cross-domain transmission array.

And he not only said no secret code, but also his subordinates, and killed directly, Lord Yan Luo! "

"Master, Lord Yan Luo, I really died so badly!"

However, Jie Lao heard the Lord Yan Luo and answered his own sentence: "This one, you don't need to say a secret sign.

Throughout hell, he alone, needless to say the secret. "

"What!" Upon hearing this sentence, Jie Lao's shameless old face suddenly changed suddenly.

He had no idea that Lord Yan Luo, who came over, said the same.

"Why is this, Lord Yan Luo?" Jie Lao asked him, followed by a mournful voice: "But even if he doesn't need to say a secret sign, but his subordinates completely follow your command line, he was killed and killed by him. ! "

"Jie, take your fate. Although you obeyed my orders, you were angry with him and killed by him. I have no choice.

This is a world respected by martial arts. Whoever cultivates is powerful, who can dominate everything. Said King Yan Luo.

"You mean ..." From the words of King Yan Luo, the veterans of this world slowly realized something.

At this time, his eyes glanced at the green Lord who was not far away.

Seeing Jie Laowang coming, the Supreme Master Lu spoke again:

"Jie Lao, I told you from the beginning that you didn't listen to yourself. The Lord of Nine You demons exists above anyone else. If you die, blame yourself for being stupid."

With these remarks, His Holiness still had a bad tone.

Whoever made this old guy had previously suspected himself.

"This ... I ... are above anyone ... anyone, that is ... he ... really above Lord Yan Luo, he is ... God!"

While saying these words, Jie Lao's old face appeared unbelievable.

In this world, how can there be God.

But ... Lord Yan Luo is at the peak of Jiuxing Demigod, and he himself admits that he is above him.

Lord Green has not lied to himself since the beginning. He ... there is nothing to do with that person, and that person really doesn't need to say the existence of the secret code.

Because ... he has the power to command anyone.

"So ... my death ... will be dying ... my death ... is it because I don't know Tarzan? It's me ... stupid! I ..."

Thinking of this, the soul of this old man floating in mid-air suddenly shook, and quickly fell and landed on the altar. Then, he saw him kneeling towards the black figure:

"See the Lord of Nine Demons in the killing world. Please forgive the Lord Lord of Nine Demons!"

Although he is dead and transformed into a ghost now, he doesn't want to die out and completely disappear from the world.

Looking at the wrong soul, Shi Feng said coldly, "Don't stop talking nonsense, immediately adjust the coordinates of the altar to the abyss of sin."

"Yes! Kill the world and do it." Jie Lao answered quickly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his hands jogging in the air secretly, and the ancient and profound emergence of Tao Dao constantly emerged and kept falling into the altar.

Later, the soul of the killing world flew up again, and soon saw him fly out of the altar, and then fell towards the bottom of the altar.

Already continue to manipulate.


After the resentment went down, Shi Feng looked again at the King Yan Luo, who was looking at him and said:

"There will be a period later!"

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded, and he said, "There will be a period later!"

"Oh, right." But soon, he remembered something and said to King Yan Luo:

"There is a continent that is more powerful than Manghan, called Divine War Continent. According to legend, Hell fighting Continent has a space channel with you Mang Hell?"

"In ancient legends, there are countless continents in the world, and many continents have our hell. There are also legends that the **** world of each world is actually connected."

King Yan Luo said so to him.

When he heard his answer, Shi Feng's face suddenly changed, and suddenly a sudden change, he quickly shouted at the injustice below: "Stop stopping the altar!"

The altar was manipulated and he would teleport him out soon.

But at this time, Shi Feng did not want to leave immediately.

The **** of each world is connected. If this is the case, then he can travel through the worlds of this hell's space channel.

Including the reckless continent, including what he wants to go ...

Maybe there is a power of **** in the realms of the gods, connected to this world.

Shi Feng immediately asked King Yan Luo: "Where is that space channel? Tell me!"

"Just now, I was talking about an ancient legend. Whether it is true or not, it has already become an empty legend." King Yan Luo said to him.

In other words, there may be such a space channel, but he did not know it at all.

Shi Feng stared at his eyes and saw that he didn't seem to lie to himself.

And if he wanted to lie to himself, there was no need to tell himself that legend just now.

However, Shi Feng believes that the credibility of the ancient legend is very high.

The **** assassin who battled the continent did indeed appear in the wild!

"I knew this. I should have let Ziyi leave the life of the **** wise son and torture him!

Maybe ... I should go to the **** of the warland! "

(End of this chapter)

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