
Desolate ancient demon!

This abyss of evil had some origin with the devil.

Although the evil three old demons are human, the exercises they practice are close to the magic.

In addition, Shi Feng once saw a statue of a demon in the magic palace left by the evil three old demons.

Devil, his own armor.

Lord of evil.

In the land of demon, the big demon head Maoshuo who taught his magic skills.


"Tell me the location of the magic land, and I can go and see it." Shi Feng said, and said to the young lady Qingye.

"There is a special place in that magic land. If you want to be there, you have to go to our house." Qing Ye said again.


"Who can tell me, Miss Qing, what are you talking about with that kid?"

"I don't know! It's hard for anyone to know about the enchantment laid by Miss Qing with her own cultivation."

"I did see it, Miss Qing, known as the beauty of the iceberg, smiled at the boy many times, but the little face had always been so proud and cold."

"Uh ... it seems like that ... must I say that Miss Qing has been coming to the door all the time, and this boy, has never been interested in Miss Qing?"

"This ... shouldn't it? This boy is nothing but a star and a star Wu Zun. He Ho De He can get the admiration of Miss Da Dao, but he just ignores Miss Da Dao!

Seeing him like this, I really like to ignore it! "

"It's ... a bit excessive, right? This ..."

"This boy, I already remember him!" At this time, someone had secretly memorized this young Lengjun's face.

"This boy, what did he do in his last life, it was so good! Could it be that the past life has saved us from the wild continent?"

"Ah!" Someone secretly regretted.

I feel that Miss Da Qing looks after such a martial arts man as a lowly man, it is really a flower, inserted in ...


"That being the case, then go to your house." Shi Feng said to Qingye.

Looking at her like this, there is something mysterious in that magic land location.

"Well, please follow me," Qing Ye said.

As she said this, I saw her slowly stand up.

Seeing her getting up, Shi Feng also slowly stood up. At this moment, Qiye leaves her hands quietly, and the enchantment under this small space disappears instantly.

At this time, everyone in the tavern hall heard that man said to the beautiful and unparalleled dumpling lady: "Let's lead the way."

Hearing this, Qing Ye nodded, and then turned around.

"Miss Qing leads the way? Where are they going?"

"I couldn't hear his voice just now. I just saw his face. I didn't expect that he talked to Miss Qingye really coldly."

"Yeah, this ... these ages are only cultivated in the state of one star Wu Zun. This is a waste warrior! He, how can he do it!"

"This person isn't worthy of being a little girl, he's a goddamn!" At this time, someone said coldly in his heart.

This is the abyss of sin, but there are no good men and women here.


Under the guidance of Qingye, under the gaze of one's eyes, people saw those two figures walking towards the counter, and then they walked out of this Sanyan Tavern.

By this time, a number of figures had left the table and followed the two.

They did want to see, where did this young lady take that person?

"Muffy, this young lady has been unable to hold back, and is going to take that man to do those things that do well?" Someone said secretly beside the voice.

To say such a thing in Abyss City is that you have committed the crime of great disrespect, and the people who know it are really lucky to cut your tongue.

Therefore, he only dared to spread the word.

"This ... shouldn't be it ... if that's the case, I'm awkward! When I think of that picture, my heart feels particularly uncomfortable. How can such a beauty be ruined by such a kid!"


When Qingye took Shi Feng out of the Sanyan Pub, the two figures flew up.

But the two of them flew up, but the following figures did not dare. For the order in the city, the warriors in the Abyss City had been forbidden to break through the air for no time, and no one dared to violate.

But it can't be broken, but one figure started to move quickly in the city to keep up.

Someone wants to see where these two people are going.

Some people want to follow along until the kid is separated from the iceberg goddess, so that the kid will understand what he is and what kind of woman he is not at all able to touch!


"This direction seems to be the direction of the city's main government?"

"Qi Ye, is this going to take the boy to the city's mansion?"

"Isn't that ... have started taking this kid to meet her parents?"

"They flew away in this direction, as if they were ... Owner of the city, can you see such a waste?"

"Impossible! How could the Qing family allow such a kid to become a son-in-law of the Qing family!

Look, this guy really dares to step into the house, it is time for him to die! "

"It's a big joke! Really ... I'm gonna go home!"


Under the gaze of Dao Dao, the followers from Sanyan Tavern became more and more certain that the two figures floated towards the city's main mansion.

At this time, a sneer of disdain appeared on some faces.

Everyone in Abyss City knows that the master of the city, who is a martial arts destiny, the son-in-law he is looking for is naturally a martial arts existence, and it cannot be a waste.

Such waste was brought into the city's mansion by Miss Qing, and it was not necessarily impossible to be killed directly by the city's owner.


Shi Feng flew behind Qingye, and those who followed followed naturally in his soul.

At this moment, just listening to him suddenly speaking, he said to the woman in front of him, "You travel on a weekday, so you have been followed so far?"

"Uh ... that's true." I didn't expect that the one behind him would ask himself such a question, and after Qingye Qing said "er", he nodded back.

As long as she was recognized in the abyss, it was true.

Those men always follow themselves, and often someone expresses their admiration to themselves.

She has been used to it for so many years and has been able to ignore it.

So she followed so many people in Sanyan Pub, and she didn't care.

Immediately afterwards, Yiye said again, saying to the person behind him, "If you don't like it, I can make them disappear immediately under your eyelids."

The Abyss Army patrols each area in the Abyss City, and as soon as she gives an order, she can dispatch the Abyss Army and immediately separate those people.

"Anyway, they're fine." Shi Feng said indifferently.

"Everything you decide." Qing Ye said.

(End of this chapter)

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